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"momma can my friend elizabeth come over?" Jae asked when she came to pick him up. Elizabeth was stood next to him smiling

"im elizabeth" she said making Cartier laugh,She was very friendly and outgoing. Jae enjoyed going to school because she was there

"hey sweetie" Cartier smiled. Cartier saw someone approaching in the corner of her eye.

"ELIZABETH TAYLOR MAY" the woman said her name in a very serious tone making elizabeth jump a little

"yes ma'am" she replied with her soft voice. The woman eyed jae and Cartier making them both mug they could just tell she was mean

"who are you?" She asked Cartier for the sake of elizabeth she decided to be nice to her mother

"im Cartier your daughter elizabeth wanted to come over and play with my son. Is that okay with you?" Elizabeth and jae had ran off chasing each other

"no absolutely not my daughter is too young to be looking at boys in such a way" the woman snapped at Cartier

"they're literally six years old" Cartier mugged

"Keep your son away from my daughter" that was the last thing she said before grabbing her daughter wrist aggressively and leaving

"stink her mom said no" Cartier said holding his hand as they walked out to the car

"elizabeth really wanted to come and play basketball at our house"

"im sorry stink maybe next time"


"im the mom and I think it's a boy" Cartier was recording herself with her camera

"im the sexy ass baby daddy and I think it's a boy" Cartier mugged him making him laugh

"im the big brother and I think it's a girl" jae said pushing seven out the camera so he could get in it. She went round asking everyone before it was time

"stop stop stop I'm scared" Cartier jumped screaming with excitement. She took a deep breath before looking at everyone

"you ready C?" Seven asked and she nodded. The counter down from five and it was a


everyone screamed in excitement. Jae went to seven holding his hand out

"pay up dad" seven laughed and handed him $200. They put money on it and if jae won he got
$200 but if seven won jae would have to make him breakfast for a week

"nice doing buisness with you" jae ran to his grandfather and gave him $100

"that my boyyyy" pops dapped jae up holding the $100 bill up looking at it carefully

"we should go buy candy" jae suggested watching pops mug him. Jae burst out laughing knowing pops didn't like candy

"boy I'm bout go turn these into dollar bills and go to the strip club" jae was confused he didn't know what a stripclub was

"boy yo momma used-AHHHHH NOPE NOPE NOPE" Cartier cut her dad off on purpose. She told jae she was a bartender and she got tips

"he'll find out one day" pops shrugged


"pops can I marry yo daughter? wheather you say yes or no Imma do it" seven said watching pops holding jae who was asleep

"damn you learnt a lot from me" pops laughe before granting him permission to marry his daughter

"man Imma be real with you I don't think I'm gonna make it any longer" pops had been throwing up more than a pregnant woman

his body had been weak and he had a very bad cough

"don't say that man. we need you pops" seven knew everyone needed him and nobody was ready for him to die

"y'all don't need me. y'all need to start getting ready to bury me along with all my damn money" pops laughed slightly

"man I'll make you a pillow of dollar bills" they laughed but silence took over eventually. It had officially hit seven

he felt like he had been stabbed finally coming to terms with him about to die


"vegas is so pretty" seven took Cartier out to vegas away from everything. he had to write her a three page essay on why she should leave her son and dad

they were alone watching the night view of everything. When she turned around he was on one knee

"kemari" she felt herself about to cry

"C you know I've loved you since we met. Some love at first sight type shit or whatever you call it. you gave me a son and now you giving me a daughter. Everyday I fall in love with you more and more and I want to spend the rest of my life you so... jaela will you marry me" he opened he box

her jaw dropped seeing the giant diamond on her new engagement ring

"YES YES YES" she cried watching him slid the ring onto her finger. she couldn't wait for him to get up and she jumped on him

"I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH" she broke down in his arms

"this baby beating yo emotions up" he laughed hugging her.Her phone rang and it was jae who was with grandma, Carter, camilia and pops

"you engaged yet?" Camilia asked and Cartier got up and showed the big rock on her hand


"THATS MY BITCHHHH" camilia hyped her. Carter and jae were sat looking at eachother blankly waiting for thier moms to stop shouting and cussing

"pops momma is getting married" jae said to his grandfather who looked very sad. he put a fake smile on for jae

"lil nigga I know what fiancé mean" pops said making jae laugh. Jae loved his bluntness it made everything he said 10x funnier

he told jae he was going to the bathroom and when he went to the bathroom. he took a few deep breaths

he knew he wouldn't make it to see his daughter get married, he couldn't walk her down the isle. That would be the second most important day he would miss

first the birth of jae and now her wedding. he honestly didn't know if he would make it to see his granddaughter


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