⚰⚱ Death Becomes You💀☠

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Neo and Elysium jump into the alley that was more like a large dumpster below and continue running "fire escape at the end of the alley Room 303"  Tank says into the phone as Neo places it up to his ear as they run Neo let's go of Elysium's hand tosses the phone onto the ground and they climb up the metal ladder Elysium goes first Neo follows they both try to ignore the bullets ricocheting off the stairwell as they run towards the room Tank pointed out "they are really bad at that!"  Elysium whispers shaking her head as one of the agents shoots up at them from the foot of the stairwell Neo chuckles she opens the door and they run inside.... Neo places Elysium behind him before opening the door to Room 303 and meets the barrel of Agent Smith's gun before he even steps inside Smith shoots Neo point blank in the chest and Neo stumbles backwards he places his hand on his chest and sees blood on his fingers then he looks up at Smith who shoots again Neo stumbles even further back taking Elysium with him "Thomas!?!"  Elysium whispers as she swings around him and sees the blood then she realized that there were parts that she was missing, parts she wasn't seeing, and that even Neo couldn't see or hear her anymore as Smith walks towards him and continues to shoot over and over and over again until his clip was empty and all Elysium could do is watch a shell shocked Neo fall to the ground dead she saw the gun but not the bullets "stop protecting me!!"  she orders as she kneels down beside him "Thomas!?!.... it's you Thomas isn't it!?!.... not the homeless man YOU!! you did promise to protect me and you are!.... without even realizing it!!"  she whispers Smith stands before Neo as his fellow agents walk over to him "check him"  he orders the agent that was closest to him who kneels down and checks Neo's pulse "he's gone"  the agent says as he looks up at Smith then he stands up and walks away the agent that came with him follows "goodbye Mr. Anderson"  Smith says....

"Gosh I don't know what to say since I know you can't hear me!.... I'm not sure WHY you can't hear me!!.... maybe you're not supposed to! maybe you don't want to!.... maybe these emotions I've been feeling are all apart of the Matrix messing with my heart! maybe it's a symptom of the Florence Nightingale Effect or White Knight Syndrome after all you are my rescuer and caregiver!.... the first person in that hellhole of a ship to actually CARE about me!!.... these past few days have been about learning the ways of the ship and pushing my phobia as far back as it will go.... living on that thing is like living in a giant overfull closet! being with you or plugged into the Matrix is the only thing that keeps me going.... makes me forget why and what I was ever afraid of to begin with!.... I was thinking that if we ever got some "free time" we could go through the Matrix together and just.... I don't know!.... I wouldn't say "go on dates" exactly but do stuff together help YOU get your mind off the rest of this shit!.... of being "the ONE" and let you just be you!!.... you can't do that on the ship with your "fan club" surrounding us!.... I want to get to know YOU!! I've told you all I know about me but I'd like for you to get to know me too the me that doesn't feel that fear all the time!.... we might want to think of a non-city section to be in though!"  Elysium tells Neo then she hears Trinity whisper "Neo.... I'm not afraid anymore the Oracle told me.... that I'd fall in love, and that man, the man who I loved would be the One and so you see.... you can't be dead you can't be.... because I love you you hear me? I love you.... now get up"  Elysium mutters sarcastically under her breath "that explains her hateful jealousy!"  she hears Neo chuckle then feels his soft lips press up against hers gently "so what's it like!?!"  she asks once his lips leave hers he tilts his head curiously as he looks into her eyes with a matching expression on his face "having two women fawn over you!?!"  she asks he chuckles then replies "sad.... cause my heart only beats for one.... and I think I'd like that too!.... the dates in the Matrix not....!"  he pauses then asks "wait!.... what are you talking about!?!"  she chuckles softly then replies "you didn't hear her "confession"!?!.... the Oracle told Trinity that "she'd fall in love with the One" and you can't be dead because "she loves you" and since she is your senior officer you better do as she orders and get up!.... they need you Thomas!"  he smiles and says "I'm glad you didn't stop calling me by my name"  he kisses her again then stands up Smith and the other agents turn when they sense the change in the system Elysium stands up and Neo places her behind him as the agents start shooting he raises his hand and the bullets stop in midair before they reach him he sees Elysium reach past him and grip one of the bullets he places his hand over hers as she whispers near his ear "still warm!"  the other bullets fall to the floor after they drop the bullet they held onto Neo starts to see everything as it was meant to be.... in code.... Smith grinds his teeth then rushes towards them Neo blocks every move that Smith attacks him with as though he was bored because it didn't take much effort to do so he moves faster than any agent ever has with each block then kicks Smith causing him to fly backwards and land on his back not too far from the other agents that stand and watch Neo slowly swings his foot back to his side and set it down on the ground then rushes towards Smith as the agent stands up Neo gets absorbed into Smith as Smith goes to punch him Smith turns and faces his fellow agents he looks down at his arms as little bumps appear on them and crawl around like scarabs in the Mummy movie his forehead starts to expand like his brain was going to pop out of his head his body rips apart and a bright white light shines through the cracks as Smith screams then explodes Neo flexes as does the hallway Elysium rushes over to him and he opens his eyes as he feels her arms wrap around him the agents look at each other then run away "we have to go!"  Neo hears Elysium whisper into his chest he looks down at her then nods and they rush to the phone hand in hand just as they hear Trinity scream "Neo!"  Elysium whispers sarcastically "talk about slow!"  Neo chuckles then he grips the receiver and they both wake up back on the Neb just as Morpheus turns on the EMP Neo gently pushes Trinity out of the way and rushes over to Elysium and hugs her as she stands up and their lips meet....

Neo and Elysium follow through on their unsaid promise and explore the inner makings of the Matrix going on dates or just spending time together and getting to know each other better Neo noticed the change in her how she seemed.... happier in the Matrix no worries, no fears, she was her "true-self" in there and that made him happy so any time they weren't busy with ship duties he made sure he took her there to relax and unwind so she could be her true-self once again.... "I know you're out there I can feel you now I know that you're afraid you're afraid of us you're afraid of change I don't know the future I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end I came here to tell you how it's going to begin I'm going to hang up this phone and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see I'm going to show them a world.... without you, a world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries, a world where anything is possible where we go from there.... is a choice I leave to you"  Elysium hears Neo say into a payphone a few days later then he walks out of the box and over to her wraps his arm around her waist as he slides his shades on with his other hand then he whispers softly with his lips gently pressed up against her earlobe "hold on!"  she smiles up at him as she reaches up and wraps her arms around his neck then he does the "Superman thing" and they fly high in the sky where they both felt free

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