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Xanthos stood behind at a little distance from her, giving her the time to breathe in and let her senses melt with the soothing wind; blowing ever so gently.

"Seems you've finally calmed." Xanthos politely stated as he softly walked to stand beside Ava, his back rested against the railing, as he stared back at the night eyes now focused on him.

Ava's gaze softened and she kept it locked on him, her eyes now seemed as if lost in some thought of their own.

"What's on your mind?" Xanthos questioned noticing how silent Ava had gone, whilst her eyes refusing to leave his face.

"Alot." she responded, and shifted her gaze to look at the view presented before her from the balcony.

"We have time." Xanthos urged turning around, taking hold of the railing; he now faced the same direction Ava had her sight secured on.

"They know don't they?" Ava asked and Xanthos knew exactly what she meant. She had realized that the event hosted by the Gilmores, also had people whom were involved in some nasty business with her deceased father, and they; now after his unforseen demise, had their sights set on her.

Ava raised her hand to remove a few strands of hair from her face, that had gone astray because of the night breeze, that tenderly played with her dark locks.

"Hmm." Xanthos hummed in agreement, as he had already figured out where the conversation was headed, and exactly what had been clouding her mind.

Beyond everything, Xanthos being an observant man, knew by now; that Ava was a sensible girl, who despite being hot-headed at times, still tried getting clearance on her standing in a matter, especially in one that directly concerned her.

"Then I'm guessing I also wasn't a fill-in for your date?" Ava further queried, as she, by this time had registered the fact; that she was all along the one Xanthos had planned on bringing along with him to the event, and not anyone else.

What she didn't know was the exact motive behind it. Ava had a few hunches but nothing logical enough to make proper sense, as she still didn't know what kind of a man Xanthos actually was, which was a hindrance in her trying to figure out the reasons behind his actions.

A small smile crept up his face, and he tilted his head a little to the right, his gaze studying Ava's side profile. Ava's eyes had now raised to take in the magnificent night sky, infront of her, teeming with innumerable bright stars.

"You're very perceptive." Xanthos commented and moved closer, his slow steps made Ava snap her eyes away from the sky, and move towards him.

"It comes naturally when there's no one to look out for you, but yourself." she replied in all honesty, and the melancholic air, that surrounded her words, didn't go unnoticed by Xanthos.

"I have unfinished business with you Ava, and through out the time it's not done, no one is to interfere. Which is something I'd like everyone to be mindful of." Xanthos stated firmly as he shifted his body sideways, now fully facing it in Ava's direction.

"I offered you aid out of my own accord, which is to say that you are under my protection, till the debt isn't fully payed off. It was only fair to warn others to refrain from their callous actions, they might carry out in the near or far future." Xanthos explained with utmost gravity. "You see Ava, I'm a man who hates uninvited meddling." Xanthos added, and his words made Ava's eyes slightly widen in response.

She had many assumptions, but none of them even remotely close to thinking; that Xanthos had brought her to the event for her own sake.

Xanthos was a possessive man, which was quite evident through his demeanour. Ava was now someone he considered linked to him, and the majority knew; how obsessive Xanthos Aldine was regarding the safety of the ones, whom he'd offer it to, himself. His sole purpose for showing up at the event with her, was to imply that now, 'She belonged to him.'

Ava had countless questions consuming her mind, she wanted to know why was he helping her? Why was he providing her with safety and shelter when they hardly knew each other? Why was he saving someone whose father had gambled away his money without any intention to return it? He had other less bothersome and quick ways to get his money back, then why go to such lengths? What kind of a man was he really?

"Don't try to figure me out Ava, it's not healthy for you." Xanthos replied as Ava was being too transparent with her chain of thoughts.

Ava wasn't surprised at him, for answering even before getting asked the question, she had already witnessed the accuracy of his judgments at certain other occasions, and now was no different from any of them.

After, a little more time and having an amiable conversation with the Gilmore brothers, Xanthos took his leave.
Both; Ava and Xanthos, were seated in the car with nothing but silence surrounding them. Xanthos hadn't tried to initiate any conversation and neither had Ava.

Xanthos had directed the driver to stop by Ava's place, which was one of the quarters he had provided her with, some other female employees from the club were also staying there with her, but she was hardly acquainted with any of them, she kept to herself and wasn't approached by any of the other occupants as well.

As the car came to stop at her destination, Ava scooted over towards the car door, before she'd get out and leave, she turned around her head facing Xanthos, who noticing her now looking at him focused his attention on her, as if hinting that he was listening to whatever she had to say.

"Thank you." Ava said without any hesitation, as she had never been the type to show hesitancy when it came to praising hardwork, or expressing gratitude to someone's generosity.

She still wasn't sure of Xanthos' standing in all of this, but up until now whatever he had done had provided her with nothing but indirect aid, so she felt responsible to atleast offer him her sincere acknowledgement of his help.

"You're welcome." Xanthos replied in slight surprise, which he didn't let get too evident. Despite being the sharpest tool in the shed, Xanthos still didn't think Ava would offer him her gratitude.

It seemed as not just him, but Ava herself was a complicated puzzle, that he had not figured out yet, which made him want to try solving it till all the pieces were put together, and he could finally see the complete picture.

Ava turned away to get out as she could see the driver now standing outside, ready to open the car door for her, when suddenly Xanthos pulled her by the waist and she ended up bumping into his broad chest.

He tightly wrapped one arm around her and pushed her head down using the other.

Before she could ask anything or comprehend what was happening, the driver fell down with a loud thud.

"Close your eyes, it might get just a tad bit loud in here." Xanthos said in a calm tone, whispering the last words as his hand, previously covering Ava's head, slowly moved down and he pulled out a gold-plated gun from what looked like a small compartment underneath his seat.

Author's Note
Yayyyyyy!! Another update!
Vote and comment if you feel like it deserves any of those.

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