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Xanthos had to practically pry away Kiara from him, she was adamant on finding out who the person was, that Xanthos had decided to open up his heart to, but knowing his sister, he knew she wouldn't be able to tame down her excitement, and would end up telling the people close to her, which wouldn't be a terrible thing, but Xanthos wanted to keep it private and take things at his own pace, for now.

She only left with the assurance, that she would be the first one to know; who is her little brother's romantic interest.


Otis and Xanthos now sat in the main serving area of the club, where the atmosphere was filled with sounds of clinking glasses and cheeriness, the place was in full bloom, as orders were being taken and served.

There was a handsome number of people, who enjoyed this club because of it's marvelous services and atmosphere, which Ilaria did her utmost in maintaining, and was pretty skilled at.

"I'd like a Jameson Irish on the rocks, and make it a double." Otis told the waitress, who had come to take their orders for the drinks.

"Soda with fresh lime, thank you." Xanthos said, his eyes wandering around, stopping at a certain someone, and then wandering again, as soon as she'd leave to get to the other clients.


The waitress had already left after taking their orders, both were now comfortably adjusted in the expensive leather seats, and going about with whatever Otis was here for.

"The Montgomerys are barely surviving, it's like you're feeding them just enough to not let them die, but the starvation is still very much there. Pretty cruel, but they did try to assassinate you. Still, you're a scary man boss." Otis commented as he stared at Xanthos; whose own eyes kept roaming about his surroundings.

"It's either me being scary, or me getting killed. And, even if not for a hundred years, I'd still like to live for atleast a few more." Xanthos replied, his eyes shifting from the surroundings to Otis.

"Touché." Otis agreed to Xanthos' point, and straightened up to get his whiskey, as their orders were here now.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" the waitress' eyes widened, as in placing down Xanthos' soda, somehow she ended up littering it over his pants, and a little on the bottom of his shirt.

Xanthos immediately stood up, his pants now wet right in the centre, almost making it seem as though he had just relieved himself.

Xanthos exhaled through his lips and stared back at the waitress, whose eyeballs seemed as if would pop out of her skull, anytime now.

"I-I um-- your hand--" the waitress stuttered as she tried explaining, that it wasn't because of her loose grip, but that; her hand collided with Xanthos', when he unexpectedly raised it, and the soda ended up spilling over him.

"My hand? It was my hand that soiled my clothes? Is that what you're trying to say?" Xanthos retorted, and the waitress was left speechless.

Nothing but silence now filled the air.

"After me." Xanthos commanded, breaking the hush descended over the surroundings, as he started to walk away and out of the serving area.

Hearing no footsteps following behind, he turned around and saw the waitress just standing there, dumbstruck.

"Need I repeat myself, Miss Ava Reed?" he announced and Ava immediately shook her head sideways.

She felt a waitress nearby, taking the nearly empty soda glass and the tray from her hands, and Ava hurriedly walked upto him, after offering a quick apology to Otis and just in general, as not all, but a few eyes were on them.

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