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God was so good to me.
The tempter kept trying to slither his way in though.
I had to come to terms with the fact that "M" would always be with me.
That's the effect of sin though.
You do things outside of God's design and these are the repercussions of that sin.

I shared myself so deeply with "M" that that amount of depth could never be taken back.

This is why God created sex to be inside of marriage alone.
Sex is holy.
You are meant to worship God and worship each other in marriage.
Our bodies are a gift from God to each other.
Anything outside of that is when things get complicated.
What God sends you will be a confirmation, never complicated.
You should feel peace.
That feeling of guilt is a sign that this act is not in the boundaries of His holiness.
Listen to it.

From my reckless behavior in my past before Christ, I now have to live with those actions when God never intended for me to have these people in my heart forever.
But now there is no shame.
Instead of feeling shame, God is now using my past discretions to be used for His glory.

God will get the glory for my transformative story.

I went from darkness into the light.

"Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path."
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119:105‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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