Chapter 29 - Moana Goes To The Ocean (Edited)

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"We're not gonna get there if you're speeding like a maniac" Addison said as I sped across the road.

I only laughed which made her look at me with some look I translate as if you kill me i'll forever come back to hunt you and harvest your organs. Knowing who Addison was, I knew some 75% of her wasn't joking and so I slowed down for the safety of our lives.

"Alright fine, happy now?" I asked rolling my eyes just to piss her off but she only rolled her eyes in return.

"Through out this ride you've been no fun" I said as we approached a traffic light.

"You've just been kinda on my bad side, that's all" she said shrugging nonchalantly.

"Your bad side?, I think I've been on that side ever since Marc and I started hanging out more often" I admitted just as the lights turned green and I began driving again.

"Now you make it seem like I'm jealous" she said looking out the window.

"I don't know... that's just what I thought or the fact that you naturally hate me" I said turning to the direction she pointed at through the windscreen.

"Maybe I do hate you" she said folding her arms around her chest.

"Because I'm irresistibly fucking hot and sexy" I smirk at her which made her wrinkle her nose.

"Ouch" I said raising a hand up to my chest.

"You wish" she said.

"I don't know why, I just know you like Marc and I don't want him getting hurt - which has happened already tho not entirely your fault"

I nearly choke on a spit as she said those words with no little ounce of shyness and right now my face was beginning to go a shade of red.

"Don't give me that look, I'm a girl and girls know stuff" she said more confidently now as she saw my expression.

"I- Uh-" I tried to speak but all words had gone into extinction.

"What's that?" She asks

"Nothing, it's nothing" I said as we came to a stop at what I suppose is Marc's house.

We stepped out of the car and I was welcomed by a very peaceful suburb neighborhood with lush green vegetation that was well maintained and a one story building overlooked us not too big not too small, just the right size, I suppose. It had a plain white painting with a few details that probably needs attention but aren't noticeable till you looked hard enough.

I come from an environment where everything's big and fancy but here it's a while different feeling... things are plain and simple. 

Addison noticed my uneasiness and gives me an eye.

"What's wrong? Below your standard or what? rich boy." She remarks a bit pissed at the way I looked around the environment.

"No, and don't call me that, cause I'm rich doesn't mean I don't like simple things" I said perfunctory as I began walking towards the porch and with each step I took my heartbeat became faster.

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