This Marks The Beginning Of The End.... Or Is It The End Of The Beginning!?!

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Bane/Smith asks Neo as he points the lighting gun at him "somehow familiar, isn't it? we've been here before, you and I remember? I do I think of nothing else.... though now that I've felt her lips on mine I suppose that isn't true anymore is it!?!"  Neo asks "who are you?"  Bane/Smith replies "still don't recognize me?.... and yet she knew right away didn't she!?!.... ever since Zion!.... maybe even before that she knew!.... I admit, it is difficult to think, encased in this rotting piece of meat the stink of it filling every breath, a suffocating cloud you can't escape"  he spits a gob of blood then continues "disgusting! look at how pathetically fragile it is nothing this weak is meant to survive"  Neo asks "what do you want?"  Bane/Smith replies "I want what you want?"  the light bulb over Neo's head shines bright as he finally starts to see what Elysium and Bane/Smith have been trying to tell him "yes that's it, Mr. Anderson look past the flesh, look through the soft gelatin of these dull cow eyes and see your enemy"  Bane/Smith says "no"  Neo replies "oh yes, Mr. Anderson"  Bane/Smith says "it can't be"  Neo replies "there's nowhere I can't go, there's nowhere I won't find you"  Bane/Smith replies "it's impossible"  Neo says "not impossible inevitable goodbye, Mr. Anderson"  Bane/Smith says "I'm sorry!"  Elysium whispers softly as she pulls a breaker and the lights go out and she hears Neo and Bane/Smith fight Elysium hears Neo scream and she flinches blinking her eyes really fast as they start to burn then she hears Bane/Smith say "I wish you could see yourself, Mr. Anderson the blind messiah...."  and she realizes that Neo was now somehow blind and she whispers "you don't need your eyes to see Thomas! she climbs out of the hole and calls out softly as she starts to have trouble breathing "Thomas!"  Neo rushes over to where he heard her speak and hears her say breathlessly with a soft chuckle in her tone "still as handsome as ever!"  he kneels down and hugs her "funny how my phobia didn't take over until AFTER I got out of the hole huh!?!"  she asks half joking he chuckles then they both head towards the cockpit hand in hand Trinity stares at Neo in shock then watches as he sits down then places Elysium on his lap "just rest!"  Neo whispers in Elysium's ear "I think I've rested enough! you rest I'll drive!"  Elysium replies he chuckles as she takes over the controls and starts leading the hovercraft to where they needed to go....

"Temperature's dropping here we go"  Trinity says acting like she was once again in control once they get closer to where they're going "we're over the fields, aren't we?"  Neo asks "how do you know that?"  Trinity asks "I can feel them"  Neo replies Elysium follows the power lines to where she knew Neo had to go.... Trinity hated Elysium and Neo's connection how she always seemed to know before anyone else did she still believed it should have been her and Elysium believed that Trinity would have only been half in it she would "love" him but not BELIEVE in him!.... not completely and not in the way he needed someone to believe in him.... Elysium flies towards the "mountains" then above the clouds when they become overpowered by Sentinels and she felt the "soul" of one pass through Neo.... "beautiful"  Neo hears Trinity whisper softly when they reach the "sky" then Elysium takes them back through the storm clouds "pump the igniter, the ship will start again, slowly now!"  Neo orders when they lose power Trinity does as ordered once they regain power Elysium once again starts flying the hovercraft swerving around the construction of wires "thank you Niobe!"  Elysium whispers Neo chuckles then asks "I thought Dozer taught you!?!"  Elysium replies "he did but she's fancier with her flying so it seemed appropriate!"  he chuckles "we have to hurry!"  Elysium whispers Neo nods she stands up off his lap then he stands up and walk off the ship.... Neo and Elysium climb all the way up to the Deus Ex Machina Elysium stays as far back as possible once they reach it and Neo walks closer to the many Sentinels that come together and create a face only letting go of her hand when it could no longer reach him as he walked "I only ask to say what I've come to say, after that, do what you want and I won't try to stop you"   Neo says "speak"  Deus Ex Machina replies "the program 'Smith' has grown beyond your control soon he will spread through this city as he spread through the Matrix you cannot stop him, but I can"  Neo tells it "we don't need you we need nothing"  Deus Ex Machina replies the Sentinels that make up the face spread apart then swarm around Neo in anger "if that's true, then I've made a mistake and you should kill me now"  Neo says the Sentinels once again create the face and the Deus Ex Machina asks "what do you want?"  Neo looks at Elysium then back at the face made of sentinels and replies "peace"  cords move up like flowers growing in the springtime.... or if you prefer worms in the dirt.... and connect to Neo's plugs Elysium knew there was nothing she could do that this was for Neo alone so she stayed out "and if you fail?"  Deus Ex Machina asks Neo looks up at it and replies "I won't"  then the last wire attaches itself to Neo and he and Elysium enter the Matrix together.... even though Elysium herself was not plugged in....

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