9. A Great Decision

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That night, when they got back, after their friends could talk to them and be sure they were all doing well, for the first time, the girls decided to ask their partners to stay with them and share their room. Just for safety, they made it clear, nothing more.
Juvia and Mira were particularly excited about the idea of sleeping with their beloved. Because, it was getting more and more obvious that they were all falling in love with the strange creature destiny had sent her.

Before falling asleep, Juvia noticed the strange symbol Gray had on his right chest, and that she've seen on the other vampires, on other spots of their body.
'' this is the mark of our clan. And a, clan is formed by several families who had decided, many years ago, to join together, and chose one family as head of the clan. Luxus is today the master of the clan. It means that our families had sworn allegiance to his, and my family is the second in chief. When... If, well you become my bride, you will also chose where to have that mark, and the colour will appear naturally as the more appropriate to your nature. Now, you should try to sleep, dear... It's been a very frightful night, you must be tired. '' he said.
Indeed, Juvia fell asleep fast, in his arms.

The other girls did pretty much the same

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The other girls did pretty much the same. Levy was the most shy of them all, but she felt good with Gajeel. He no longer scared her, she felt safe and confident with him.

The next day, after breakfast, and spending some time in the hammam, the girls talked about all that happened in these last 5 days. Two more days and nights.
After the night spent with each of their future mates, they were feeling more intimate with them. And the fear they initially felt, had magically disappeared.
'' I can't believe what we're living, right now, and I don't know what to think? Should we stay? '' Erza wondered.
'' It's a, hard question... I mean, they are amazing and all this life is amazing, but this means giving up our '' normal '' life. Our University, our other friends... And some have also family, like Mira.
'' Well, let me tell you girls, I don't know what you think, but I 'm not letting this incredible chance slip away! As long as I can tell them that I' m fine, I, know that I 'll miss them, but maybe I' ll have a chance to meet them again... ' 'Mirajane was totally sure and enthusiastic.
' 'I also wonder about staying here. I feel something really deep for Gray, and I couldn't go away from him.' 'Juvia added.
Lucy nodded, they looked each other, full of thoughts. But something in their minds had started to open, to change. They could feel it.
That evening,Luxus told them that they were expecting an important guest. And also an old friend. He said, that she had a very special role, and it would be useful to meet her.
'' Who is She? '' Mira asked, puzzled.
'' She's a sort of Priestess, for our kind. She is one of us. She's also older than most of us. Some say she's over 600years, we wanted you to meet her, since she's the one who would preside to our union. In two days... So we needed to ask you, and She will answer any questions you may still have...she's a strong telepath and  has strong medium powers '' he added.
Then, the pairs formed as usual, around the large living room.
They talked, having a lot to say yet.
Kinana was playing with Cubelios, while Erik watched her lovingly.
Erza layed on Jellal 's shoulder, and so did Lucy with Natsu. Levy was sitting on Gajeel' s lap, while reading a book and explaining him about it.
Juvia was leaning on Gray's chest, while he held her waist.
Luxus and Mira were sitting on another couch, with her laying down on his shoulder. They all felt the bond between them had got even stronger.
Then, they heard someone coming.
A tall, slender, beautiful woman, with violet eyes, and thick brown wavy hair, dressed with a purple top, and a black tunic, trimmed with gold, entered the room.
'' Welcome, our Priestess Arcana... '' Jellal said, serving her a glass of red wine. It was almost a legend how she seemed to prefer red wine even over blood.
'' Hello my friends! It's a very special occasion tonight, I'm going to meet your brides to be! And it's a very happy moment for me! I hoped you would find the precious Queens each of you needs! '' she spoke lively, smiling and laughing.
She then took a swirl of smoke from one narguilé, and tasted a sort of green jam, perfumed with rose, made with opium extract. Then finally, a servant presented her a small glass, full of a dark red liquid. After smoking a few swirls from the narguilé, and after drinking the small glass of blood, her violet eyes shined even more, and she looked even deeper each of the girls.
The boys left them alone.

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