In Through The Looking Glass🪞

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Neo waited under the Adams Street Bridge for Trinity one a rainy night once he got in the vehicle she was in and they started to drive through the waterfall that the bridge created he heard the car hit something and he jumped slightly with a small soft gasp Trinity grumbled as the car stopped then she opened her door, climbed out of the car, walked to the front of it, picked something up, walked to the back of the car and placed whatever it was in the trunk "what was it!?! what did we hit!?!"  Neo asks with a soft frightened somewhat worried tone "nothing let's go!"  Trinity orders and the car starts once more Neo soon forgets about whatever is now in the trunk.... for the time being anyway.... once the blonde woman in the front passenger seat turns and points the barrel of a gun at his face "what the hell is this?"  Neo asks "it's necessary, Neo for our protection"  Trinity replies "from what?"  he asks "from you"  Trinity replies "take off your shirt"  the blonde woman orders "what?"  Neo asks "stop the car"  the blonde orders and the man driving once again stops the car "listen to me, Copper-top we don't have time for twenty questions right now there's only one rule -- our way or the highway"  the blonde woman tells Neo who looks over at Trinity then says "fine.... just give me what or WHO ever you hit and I'll be on my way!"  then he opens the door and hears Trinity say "please, Neo you have to trust me"  Neo looks at her and asks "why?"  Trinity replies "because you have been down there, Neo you know that road you know exactly where it ends and I know that's not where you want to be"  Neo looks down the empty street he notices that she doesn't say anything about what she put in the trunk but he once again doesn't get to think much of it for as soon as he shuts the door the car once again continues heading to it's destination "Apoc, lights lie back, lift up your shirt"  Trinity says as she picks up a large strange machine "what is that thing?"  Neo asks as he does what he's told "we think you're bugged...."  Trinity replies "try and relax...."  she tells him as she places the machine on his stomach and turns it on and three needles in and around the tube of the machine jab Neo's stomach then she says "come on come on"  the blonde woman says as she watches Trinity "it's on the move"  Trinity says "oh shit"  the blonde says "you're going to loose it"  Trinity replies "no I'm not clear"  Neo groans in pain as a small electrical current strikes along his belly like lighting and a worm like crustacean shoots out of his stomach into the tube and gets shredded then put in a different tube "Jesus Christ, that thing's real?"  Neo shouts Trinity quickly moves the machine away from Neo's stomach, turns rolls down her window, throws the bug out of it and rolls it back up.... they pull up to a dark abandoned hotel and park then climb out of the car Trinity walks over to the trunk, opens it, picks something up and carries it into the building Neo wasn't the only one shocked to find out that it was a body of a woman Neo found oddly familiar then he recalled meeting her the day before this very strange meeting he's suffering through now took place he remembers that her name is Elysium and that she has one of the most beautiful smiles he had ever seen and the strangest yet still gorgeous entrancing silver eyes he had ever gazed upon....

As Neo met Morpheus the others debated on what to do about the still unconscious yet surprisingly alive woman that now laid on a couch in one of the rooms the blonde woman argued that they should take her to the hospital and forge a "good Samaritan" story on how they found her but another man said that they should feed her a red pill and bring her with them to their world which no one agreed with for they didn't like the idea that it wasn't her choice that very same man that fed her the red pill when no one was looking the one they call Cypher and it was Morpheus who realized that she was transitioning once he and Neo entered the room she was in he rushed over to where she was laying picked her up as gently as he could and carried her to the room his crew was in and asks with a slightly angry growl in his tone "who gave her the red pill!?!"  Apoc and the others glare at Cypher who tried to act innocent and shrugged with a sheepish grin on his face Morpheus looks down at the woman then back up at his crew and says "it looks like we have no other choice"  then he whispers softly to the unconscious woman with a slight sadness in his tone "I am sorry about this.... you should have been given a choice!"  then he asks "Apoc, are we online?"  Apoc replies "almost"  Morpheus says to Neo as they walk further into the room "time is always against us please, take a seat there"  the blonde that once pointed a gun at Neo takes his trench coat off him then Neo sits in the chair Morpheus told him to sit in "you did all this?"  Neo asks Trinity who started placing little white circles on his arm, neck and back so they could watch his heartrate as the process is completed "mm-hmm"  Trinity replies "the pill you took is part of a trace program it's designed to disrupt your input/output carrier signal so we can pinpoint your location"  Morpheus says "what does that mean?"  Neo asks "it means buckle your seat belt, Dorothy, because Kansas is going bye-bye"  Cypher replies Morpheus places the unconscious woman on Neo's lap and lays her head on his shoulder both Cypher and Trinity didn't look happy about that especially when Neo looked down at her with that "special" look in his eyes something about having the strange ethereal beauty there calmed him in ways no one could imagine Neo looks over at the mirror next to him and stared at the cracks within it and they started to mend themselves so that it was once again whole "did you....? did she....!?!"  he asks curiously then he slowly reaches his hand towards the mirror then places the tips of his fingers upon it and they seem to sink into it he pulls them back and a metallic goo sticks to them and ripples form along the mirror like someone had skipped a stone across it....

"Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real what if you were unable to wake from that dream how would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?"  Morpheus asks "this can't be...."  Neo says as he watches the goo slide down his fingers and start to consume him "be what? be real?"  Morpheus asks "it's going into replication"  Trinity says "Apoc?"  Morpheus asks "still nothing"  Apoc replies "it's cold it's cold"  Neo whispers he hugs the woman in his arms like she was the most precious thing in his world as the goo covers both their bodies "Tank, we're going to need a signal soon"  Morpheus says into the mobile phone in his hand "I've got fibrillation"  Trinity announces "Apoc, location"  Morpheus asks "targeting almost there"  Apoc replies "he's going into arrest"  Trinity says "lock, I've got him"  Apoc says "now, Tank now"  Morpheus says into the phone Neo screams as the goo completely covers him and the woman in his arms it flows into his mouth and down his throat as he screams.... Elysium finds herself in a pod of clear pinkish goo with wires all around her and she struggles to free herself from her newest prison she feels a pair of hands try to help her and hears a muffled yet oddly somewhat familiar male voice try to calm her "Thomas!?!"  she tries to say but ends up thinking instead for there was something in her mouth which she pulls out right away and repeats herself as her eyes meet the goo covered bald man next to her "Thom--!"  her words are cut short as some kind of spider like machine grips their throats and the wires that were connected to their bodies start to shoot themselves off them Elysium gasps in fright as she gets flushed down the pod, slides down a pipe and falls into a river of water

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