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y'all is annoying I didn't want to update it so fast 😭😭😭😭 - bigdaddyarmarni

now y'all gotta give me 30 comments for an update

"grandma where jae at?" Cartier walked into her grandma's house very heated

she saw her family at there. her three older sisters, her mother and father

"jaela" her grandmother didn't expect her to come. Cartier made it very clear she didn't want her child near those people

"I put him in the room as soon as I saw them outside" her grandmother said to her lowly. Cartier went in the room and saw jae sat ready to go

he had his coat and bag on watching cartoons

"you okay stink?" she asked him and he nodded. she put his hood up before walking out the room and heading for the door

they couldn't see his face as he was leaving. she wasn't taking any chances, her child didn't deserve harassment

"so you won't let me meet my grandson?" her mother stopped her

"stink go outside seven is waiting for you" Cartier bent down to him. she opened the door and pointed to him

jae walked to kemari and put kemari in the car

"he ain't yo grandson" Cartier mugged her mother

"whos is you talking to like that?"her oldest sister jayda stepped in

"your mother" jaela folded her arms

"better watch-OR WHAT?" Cartier wasn't going to let these people walk all over her like they used to

"who tf you getting loud to-YOU" Cartier cut her mother off. one thing about Cartier she was gon run her mouth because she had hands to back it up

"bitch"two of sisters starter taking their stuff off making Cartier laugh

those girls couldn't fight and luckily the sister who had sense stopped the other two from making a stupid decision

"jaela baby please go Home I'll handle it" her grandmother said to her

"you ain't shit ,probably fucking that nigga outside"

"and is bye grandma" Cartier laughed

She didn't hesitate and left. when she got in the car kemari and jae were having a conversation

"momma can I have siblings?" kemari was telling him that he has a brother and sometimes jaw felt lonely

kemari smirked at Cartier who stopped for a second not knowing what to say

"I'm a few years sure" she wasn't sure if she wanted more kids or not because her first pregnancy wasn't the best

jae went back to playing games allowing kemari and Cartier to talk

"he got a cousin fuck he need a sibling for?" Cartier whispered to kemari

"we can make him one" kemari said making her laugh

"boy bye you don't want me as a baby momma" she waved him off

"I do" he said catching her off guard once again. His bluntness and nonchalance when it came to his mouth was surprising

"kemari" she looked over with a smile


"I would appreciate it if you didn't bang on my dooo-" Cartier opened the door and saw her dad

"POPS" she screamed and hugged him. Her dad been in jail since she was 8  for attempted murder and having a enough herion on him for distribution

she always visited them stopped in her first few pregnancy months scared of what he would say . he wasn't happy with how her mother handled the situation

even though he wasn't happy with her being pregnant whatever she chose to do he supported who was he to judge

her and jae would visit him as much as they could.her dad got out on good behaviour he was supposed to be there for seven more years

"damn you shorter than I thought?" he furrowed his brows at her height

"that's the first thing you say?" she laughed

"yea cause I ain't 6'5 for nothing" he looked up her and down

her father was a 6'5 darkinskin 43 year old man. he looked younger than his age people would always mistake him for being in his late 20's

he resembled king von a small part with his dreads and round plumb lips

they when inside and he sat on her couch waiting for her grandmother to come

"where ka'sani at?" Her dad asked. ka'sani was jae's actual name he chose he wanted to be called jae because he wanted to Match his mother

"he's playing games" she declined the call from kemari

"who's call did you decline so quickly?" her father knew when she was hiding something

"nobody" she slid her phone under the cushion on her couch

"you know if it's a boy imma whoop yo ass" her dad laughed making her laugh nervously because her dad was crazy

he was very overprotective. with him being in jail means he had a lot of time in the gym so he was quite ripped

after what happened to her he had every right to be protective

her phone rang again making her push her phone deeper into the couch

"you grown so I ain't gon ask for yo phone but who's calling you?" Her dad asked

"um-momma" she got cut of with jae coming out his room

"look who's here" she smiled at him. he turned and saw his grandfather on the couch

"POPS" he jumped before going towards him and embracing him in a hug

" Wassup ka'sani" his pops laughed sitting him next to him

"wassup" jae copied him

"imma go return that call" jaela stood up and went to the kitchen

"yo momma got a boyfriend?" pops asked him making ka'sani cover his mouth

"I can't tell you"

"but I'm pops. If you keep your secrets with you momma she gotta keep them with me " ka'sani though about it. There was no logic in what he just said

"ok she does have a boyfriend but that's all I can say" jae said

there was a knock at the door and pops got up to open it which revealed




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