Smith Isn't Smith And Yet He Is.... It's Quite Analytical

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The next time Thomas sees Elysium perched with her feet on the edge of his pod and her knees bent so that she was at level with him as soon as he woke up he feels her gently help him pull the plug/tube out of his mouth and as soon as his eyes allo...

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The next time Thomas sees Elysium perched with her feet on the edge of his pod and her knees bent so that she was at level with him as soon as he woke up he feels her gently help him pull the plug/tube out of his mouth and as soon as his eyes allowed him to see her smiling face he hugs her and they fall into the clear goo inside the pod Elysium bursts out laughing and he chuckles then slowly starts to sit up she wraps her arm around him then slides her hand over the top of his head and coos "you don't have hair anymore but I still do!"  he chuckles with a smile then kisses her lips and as they kiss his hands slide over her soft covered in goo hair then he looks past her at the only other pod in the room and asks "Trinity?!"  she nods then says softly "it isn't her time though she still has to make a choice"  he nods "on the plus side though if she chooses to return you won't be the only one without hair!"  she adds he chuckles just then one of the Synthients fly's over and stands before them and Thomas does his best to hide Elysium behind him "it's ok he's a friend, he's here to help"  Elysium whispers softly he looks at her oddly "trust me!"  she whispers he nods "gently he's still scared and doesn't fully understand what's going on"  Elysium says softly to the Synthient who goes a little slower than it was previously planning to do and it removes the rest of the plugs that were connected to Thomas' body Elysium gently grips the edge of the Synthient body then jumps up and swings her body so that she now sits on it's back Thomas stares at her with fear in his eyes "it's alright Thomas he's going to take us home"  she assures softly "well to Bugs' ship but it'll sort of feel like home for it's like how we started before"  she mutters softly "now hop up or you'll drown!"  she tells him with whispered tones he looks at her oddly then sees another Synthient jump onto the pod and he does as Elysium commanded and the Synthient gently grips his body as he jumps and hides him under his own then they fly away side by side for the Synthients realized it would be smarter to keep Elysium who was now laying down on the back of the Synthient that first came's back within Thomas' sight Elysium reaches over and takes Thomas' hand in her own for a few seconds and as soon as he felt her warmth touch his still cold skin Thomas turns his head and looks at her then sees her smile at him which calmed him down slightly as they fly Thomas sees all the pods that were still full of lost souls then he sees a familiar sight a hovercraft which he guessed belonged to Bugs he was happy to see Elysium slide off the Synthient that carried her back and land next to him as the one that carried him gently lays him on a medbay bed Elysium takes a step back as Bugs and her crew walk over to Neo's naked body and cover him in a blanket as they turn him around so he could see them all and they could check on him "I'm going to go get changed then I'll come back I promise!"  he hears Elysium whisper and he nods "no taking showers together till we get home!"  he hears her tease with a smile in her tone into his heart and he chuckles softly and he sees Bugs smile.... when Thomas wakes up after he fell unconscious he is happy to see Elysium standing over him with a smile on her face and he smiles back at her as she says "I thought you'd like something a little more familiar when you wake up but I'm going to let Bugs take over now"  he nods then feels her lips caress his and he suppresses a soft moan at the familiar feel of their softness then he watches as she takes a step back and Bugs takes a step forward "they had him stuck in a delusional state I was the only thing that kept him "sane" when I got there but once we were apart he returned to that particular state so tread cautiously"  Elysium whispers to Bugs as she passes her and Bugs nods in reply.... "he's perhaps a little too much of a showman.... what the HELL did you do to Morpheus!?!"  Thomas hears Elysium tease as he watches the Modal Morpheus spin around as his outfit changes from a blue suit to a robe that shows off his chest and luckily a pair of matching pants and he hides a chuckle "it is pretty here though.... peaceful"  she whispers softly as she looks through the doorway of the dojo out at the vast body of water and trees that surround it "you've gotta be kidding"  Thomas says to Morpheus and he hides a smile when he hears Elysium coo playfully "have fun!"  and he feels her "disappear".... Morpheus was the only one who couldn't sense nor see her standing by Thomas' side.... "uh-uh no joke could be this is the first day of the rest of your life but if you want it...."  Morpheus replies he makes a show of throwing the martini glass he held in his hand out of the dojo into the water that surrounds it then says "you gotta fight for it".... Elysium stands in the corner and watches Thomas fight Morpheus "what!?! I'm curious if the lessons paid off"  she says to the cat that stands at her side "I'm going to see if we can bring you to life though I may have to change your look and name.... if that's alright with you"  she tells the cat who meows in reply "it really all depends on him I don't want to bring him back to where he was before us when he's so close to becoming his complete self all he truly has to do is believe it's possible unfortunately I can't believe in him for him I mean I DO believe in Thomas but he has to believe in himself even if he still doesn't believe in the Neo persona they made him into"  she adds the cat looks up at her and she smiles down at him then says "I'm sure he believes in YOU but I know he doesn't fully believe in himself"  the cat looks over at Neo and they both go back to watching the two men fight....

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