Chapter 56 - The BackStory (Edited)

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Texts in Italics are events from the past.


The alights are eye blinding but I have to stare straight into them no matter what as I stood in front of a white backdrop with the Louis Vuitton outfit I wore.

"A little to the left" The camera man instructed.

I move my head a bit to the left which is what I have been doing for the past 30 minutes. Changing positions for the camera and outfits.

"Alright, that's a wrap" The camera man announces.

I let out a sigh of relief as I was hungry and I also didn't want to go out publicly right now to get lunch because of the stalkers and paparazzis around. I decided on going home which wasn't to far from here anyways.

As I step out of the light and into the darker part of the room the designer immediately comes up to me.

"That was amazing, you look amazing..." She sighs in content as she adores her work which I'm wearing.

"Thank you, they're amazing" I reply with all honesty. Not everyone can design something really good. Some fashion designers out there just make gaudy outfits.

"We have 25 other outfits which we have made specifically for you and they're all set and ready for you to take them" She says in an overly cheerful manner just as someone calls out to her and I take that as my cue to leave if not, I'll be pressured to sign lots of contracts.

The other models look at me, some in jealousy and the rest in shear admiration. I'm also very positive some of them want a one time hookup which I don't blame them for at all.  I mean, I give off that playboy vibes anyways.

I'm really hungry so I leave everything to my Agent and PA who will take care of the rest and get back to me later.

"Hey babe" My girlfriend's- sorry I mean the girl I'm going out with just for publicity- voice surprises me because I never expected her to be there.

She throws herself at me and I can definitely feel her boobs which isn't naturally this big if you know what I mean. It takes a lot of restraint not to roll my eyes at her because sometimes I can't stand her at all.

"What are you doing here?" I ask not bothering to put up with a fake smile facade right now. I can see a few photographers taking pictures as always and even some of the models weren't hiding their jealousy although this time I don't know if it's at her or me.

I walk further outside to give us some bit of privacy also that's where my driver was waiting for me.

"Well I thought I should surprise you, aren't you happy to see me?" She asked with little hurt etched in her voice.

I pinch the bridge of my nose as if it would help subside the already forming migraine I'm having.

"You know this relationship isn't real right?" I ask.

"But it can be if you would give us a chance" She responds and takes my hand in hers.

"I'm sorry but I've told you a lot of times already, I don't just like you that way Liv" I say as she tries to take take my other hand instead I switch it around and hold hers this time.

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