Take up your cross and follow me

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I chose Jesus.

I knew that I had to stop fighting and trying to guide me life and finally give it to God.

David was a true friend when I was entering my walk with God.
I would read scripture when I got home and couldn't get enough of what God was saying and revealing to me.
When David got off of work, he would call me on his way home and I would tell him everything God was telling me.

God was slowly healing me.
I'm not going to lie that my pursuit of Jesus didn't coincide with wanting to be with David because it did.

He said that he cares more about my relationship with God than being with me.
He cared about my Salvation.

He was patient with me as I guided this newfound life.
What I wore before was no longer comfortable to me anymore. I started to cover up more.
I no longer used foul language because I knew that language wasn't from God.
So many convictions running through my mind now.
Around that same time, "M" was going to do on a two week long missions trip to Africa with his girlfriend.
I agreed to see him before he left so we went to our old places we used to go to.
Something just didn't feel right.
It was like trying to put new wine into old wine skins.
He wanted to be close to me and kiss me.
But I had to quickly refuse.
He was losing me, he knew it and in that, he was now falling for me.
I was now the woman he always wanted if I was to be his girlfriend.
But it was too late.
I told him that I was conflicted because there were two people I could see myself spending my life with and I didn't know what to do.
So I did what only I could think of which was to leave it into God's hands who we end up with.
He agreed that was the best thing.
Then off he went to Africa and I found myself getting closer and closer to David.

Finally on a lunch break, David asked me if I've accepted Jesus into my heart to be my Lord and Savior. I had said no and he asked if I wanted to IN THAT MOMENT.
I said "yes".
And so he led me through the Lord's Prayer of Salvation.

I was SAVED.
He chose me.
I was His daughter now.

After this, things picked up very quickly from here.

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