😴💤Dream Matrix🛌🏻💤

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Neo, Elysium, Zion and Michael worked together with Rama, Sati and Seraph to "fix" the parts of the Matrix that the Analyst "broke" reteaching those trapped inside what "free will" truly met a month into the work they were doing Neo found Elysium in their room sitting silently on their bed staring at nothing while deep in thought he walks over and sits beside her then asks softly "what's wrong!?!"  she looks at him with a small smile then replies "I've always been curious what our life would have been like if you never met Smith or Trinity if we never entered the Matrix.... would we be where.... WHO we are today!?! would you have loved me as I know you do or would you still locked yourself in your apartment and stayed away from "humans" unless you were at work and HAD to "deal" with them!"  he chuckles softly and after a small pause she says in a low soft voice "I've been working with Rama on something new though I suppose experimental would be a better word for it.... he calls it the "Dream Matrix"...."  he looks at her with a intrigued expression on his face as she continues "if it works like we WANT it to it'll be separate from the "normal" Matrix you won't even have to be plugged into it like you normally are you'll be in COMPLETE control of what happens inside it, there will be no Oracle, Architect or Analyst.... though I suppose in a way the one who uses it will be those three people in one which could be dangerous all it's own!"  he chuckles as she continues "after all no one is truly in control of their dreams and in a way we're going to be giving them control.... within reason of course...."  he says "of course!"  she smiles and he returns her smile with one of his own she opens her hands and shows him two small devices then says "this is the prototype of the "Dream Matrix" as you can see they're small mainly because a lot of people move around when they sleep so it seemed appropriate to do it that way.... it plugs in the same way as when one enters the actual Matrix it's like a Bluetooth device of sorts it connects to the program Rama created.... what it does.... or at lest should do.... Rama uses the information on the person that the actual Matrix had gathered on them and creates dreams that it believes the person would enjoy mainly based off of fantasies.... that have nothing to do with his wife, his daughter, our daughter, our son, you or me...."  he chuckles as she continues "and builds off of them he created this particular one for us I had told him about my.... curiosity.... which actually gave him the idea for the "Dream Matrix".... honestly I think he was just bored after all he and his wife have been in hiding for sixty years!"  he laughs "he doesn't blame us by the way he knows we had no choice honestly I think he's the only one who knew we never died which I find kind of odd"  she says he raises an eyebrow at her "well dad knew of course but that's only because I visited him when we were "dead" so I kinda gave that "secret" away!"  she says he laughs "have you've been curious!?!"  she asks with a soft whispered tone "actually now that you've mentioned it I have!"  he replies as he takes the devices out of her hands "wait! Thomas!"  she says he looks at her curiously "a-are you sure you want too....!?!"  she asks somewhat nervously "why wouldn't I!?!"  he asks curiously with a half chuckle in his tone "well it's just that.... you just got out of the Matrix which tried to take your life away.... are you sure you want to waltz into another one!?!"  she asks he smiles then replies with a low soft alluringly smokey purr in his tone "as long as you go with me"  she says "that was the plan but I was going to wait till...."  he asks "when!?!"  she replies somewhat sheepishly as she lowers her head shrinking in-between her shoulders which seemed to raise and bend forward a little bit as though to help her hide her head better "when you were sure you were fully healed from all the SHIT the Analyst put you through!"  she pauses then says as she lifts her head back up and looks into his eyes "I should explain how this one works the gem looking one is mine it's like those plastic gems with the sticker-like back that kids use it'll "connect" to my heart since I don't have to plug into the Matrix like you do.... you won't remember Trinity or Smith, Morpheus won't exist AT ALL in this "Dream" the Matrix doesn't exist whatever you were before it.... job wise" will be your "complete" life dull and mundane as it may have seemed to you because it was so "normal".."  he laughs softly as she continues "we can either have it start from where we first met or at the club.... which I can't see WHY you would actually go without Trinity's "prompting" but....!"  he laughs then says softly with an alluring purr "maybe we can start at the dinner you owe me!"  she replies with a smile "actually we can't...."  he tilts his head at her "I never actually got to see which apartment was yours since my view was obstructed by boxes and...."  she tells him he laughs then says "then the club and we can do dinner afterwards"  she replies "IF I "suggest" it maybe!"  he laughs "so why would you leave your apartment ESPECIALLY since you never knew I was coming?!"  she asks "....change of scenery?!"  he replies while making a funny face she chuckles "why would you?!"  he asks "to get out of my stuffy apartment I'm a country gal not a city girl remember?!"  she replies "why did you come to the city then?!"  he asks "I'm not sure.... at first to was just to visit a friend.... who's father offered me a job the day I visited.... then I suppose it became "an adventure".."  he chuckles softly as she continues "I wasn't even in the city for a half a day and I hated it there!"  she replies he laughs "it's odd it was like something or someone in the Matrix WANTED me to stay there for the day AFTER I came my friends father got sick.... which was VERY odd for him for he was ALWAYS healthy and rarely ever got sick especially THAT sick.... though I can't remember what he had.... some kind of cancer.... and as a only child who relied on her last living parent she needed my support.... and he left his restaurant to me in his Will.... which was odd because you would think he would have left it to his daughter but I think since he knew that wasn't what she wanted to do with her life.... and she's a horrible cook.... he would joke that she took after her mother with that "skill".."  she tells him he laughs "my friends father asked me to look after his restaurant while he took care of his health so THAT'S why I stayed to keep a promise to a man I respected a man I "hid" from my aunt slash mother so she wouldn't "take him away" from me like she did so many others"  she says he looks at her sadly "hey! none of that you!!"  she says cupping his face in her hands "I had friends then met you you all were what made my life worth living helped me want to keep moving on I had wondered if I had died in that life if I would have reentered the Matrix as a program once more but I TRIED to look on the "bright side" of things and I knew that killing myself would have in a way given her what she wanted and I was NEVER going to do THAT!!"  she says he lets out a short soft chuckle changing the subject she says "if you're sure you want to try this out we'll do it tonight when we're actually tired.... which is when it works best and by a technicality what it was made for if you recall.... but right now I think we both need to spend some time with our children.... maybe go to "our" hot spring"  he smiles then says "I'd like that!"  she replies with a smirk "this time you're keeping your boxers on!"  he laughs then stands up and opens a small safe Elysium had made especially for him which only he could open at any given moment then puts the two small devices inside it then closes it and the two of them walk out of their room hand in hand....

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