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"Are you asleep little mouse?" a voice came snapping Ava's train of thoughts, and making her jump straight up in her chair.

Ava was so consumed by her curiosity regarding Xanthos that even the audible clicking of the door opening, someone entering in, and taking a seat beside her had gone unnoticed by her.

"You!?" Ava blurted out almost gasping unconsciously only to quickly purse her lips together.

"Yes, Me!" the green eyes, copying her tone and gasping in the same manner as hers, replied.

Pulling back himself and resting against the back of the chair, Xanthos pushed his foot against the floor only to have the impact end up in making his chair slide back, creating a little distance between him and Ava.

Resting his chin on the back of his fingers and his arm on the armset, he placed one leg over the other as he stared back at her. His sitting posture was something Ava had witnessed a couple of times now, it was as if this was the only way he sat, a way that screamed authority and demanded unquestioned obedience.

"It has come to my attention that you've had quite an adventure today?" he questioned raising a brow.

Ava thought that how the person she was terrified of seeing, beause of what went down today, was now seated infront of her and all she felt; was a little nervousness and that was it.

"I did." Ava replied nodding her head, her demeanor less hateful and more calm towards the man seated infront of her.

Ava wasn't a hateful person, infact there were only a countable number of people she truly associated the word hate with in all seriousness.

Despite thinking Xanthos was on the list, she had her reasonings shift a little the opposite direction, over the course of one month she had spent here and got to know a little about him and his work atmosphere, which to her surprise wasn't all about sex, murder, and ganja.

Xanthos noticed Ava's slight change in attitude, and deep down inside, he felt a small satisfaction peeking through.

"I'm genuinely sorry for what happened today. I didn't expect things to get this much out of hand. I should have been more vigilant and..." Ava paused only to have Xanthos speak. "And?" he urged her to continue as his eyes kept gazing at her not even leaving for a second. "And more dependent." Ava replied and a satisfied smile crawled up Xanthos' face.

Ava realized that if she had informed the authority about Paolo's issue the very moment it started she really would have easily avoided the whole little skit that happened today. As Paolo had been making his advances on her for a week now, but nothing that was too excessive, plus she wasn't accustomed of depending on people, neither did she trust most of them.

"I'm afraid dear Ava, your apology won't bring back my date." Xanthos replied feigning sadness only to have Ava look at him questionably.

"Date?" Ava questioned and Xanthos sat up straight in his chair.

"You see, I was informed that there was an urgent matter regarding you, which maybe could have been handled on the call, but I still had to come." Xanthos said as he stood up, and walking towards Ava he stood infront of her, leaning against the table they were both seated by.

"Why inconvenience yourself by coming all the way here, when it could have been handled in a much more easier way?" Ava questioned in pure genuinness, no sarcasm or mockery intended through her words.

"Why?" Xanthos repeated as he leaned down and inched his face closer to hers. "Because, another cat dared showing up in my vicinity." he said as he held Ava hostage under his captivating gaze. "You see, there can only be one big-bad cat for the little mouse." he whispered, looking straight into the night black eyes staring back at him.

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