10 | Special Operations Team

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"Ouch, ouch, ouch!"

"Sorry." I dabbed a damp cloth in Eren's jaw.

"Thank you for helping to save me."

I didn't say anything. There was something that Erwin said a long time ago when someone said a sentence like that, but I couldn't quite remember. My earliest memory since meeting was Isa and Furlan.

And maybe Hange.

I do recall hearing that Hange tried to talk with them and I thought her throat would get slit there and then by Levi.

Thankfully, that didn't happen.

"Don't worry, it's nothing personal." Erwin said, kneeling down next to me. "You really did speak your mind in front of the generalissimo and the other big shots unrestrainedly, after all. That gave us the perfect chance to play the card we had prepared up our sleeve. The pain you're in is also necessary to achieve our goal."

Erwin held out his hand. "You have my respect. And nice to meet you, Eren. Let's get along from now on."

It was always so fascinating; how Erwin interacted with people, whether one on one or to a whole crowd.

"Yes sir... Nice to meet you, too." Eren shook hands with Erwin. I noticed something in his mouth and tugged at Hange's uniform as Levi plopped down on the couch next to Eren. "Say, Eren, do you hate me?"

"Um, well, I get it was necessary for the plant to work, so no..."


"But there are limits!" Hange exclaimed, stepping away from me and kneeling down in front of Eren. "You kicked his tooth... out..."


Hange stared into Eren's mouth for a moment. "It's grown back."


"Who do you recommend for the team to take care of Eren?" Levi question. He was seated on my couch, his normal lean on the singular couch in front of my desk. He stared at the forms of all the Scouts in the regiment.

I put down my quill and stared at the form in front of him. "Petra is capable. She's quick, agile, and smart. Although..."


"She may seem cowardly at times. Not in her actions, but certainly on her face. The way her face goes pale and her eyes widen in a panic."

Levi sipped his tea. "Well, I don't blame her. She has parents and stuff to get back to as well." He glanced at me. "Your facial analysis is kinda creepy, though." He looked down at his cup and turned it around for a moment before turning back to me. "Can we make more tea?"

I nodded and got up. "What kind this time?"

"The one with the fruit."

I nodded again and walked out of the room with Levi following behind me.

"Ah, Levi, Y/N." We both stopped and turned, immediately saluting at the sound of Erwin's voice. He smiled a bit. "Heading to the dining area?"

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