35 | Faces

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I gazed upon the tall trees of the forest, gripping the reins of my new horse.

It was uncomfortable to mount him: he was an inch shorter than Cinder, the coat wasn't as kept, his mane was a dark blonde rather than white, and he didn't run as smoothly.

I fiddled with the reins, trying not to seem like I favoured another horse over the one I was currently riding. Shifting on the saddle, I might've called Levi's attention, as he asked, "Are you okay? Was the saddle not put on properly?"

I shook my head.


I noticed Zeke look between the two of us and I rode my horse ahead. He could be noting down anything, including close relations. I didn't know much about him beyond his power and family, and it irritated me more than anything.

"Here's the spot." Levi said. "Y/N."

I nodded and slid off my horse's saddle. The forest was lacking the boulders Zeke enjoyed to throw and he would be in pain, should he decide to transform, as branches would jab through him.

The branches in the area were low, and the land was flat enough for at least most people to sleep comfortably. I placed an x where the fire should go that there was enough space for tents and so it wouldn't set anything on fire.

Around that, soldiers began setting up their tents, and I strayed into the forest, where I was supposed to look for water.

I found a stream and knelt down, making sure it wasn't polluted with anything that could harm my comrades.

It smelled of any usual stream, lacking the salt that the ocean smelled of and the smell of rot and mould from underground.

When I returned, the camp was already set up and Levi was seated across from Zeke. He stopped speaking and turned to me. "Did you find a water source?"

I nodded.

"Good. You can rest."

I was wary of leaving Levi with Zeke, but I went to my tent and lied down, immediately feeling the discomfort of being alone in a room that wasn't my quarters.

Every sound outside was suddenly much more distinct and rest seemed far from me, so I sat up and let go of the thought that I'd be able to sleep.

I thought back to the kids that were captured, the way the little girl screeched at us, "Devils" as if it didn't mean a thing.

You're the one who killed Sasha...

My hate for kids, for teenagers, for those who aren't like Isa, they stem from a deep hate for the fact that they think everything revolves around them. When they wail after not getting their way, believe everything they hear, it's like the brain inside their head doesn't work until a certain age.

For some, at least.

I don't actually hate kids. I hate those who hold their ignorance. Even adults.

Those who think of themselves too highly, too important, like heroes in a world where there is no such thing as a villain.

I heard commotion outside and I peered outside of my tent, where soldiers were gathered around the cart for dinner.

There was a strange but familiar scent in the air, but I couldn't remember what it was until I glanced at Zeke, who was seated in the same place that he was before, eying my comrades like a wild cat to its prey. It smelled like the vial that was stolen from Rod Reiss with the titan's spinal fluid within.


I nearly clapped my hand over my mouth for speaking out of turn, but everyone went silent and turned to me.

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