5. The First Day

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The next morning, Juvia slowly woke up in her beautiful bedroom, with the morning light coming through the carved wood shatters, that kept the room in a peaceful dim light, along with the long curtains, and all over her bed, during the night a sheer tulle sheltered her from any insect, along with the essential oils diffused, and the sandalwood and rose candles leaving a pleasant fragrance.
Her young maid, Meyah, made her understand that it was time to wake up, and everything was ready for her in the bathroom. A white and pale blue light kaftan was also impecably ironed and ready along with a pale blue sash, a silver and Aquamarine necklace along with several silver bracelets and bangles, also a silk pale blue light cape with a hood, and soft white sandals, almost flat, were her outfit for the day.
She smiled, still amazed at all that... She couldn't stop asking herself if it was the right thing to do... If it wasn't going to be dangerous? But the raven hair young man had already charmed her. She was a romantic girl already, very kind and sentimental... So this was living something best that any novel or movies she ever read or saw.
After a warm shower, with a liquid soap, that smelled like waterlilies and gardenia, she put the lotion of the same set. She got quickly dressed, and rushed down to the dining room, where her friends were already, except for Lucy, who arrived right after Juvia.
The table was soptuously layed, full of any sort of food, sweet or salty, warm or cold, plenty of fruits, jams, honeys, spreads, and different kinds of bread, from toast, to the local somoun, who looked flat, a, bit like a pancake.
'' Hello girls! Juvia said.
'' Hello Juv', slept well? You look wonderful with that dress! '' Mira chirped, like if they only got an upgrade from their more modest Inn, to this Palace!
'' Mira! Now that we're together we need to talk, and fast, before they come back. '' Erza's commanding voice was low and worried.
'' Erza do you think that we are really in danger here? I can't help but find them quite kind, and caring... Even if they are surely strange... '' Levy started shyly.
'' I think the best thing in this case, should be to vote. We are six... We came here together... But this might be a life changing moment... Whe should all think seriously and throughly about it, and decide, who wishes to stay, and who wished to go home... So girls, what do you think about it? '' Mira asked, smiling kindly, looking at all of her friends around the table.
'' I think you're right Mira... '' Erza added.
The other four girls nodded in silence, exchanging smiles, although their expression was serious.
'' But, maybe we should take one day more to decide? '' Levy said.
'' I agree. '' Mira, Erza, Lucy Juvia and Kinana answered.
Right then, they heard steps coming from the other room...
'' Goodmorning MyLadies... '' they all greeted the girls, taking a seat next to each of their chosen girl.
'' We imagined that you all had plans, to visit and enjoy this holiday... So if you agree, We would be delighted to take you out and be your guides, visit places you longed to see... To show you also that you are not secluded in this Palace. '' Jellal spoke, seductively watching into Erza's eyes.
'' The only condition we kindly ask you, is to wear this light cape, and hood, covering the lower half of your face, as the culture here commands to women. And, also, not do anything silly like trying to run away in the Bazaar... Remember, we can track your scent among even hundreds of people... '' Luxus calmly grinned.
'' We agree... So, where will we be going? '' Mira asked him.
'' You will see... '' he said.

That day, Jellal brought Erza to an ancient castle, Mauresque, a Museum of armoury and blades.
She was mezmerized, while admiring the shining, engraved blades, curved, richely carved and set with precious stones on their handles. She was even more fascinated by her guide's culture, in War History, and also armoury. Outside the castle, one of the gardens behind, was filled with scarlet roses. Jellal took his own small blade, with a gold handle engraved, and cut at least a dozen of beautiful, huge scarlet roses.
'' To the most Beautiful of all Scarlet roses. Erza blushed, lowering her gaze. She smiled, and let him hold her hand for a moment.

That same day...
Gray brought Juvia to the '' Garden of the houndred fountains ''. It was an oriental, typical garden, filled with jasmine flowers, and roses, Orange Blossom, and Gardenias. Palm trees, and other, kept the place in shade.
The floor was covered with mosaics, and small painted tiles decorated small fountaines, with vases of roses and Hydrangeas of any shades, surrounding them. There were bigger fountains, and other that were low, like rivers flowing slowly, and it all made a sprinkling, christal sound of water... Flowing, sparkling, twinkling among the flowers. It was an enchanting vision.
Juvia during all the visit, held her guide's hand, and the man smiled at her now and then, admiring her beautiful features. She felt attracted even more to him, like they knew each other since a long time.
Natsu brought Lucy to a typical Souk, a Bazaar, where you could get lost, among piles of spices, fruits, silk kaftans and sashes, silver and gold bracelets and trinklets... Leather bags, pourses, and sandals...
She was euphoric, laughing with him, discovered that day that he was very sweet, and kind, friendly, and a bit childish, but endearing. She tasted sweets, unusual, new food. He brought her spices,perfumed oil essences, of rose and sandalwood, and her favourite, vanilla. They shared fresh sorbets, while walking hand in hand, Lucy wearing her sheer pink hood and Cape, and smiling back to Natsu.

Levy, that day, was a bit nervous to go out with her quite colossal, dark haired, and tanned, companion. He wore all black and grey, while she had pale yellow and white. At first she felt tense... He wasn't much of a talker, and ofter he just answered with his typical laughter, like when she asked where they were going... He just smirked and said '' Ghee... Don't ya worry my Sweet little Lady... Ya'll gonna like it. Let me take care of ye'' he spoke in a strange way... But anyway, she followed, they took a close carriage like others did, and soon, in the middle of the old town, not far from the Souk, there was a stone carved, ancient building, which doors were all decorated with mosaics. Levy was already breathless... She knew where they were, the oldest Library of all that Oriental side of the Continent! It contained tousands, and tousands, of old papyrus scripts, old runes, and ancient books of any kind and almost any known language, ancient and modern.
''This...is simply amazing! Just having the chance to be here is such a privilege and luck for me! Thank you, Gajeel....' 'She looked at him shyly, but her eyes beamed. And he just took a sit on a bench, letting her search and read, for a good 4 hours.
' 'Doncha be sad Shrimp... Our library has, almost half of all this stuff ya like. Jellal will be glad to show ya...' 'he smiled and winked at her amazed look. Then he took her tiny hand and lead her back home, in the late afternoon light. She didn't feel so scared and shy in his presence.

Meanwhile... Luxus took Mira out for a long drive in his closed carriage,  to a wonderful garden, full of any sort of flower and roses... But mostly, full of thousands of sorts, of butterflies... And birds singing. Of all colours and sizes! It was so mesmerisingly full of colours, of scent, and silence, peace. Big trees and palms threw their shade over them, while they walked, smiling, looking sometimes to each other and having small talk, she admiring the vision of the butterflies, and he admiring mostly her, under a silver sheer cape.
He felt a, deep connection with her.
'' Did you know that butterflies are a symbol of rebirth, and change? ''
'' Really? '' she asked, with a soft smile. She was feeling more and more drown to him, and she couldn't resist, nor explain it.
That day, Erik took Kinana on his black oriental horse, to a ride, until the borders where the immense Desert of Sharaya starts. After that, they visited the town, drinking fresh green tea and sweet fruit juices or flower infusions, with some local pastries. They talk a little, feeling a strange Chemistry between them.

At the end of that day, the girls talked about their trips, showing the gifts they received, and shared their impressions and feelings. They all had to admit that they were very attracted by their suitors, and felt a strong bond they couldn't explain yet.

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