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"you forgetting you got my baby in you?" Seven said to Cartier when the he drove jae to school. jae said he wanted to go to school even though Cartier didn't want him to go

she thought it was too soon but jae wanted to learn and see his friends

"Damn I am" she looked down at her stomach and frowned. Her attention was all on jae she totally forgot she was pregnant

"momma play Roblox with me" jae said from the backseat with an evil laugh. he was winning the game and he was first

"why you laughing like that?" she laughed at him getting her phone and getting onto Roblox

"im winning join the game" he said with a lot of excitement in his voice. Jae was only comfortable when he was alone with family

when other people were around he stayed silent. he wasn't open as he was before. If he wasn't with his family there was no reason for him to smile

"alright stink I'm on"


"WAKE UP BITCH" nardo said beating down Cartiers sisters (jayda) bedroom door. she was in the middle of having sex with adz

"oh wow" nardo laughed. he had walked into the house. they had forgotten to lock the door so he just walked in

adz jumped up and quickly put his clothes on while jayda tried to cover herself as quickly as she could. nardo locked the bedroom door

"tf is you crying for?" Nardo said mugging jayda who was crying begging him to have mercy. He threw a pillow at her shutting her up

"so you fucking the bitch that almost killed my nephew?" nardo said. Adz stood there shook. he didn't know what to do

"it was him it was all him" jayda said. adz mugged watching nardo walk towards her before bending down to her level

"what you mean it's his fault?" he asked

"he told me to shoot the lil boy but the gun didn't work and it hit my grandpa" nardo didn't hesitate and grabbed adz slamming him on the ground

"Imma get back to you bitch you ain't get away with this shit. You the one who pulled the fucking trigger" nardo turned to jayda. nardo knocked adz out with one punch

"put some clothes on" nardo went threw her drawers and threw a T-shirt and sweatpants at her. she quickly put them on waiting for the next instructions

"carry him to the car" he ordered  her. she looked betweeen him and add's unconscious body

"did I stutter?" he knew she would struggle and she deserved it. Plus if anyone saw them it would be her that was carrying his soon to be dead body

nardo had already thought everything out. he had kids and a wife. he had people to take care of. he couldn't get caught up

"I can't he's too heavy" she cried making him mug

"if you can handle what he was packing you can carry what comes with it"


"stink" Cartier said walking into his class ready to pick him up he was sat in the corner just looking around and observing

he got up and ran to her before hugging her. She picked him up and he laid his head on her shoulder. Cartier turned to leave his teacher stopped her

"hey jaela I was wondering if we could have a quick conversation?" she asked and the teacher looked worried

they went into a private room. jaela put on jaes headphones and gave him iPad

"he's been very quiet and distant. normally he's the light in the dark room but jae isolates himself now" the teacher said and Cartier sighed looking at jae

"he just going though something right now and he's just paranoid so he tends to stay quiet and be quiet so he can hear footsteps and conversations" Cartier explained

jae tuned into his hearing a lot. he always listened to things. Hearing things approaching leaving everything.

it was a sad reality Cartier had to face. she was never getting her fun little boy back ever.

"he'll be fine we just have to give it time" she said not believing what she just said. she honestly didn't know anymore

a laugh escaped from jae as he watched a YouTube video making her smile. she thought it might have been a sign

but every night she cried. she felt like she didn't do her job as a mother right but she couldn't have prevented it weather she liked it or not

she missed her son.


"that's my boyyyyy" pops said watching jae catch the football. since pops got out of hospital he had been trying to get more active

him and jae started playing football and he noticed jae liked it alot

"dad come play" jae said to seven and everyone's head snapped towards jae. they were all at Cartiers house having a party

"sorry" jae apologised seeing everyone's eyes on him. He instantly thought he did something wrong. everyone turned to seven who had a huge smile on his face

"nah you good buddy" seven came over to him. jae hugged him and they went back to playing. as they got into starting position

seven quickly turned to see if Cartier saw and she was crying her eyes out and grandma was laughing at her

"he called him dad grandma" Cartier cried. she loved that jae finally felt like he had a father and it warmed her heart

even though she couldn't fix how much jae had changed but if he felt like he had a complete family that was enough for her

"can I call you dad?" jae asked before they started playing

"yea you can. you don't have to ask"


200 comments for an update because this was such a cute chapter omg !!!!

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