The Chair

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*TRIGGER WARNING* - childhood molestation

It started off slowly as I look back now.
Meghan's dad, Chris, would wrestle with us often.
I can't even believe I did this, but at eight or nine years old, I would be on top of this man, straddling him, wrestling with Meghan.
Then on any other night, me and Meghan had a sleepover at her house.
Now her family was the kind of family that kissed on the lips for a greeting and that was fine, to each their own I always thought.
My family was never like that, like I said own spaces. We never hugged or said I love you, regularly.
Anyway, this particular night like any other night, her dad was kissing her goodnight and all of a sudden, I feel this man's lips on my lips kissing me goodnight.
He leaves the room and I'm just in shock.
I tell Meghan, "Your dad just kissed me on the lips."
And she was confused and said "oh, he must have thought that was me."
But I was still kind of weirded out, but decided to let it go and go to sleep.
Chris would always make sure he would come to my house and talk to my dad. Make great conversation and build rapport.
My dad really trusted him.
He trusted this man to take full care of his daughter when he wasn't around.
But Chris used that trust to get what he really wanted.

Here we are again, a sleepover like any other sleepover.
Sometimes Meghan and I would watch TV downstairs until we fell asleep and her dad would be down there with us, then put us to bed in their downstairs guest bedroom. It happened many times before, I had no reason to think differently of this time.
Where was her mom? It was always her dad with us.
My eyes started to get heavy as I saw that Meghan had already fallen asleep.
Chris says "I'll put you to sleep and come back for her".
So I follow him into the guest bedroom and about to get onto the bed, until I see him grab a chair.
He sits down and tells me to sit on his lap.
I tell him, "I just want to go to sleep".
But he has other plans.
As naive as I was, I obey and sit on his lap.
He says "just close your eyes and go to sleep" and I can already feel the alarm in my body pleading "No, please, leave me alone."
I say again "I just want to go to sleep".
But he repeats again "Close your eyes, go to sleep"
So I obey and close me eyes.
Next thing you know, I feel his hands creeping down.
Lower and lower.
Under my waistband, into my underwear.
I feel the tips of his fingers rubbing and rubbing in the innocent spot that has never been touched.
What were his thoughts when he was rubbing?
What was he going to do with this newfound sensation that he acquired?
Meanwhile my mind is in complete shock.
It felt like forever that he was rubbing me, until he stopped.
Then placed me in the bed.
I asked "What was that?"
He then says "What are you talking about"
He goes to retrieve Meghan and places her on the bed.
Then leaves us to sleep.
An encounter that would forever mark me.

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