Soak It All In

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But before Thomas could truly move and make the affect he wanted to they hear Smith say "lies, lies and more lies"  Smith smirks at Elysium who winks at him with a smile for he knew the Analyst couldn't see her like he could her wink was his main clue for he was about to comment just how clever she is until he saw that wink the Analyst turns and asks as though he can't believe what he's seeing when he sees who was walking towards him "Smith?"  Smith asks as he turns his attention to the Analyst "what has the world come to when you can't even trust a program?"  Elysium replies with a shrug "that's kinda normal actually"  Smith chuckles with a small smirk as  turns and starts to point his gun at Smith as he asks "how....?"  Smith knocks the gun out of the Analyst's hand then says as he walks around the blonde man "Tom and I have more in common than you know once he got out, let's just say, I was free to be me"  Elysium thinks to herself with a sarcastic tone "a smaller insignificant version of you!"  then he punches the Analyst and sends his body flying towards the counter "you make a mess you're cleaning it up I owned this place remember?!"  Elysium says to Smith who chuckles with a smile he sniffs her hair breathing in her lusciously aphrodisiac scent as the crowd around them is set free "Elysium!?!"  Thomas whispers with a worried tone Elysium tilts her head and looks at him and he realizes he made a mistake luckily no one else heard him not even Smith he starts to rush towards her but has to stop and create a energy shield to stop the bullets that were heading his way Trinity and Elysium fight their way towards Thomas who was fighting his way towards them it was the first time the two women ever worked together.... even though Trinity once again couldn't see her.... Smith on the other hand his sole focus was the Analyst who saw his cat sitting in front of him and tried his best to reach her Smith ended up fighting a few of the Analyst's minions/Agents saving the blonde from his wrath for the time being the Analyst finally saw Elysium when she slid over the counter and gently picked up Deja-vu then jumped over the counter again and moving the cat out of the war that was happing in "her" café setting her down in her office which seemed to be the only untouched place in the whole building "not that you'll listen but stay!"  Elysium says to the pure black cat then she closes the door and rejoins the fight as Trinity truly becomes herself and her moves become stronger than they were before Elysium rushes over to where Trinity is just as a group of officers try to hold her back as she (Trinity) tried to reach Thomas.... "Thomas!!"  Thomas who was also being held back by a different group of officers hears Elysium shout as she swings her body towards Trinity and lays her hand on top of Trinity's as the black haired blue eyed woman reaches for him and he reaches for her (Elysium) hand though it looked like he was reaching for Trinity's and he and Trinity scream in effort as they reach for one another "Thomas!"  Elysium whispers as she adds a little more pressure which pushes Trinity closer to him despite the fact that she was being held back by machines then Elysium grips Thomas' hand which created a large sonic wave of energy and a bright light which seemed to come from inside their entwined hands that pushed everyone that was against them away from them the only ones who could see who Thomas was really holding onto as though she is his lifeline were Zion, Michael and Smith who smirked at the sight for he knew the secret he believed no one else knew.... he doesn't know about Thomas and Elysium's children NO ONE in or out of the Matrix does besides Bugs, Niobe, the one TRUE Smith and Fiona that is.... to everyone else Thomas had clasped Trinity's hand.... Thomas takes a step towards Elysium and kisses her as he wraps his arm around her waist though it once again looked like he was kissing Trinity and even Trinity could feel it though to her it was the same way Thomas had once kissed Persephone in the bathroom of The Le Vrai restaurant so it wasn't a very "impressive" kiss as a matter of fact it was rather "tasteless" and she may never want to feel it again  "you think this is over?"  Thomas hears the Analyst say as the blonde man walks over to them "lockdown initiate swarm"  the Analyst orders Smith walks over gun in hand and shoots the Analyst with a certain satisfaction I might add and the Analyst becomes nothing but bits of code as each bullet creates holes in his body as soon as they hit him Lexi and Berg walk over with their guns drawn Smith looks at them then turns and looks at Thomas and says "here, our unexpected alliance ends"  he tosses the gun that was once in his hands to the floor then asks "you know the difference between us, Tom?"  Elysium replies "he knows what true love feels like and you don't!"  she sees a hint of sadness shine in Smith's eye but doesn't care Smith hides his sadness with a chuckle then says with a small smirk "I'm going to miss you most of all!"  Elysium replies as everyone but Thomas looks at him oddly "I'm not going to miss you, and you should remember they can't see me so you probably looked like a mad man for a second or two just now"  he lets out a short soft chuckle then his eyes widen when he realizes she's right then he laughs then answers his own question by saying "anyone could have been you whereas I've always been everyone"  he slides on a pair of shades then changes his appearance and the man he becomes asks "w-what just happened?"  Elysium looks at Thomas and whispers softly "we have to go! the "swarm" is here!"  he nods then starts walking towards the door and Trinity and the rest of the Io and Mnemosyne crew follow....

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