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"Yes, I'm close by. Right... I guess I can make a quick visit. Alright then, I'll be there in a few minutes." Xanthos answered, speaking to someone on the other end, taking a quick glance at Ava, he ended the call putting his cellphone back in his coat pocket.

Ava had noticed; how he had gotten a full change of clothes now, and somehow she felt, that maybe he purposely made her spill soda over him, or maybe she was giving the incident too much of a thought, and needed to cool down a bit.

All she wanted was to get back to her quarters, take a soothing shower, and then regrading the newly found feelings, perhaps sleeping them off?

"It seems we need to make a sharp turn to my house, it'll be quick. But, if you're not comfortable, I can drop you off and then come back to it." Xanthos informed looking at Ava, waiting for her reply.

"Oh there's no need to drop me off first, and then make another round back. Just let me off here and I'll walk back to my quarters, no problem. " Ava urged, as she was more than ready to get out and maybe bolt back to the quarters.

"Well, that's never an option once a man offers a lady, a ride back home." Xanthos was quick to reply, and waited for her to make a choice, his eyes amusingly taking in all the expressions the woman before him was slowly disclosing, steadily letting him see her closely, and know more of her.

"We can make a quick visit to your house." Ava agreed, as she felt it would be too cocky; to in some sense order him to drop her first, and then come all the way back to his place. Plus, his call sounded like he was needed urgently, so might as well cooperate.

"Thank you." Xanthos replied, as a faint smile made its way upto his lips, but went unnoticed by Ava; as she had her eyes roaming about anywhere but on him for now.


Entering through the securely guarded gates, Xanthos' car drove in, and after driving through what seemed as though a smaller sized road, the car reached close to a glorious mansion, which was twice or maybe even thrice the size of Xanthos' cottage.

Getting off of the car and yet again passing through another line of security to enter in, both Xanthos and Ava now made it inside his mansion.

Lavish interiors that may have been inspired by international architectures, famous monuments, and quite trending decor styles, together embellished what he referred to as, his 'house', which was indeed an understatement in Ava's eyes.

Making way through the cozy yet modernly fashioned art nooks, elegant crown moldings, rounded corners, and archways installed at the right places, both made it to, what seemed as a luxuriously furnished study.

"I never knew you owned a Palace?" Ava commented in utter fascination, taking in the royalty of his mansion, that she couldn't believe her eyes were witnessing something of this sort, in person.

"Well, it's for holding private events or close intimate occasions, sometimes for important guests to stay at and feel like home. I don't spend much time here, mostly I'm at the cottage." Xanthos replied, as he went through some files placed on his desk in the study.

"Well you should spend more time here, it's magnificent." Ava replied in awe, as she kept her gaze fixated on the beautiful carved in designs of the cieling.

Xanthos let out a little chuckle before walking upto her, whilst she was still busy getting mesmerised by the magnificent mansion of his. 'So big and surreal' she thought.

"Why don't you go and get something to drink and maybe snack on, while I do what I'm here for, and as soon as I'm done, we can drop you off at your quarters." Xanthos urged as he placed his hands on Ava's shoulders, slowly walking her towards the door, and opening it revealed a maid standing there, waiting to know if Xanthos needed anything.

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