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"my stomach hurts really bad can we go to the hospital" Cartier said worried. She was only eight months pregnant. She wasn't due for another five weeks

"yeah" seven was driving jae to school but she was in severe pain. the plan was to drop him off at school then she would go to work

"momma why are you bleeding?" jae asked looking at her legs as he was sat in the middle seat at the back

she let out a sickening scream. seven began speeding seeing her white dress turn red by the second

"relax C" seven said trying to calm her nerves

"my baby kemari. I think something is wrong" fear and tears filled her eyes. Jae was in the back looking at all the blood on his mother

"momma" jae called out for her. last time he seen this much blood his grandfather was on the verge of dying

he couldn't handle losing both of them

"it's okay stink it's okay" she said wiping her tears. she didn't want to scare him even though she felt death had her wrapped around it's finger


"we will have to do a an emergency c section" the doctor said

"what! why?" Cartier was scared, the doctors and nurses were running around hooking her up to all the different machines

"if the baby stays in you any longer it's most likely to die. you're losing to much blood" meanwhile seven was outside holding jae who had cried himself to sleep

everytime a doctor would walk past looking for the family of someone his heart would drop

after three hours a doctor came towards him

"family of jaela?" they asked and he stood up immediately

"she's fine we did an emergency c section because she was Losing too much blood- my baby? Where's the baby?" seven panicked

"your daughter has been delivered safely but she has some breathing problems. we have to keep a very close eye on her" seven was just happy they were fine

"I can take you to see your fiancé first if you would like" kemari followed the doctor into the hospital room where she was

they walked in and saw her on the phone to her dad

"we both up in the hospital like some damn lab rats" they both laughed before she heard someone walk towards her

"you okay?" she asked seeing him look at her

"are you? did it hurt? you need anything?" seven put jae next to her before his eye drifted to the baby in the cubicle

"I'm good kemari" she said rubbing jaes back. she was in alot of pain but she wasn't focusing on that

"you can't touch the baby kemari" she said watching him stare at his daughter who was sleeping. She was tiny and fragile

"why" he mumbled

"because she can get sick easily yet. she can't even breathe properly without that machine" kemari just kept staring at the baby. pops ended the call letting her have time with kemari

"she look like me" kemari said to Cartier after seeing his daughter smile in her sleep

"boy bye she finna look like me in a few months I got strong genetics" kemari came to her and kissed her forehead

"what's wrong?" he asked

"nothing if my baby alive I'm fine" she was also upset about her body. she had a big scar across her stomach


"can y'all please not stand round my baby like that I can't even see her" everyone was in the hospital room looking at her daughter

"the doctor said you can hold her why aren't you?" Kemari had been holding his daughter since the doctor gave them permission too

grandma,camilia, Carter (camilia's son), pops, nardo and his wife were all in the room

"no I'm good I don't want to hold her. Kemari looks comfortable" Cartier didn't want to hold her daughter because she was scared. she didn't want to drop her, make her sick ect

"momma hold her she's small and light" jae said to his mom watching his sister look up at him. everyone turned to look at her

"damn y'all love staring" she kissed her teeth making them laugh

"I'll hold her" she said kemari came over and layed his newborn daughter in her mothers arms. he could tell she was tense

"see everything's fine" kemari said laughing at her. Cartier looked down at her daughter who was slowly drifting to sleep

"you ugly when you cry" pops mugged his daughter seeing her eyes get watery

"shut up" Cartier snapped back

"are you sure the baby is yours? because that baby isn't black" Carter asked making his mom smack the back of his head

"pops told me to ask" Carter rubbed the back of his head while pops was laughing in the background hard as hell

"did you guys order food?" a nurse came in with big bags of food 

"thank you" grandma took the food from her hands before letting the woman leave

"micheal Jackson looking baby" pops laughed

"that's what you looked like when you came out so not too much" Cartier mugged while taking her food

"ugh look like her daddy when she see food" she looked at her daughter with her mouth open making her laugh


300 comments for an update...

sorry to break it to y'all... this book is ending soon

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