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im outside

seven and Cartier haven't seen eachother in a two month and he came to see her just for a few minutes

Cartier went outside and saw kemari leaning on his car waiting for her. she ran to him and jumped on him

"hey boyfriend" she laughed

"why you keep calling me boyfriend?" he laughed as she got off of him

"cause you my boyfriend duh" she said with a stank face

"fix yo face" he told her smiling at how cute and petite she looked in his hoodie he gave her the first time he took her out

"can I ask you something?" she wanted to get something off her chest that she just found out about

"yes" he didn't think anything of it

"did you cheat on me with a girl named Kiki?" She recently got a dm of Kiki saying that she need to find another man

how good he has been fucking her recently and all that type of nonsense

"Out of all women kiki?" Cartier pulled up the messages and seven mugged

"man" he felt like he couldn't escape her and it was killing him

"you believe this shit?" he asked and Cartier shrugged. she really didn't but she wanted to see what he had to say about it

"I ain't cheating on you especially not with her. 25/24 hours of the day I'm talking to you I ain't got time to cheat" he held her face watching her smile

her phone rang and it was from jaes iPad

"momma where did you go?" he asked. he was watching tv and he turned and she was gone

"I'm outside stink I'm literally still here" she laughed at him eating his hot Cheetos with gloves

he hated when the powder on his hand it irritated him

"can I come?" he asked and she looked at kemari and he laughed

"yea stink" he ended the call. a minute or two went by and he came outside still eating his hot Cheetos

he frowned at his mother with the scary man before cautiously. he stood behind his mother's leg making her laugh

she picked him up and he whispered In ear

"who's that? he looks scary" kemari stood there watching them talk backs and forth

"this is my boyfriend jae the one you have to interview" she whispered back and jae covered his mouth in shock

"is he mean?" Cartier shook her head and both her and jae looked at kemari

"what's your name?" jae asked kemari

"kemari but people call me seven" kemari smiled a little at him to throw off his mean aura

"is that your favourite number?" kemari nodded in response

"how much you like my momma?" jae ate a Cheeto before feeding one to his mother

" a lot a lot a lot"  kemari laughed at the two they were literally twins

"momma you like him back?" jae turned to her and she nodded

"I have rules" he said making both kemari and Cartier laugh

"who's the adult and who's the child?" she asked him. Jae put a Cheeto in her mouth so he could avoid answering the question

"you have to get my momma ice cream cause she really really likes ice cream and the flavour HAS to be strawberry shortcake"

seeing Cartier smile at jae made his heart warm. this was what he wanted as a child this mother and son bond he couldn't have

"is this your car?" jae got distracted by his blue Lamborghini truck

"yea wanna get in?" He asked and jae nodded immediately. kemari unlocked his car, Cartier put him down

he handed his mother his gloves and Cheetos following kemari. Kemari got in the drivers seat and out jae in his lap

"MOMMA LOOK" jae said with excitement

"I can see stink" she laughed at how excited he got. she recorded him and kemari. Kemari had a smile on his face

"stink grandma waiting for you" Cartier saw her grandmother pull up infront of her house

"wait tell grandma to come see me" her grandmother got out the car very curious to who's car it was

before she could ask any questions to Cartier shouted out for her to see

"grandma look it's a Lamborghini" he smiled pretending to drive

"wow papa" she laughed before looking at the man who he was sat on top of

"Jaela we gotta talk" her grandmother approached Cartier and she sighed

"come on papa we gotta go now" a frown came in jaes face because he really wanted to stay in the car

"jae when I come back you can ride in the front seat" kemari cheered him up.kemari took him out the car and locked it

"bye momma" jae kissed his mom beg walking over to say bye to kemari

"bye seven" he high-fived him before leaving which mean her and seven were alone for the night

they went into the house


"I didn't think today would be the day you meet jae" she laughed to herself

"that's my lil nigga" he said watching Cartier lay on him

"look how cute y'all look" she showed him the video of the two in the car

"I'm bout to post it cause that's so freaking cute" she smiled posting the video to her ig story

"anyways how are you kemari?" she put her phone down. they haven't seen eachother in a while and she missed him

"im straight baby how are you?" he didn't want to talk about himself because the past two months been stressful for him

"don't flip it on me what's wrong with you?" she didn't like the way he would dismiss his own problems to fix hers

"I just stressed a lil bit. lost my appetite nothing big" he shrugged

"you haven't eaten?when was the last time you ate kemari?" she sat up

"I don't know like yesterday morning" he lied. the last time he ate was four days ago

that was a meal his sister in law cooked other than that it was just snacks

"what you wanna eat?" she stood up

"baby don't worry about it I ain't hungry" she stood with her arms folded

"what you wanna eat kemari?" she repeated

"you" he licked his lips before laughing at her face

"I'll be your desert come on" she dragged him out her bed and to the kitchen to get him something to eat


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