Six Months Later📅📆

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It was well known everywhere that Neo and Elysium were as they call it "together", a couple, romantically involved with one another, in not so many words MADLY IN LOVE!!.... well you get the idea.... I hope!.... though if you asked her Trinity would say that loving Elysium made him weak but she actually made him strong she supported him and didn't undermine him and wasn't a member of his hero worshiping fan club like every else to her he will always be "Thomas" and not "Neo the One".... Neo has been waking up every night for a week or so as of late because of the same nightmare which he somehow shares with Elysium strangely enough she has been teaching him the "art" of meditation which helps since there really wasn't anywhere he could go on the Neb except the Matrix which he sometimes avoids most of the old crew decided to stay in Zion when they docked a few weeks after Smith died so the Neb gained a new Operator by the name of Link, Trinity of course stayed aboard with Neo and Morpheus she still has a growing dislike for Elysium who "stole" Neo from her.... "I'm glad it's not you but this dream feels like more than just a dream!"  Neo whispers when they woke up from the nightmare again "you're everyone else's hero why not hers?!.... just be careful that she doesn't take your heroism the wrong way!"  Elysium replies he chuckles then turns his body towards her and kisses her lips "come on I'll make you breakfast!"  she says softly he chuckles as she takes his hand and gently pulls him towards the door then leads him to the kitchen.... "some days I wonder if she would be a better choice for you.... that I'm.... not right for you.... I've go too many faults too many weaknesses I....!"  Elysium says softly as she watches Neo drink the coffee she made him he grips her hand gently looks into her eyes and replies softly "no!.... you're perfect!"  she looks down at his hand holding hers and says "there's no such thing as perfection!"  he raises his hand cups her chin in his finger lifts her head up so that she was once again looking at him and says "you're perfect to me!" .... Elysium stands with the guard by the door as Neo goes with Morpheus and Trinity to the meeting with the Captain's "tell Niobe I said hi.... the kiss is just for you though!"  Elysium says softly to Neo then she kisses his cheek he smiles at her then kisses her lips before walking away he would have taken her in but he worried that her claustrophobia might take over it was a pretty big place but there was going to be a lot of people in the meet spot and he didn't want her to be a part of what they were going to talk about he didn't want her to become a "soldier for the cause" he wanted her to be free from everything.... Link created a few books for Elysium to read Alice Through The Looking Glass and The Wizard Of Oz.... Elysium hears a single knock on the metal door the guard walks over and opens the sliding peep hole "I'm looking for Neo"  she hears a familiar deep smokey voice say "never heard of him"  the guard replies "I have something for him a gift you see he set me free"  Smith says as he slides a small manila envelope through the hole in the door Elysium takes it gently from him then closes the peep hole she turns and sees Neo walk over and she walks over to him as he asks "who was that?"  she hands him the envelope and whispers "it sounded like Smith!"  his eyes widen at the revelation and opens the envelope in it he found a agents earpiece then he tells the guards "the meeting is over retreat to your exits agents are coming"  the guard that opened the door asks "agents?"  just then something pounds against the door making fist like bumps in it Neo takes Elysium's hand in his "go"  Neo orders the guards "should we take her with us?!"  the guard that answered the door asks his partner smacks him upside the back of the head then they run off and head towards their exit just as the agents pound their way in "hiya fellas"  Neo says "it's him"  one of the agents says "the anomaly"  another one says "do we proceed?"  one asks "yes"  another one replies "he is still--"  one says "only human"  another says "which is more than you'll ever be!"  Elysium tells them the lead agent steps forward and swing kicks at Neo who as always moves Elysium behind him protectively the first kick misses it's target the next couple of kicks and punches get blocked by Neo's arm "hm upgrades"  Neo remarks as the agent grips his wrist and the true fight begins and this time Elysium helps as the other two agents join in once all three agents were down Neo pulls Elysium to him wraps his arm around her waist and does "the Superman thing" they stay above the clouds for a little longer than necessary just so they can look at the stars and the moon Neo turns so Elysium could see it which made her smile because she knew he did it just for her "have you ever noticed that it's always full!?"  she asks softly as she looks up at him "no I haven't noticed!"  he replies looking down at her she smiles as she wraps her hand around the back of his neck and kisses his lips then they fly back down creating a tornado of clouds in their wake Neo lands on the roof of a building bending over from the impact "sorry!"  he say softly "and here I thought we couldn't get any closer!"  she teases with a smile he chuckles then straightens he takes her hand and they walk into the building and towards then into the Oracle's place which was now empty "looks like she moved.... must have been no longer safe for her to be here"  Elysium says "yeah but where did she go!?"  Neo asks mainly to himself "we should get back your dream girl might be worried about you!"  she teases he chuckles....

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