32.5 | The Ocean

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Wall Maria was cleared of titans and citizens were allowed to resettle about a year later.

For the first time in six years, the Survey Corps had finally gone beyond Wall Maria. The land was flat, almost titan free, save for one that couldn't move and simply inched forward towards the wall like a worm.

We came across a tall wall, built as only a corner, but not enclosed. "This is where Eldians were turned into titans." Eren said. "And just past there..."

The horses ran forward, bringing us to a cliffside overlooking what looked like the sky, but on the ground.

My eyes filled with wonder at the sight: the ocean.

"Not bad." Levi said, bringing his horse up beside mine. "To think Cinder would see titans, a secret lair under a church, and the ocean." He joked, putting his hand on my horse's head.

"Indeed. He's a good one." I stroked Cinder's mane. "Well, let's head down?"

Everyone met the sandy shore, and watched the ocean roll in onto the sand. Some of the cadets, Hange amongst them, removed their shoes and felt the water touch their feet.

"It is full of salt." I observed upon breathing in the scent. "Would you like to dip your feet in?"

Levi shook his head. "I'm good."

Before I could say anything, I noticed Eren staring into the distance, beyond the horizon. "It's so huge." He stated.

"It is..." Armin smiled down at the item he held in his hands. "Hey, look at this, Eren-"

"On the other side of the walls is the ocean." Eren continued his soliloquy. "And on the other side of the ocean is freedom. That's what I always believed. But I was wrong. It's enemies on the other side of the ocean. This is all exactly as I saw in my old man's memories."

He pointed to where the ocean met the sky. "Those enemies on the other side of here. If we kill them all, does that mean... we'll be free?"

I took my boots and pulled them off my feet, placing them next to Levi and walking into the ocean's waves towards Eren. I kicked hard and water splashed onto the back of his clothes.

"Such a killjoy." I said, crossing my arms. "Honestly, you kids are too young for the truth sometimes."

"When did you get so playful?" Hange smiled, placing her hand on my head.

"I'm not. I'm scolding right now."

"Oh yeah?" She mimicked my movement and water hit the back of my clothing, causing an embarrassing squeak to leave my mouth.

There were suddenly splashes behind me followed by Hange screaming, "Cold!"

I turned and Levi, an expression covered with disgust, stood in the water. "Want a water fight? I'll give you one."


The ocean was the last gift the world could give us. That moment where we were all suddenly the same rank, splashing water filled with salt at each other, is something I'm sure Isa would've loved. Furlan too. Maybe even Erwin.

But, truly, I'm so glad they weren't around for what came not long after.

Because in that moment, I thought my scars faded. No... they were only numbed.

Fleets of ships came to our not-so tranquil island through the ocean Armin had longed to see. Both Armin and Eren fought them off, and eventually, whoever was sending them out realized that finding us was like making a pillow of steel: useless.

I sat at the shore once again, finally barren of boats I've never seen before, and stared longingly at the horizon. Humanity was our biggest enemy. I'd like to say they thought the same of us, but they didn't. They thought we were devils, not humans.

"Hey." A soft voice said, sitting next to me in the sand.

"Levi." I didn't turn. I'd recognize the voice anywhere, the silhouette I saw from the side of my eye, all of it. He sat close to me sighed. "The world's really gone to shit."

"It's been shit, Levi. We just see it now."

"How are you doing?"

"Well enough to not look at the ocean with hatred." The sound of the ocean waves rolling in made my head clear, the hair standing on the back of my neck going slack. "Levi, why do you think the ocean moves?"

He glanced at the ripples in the water before looking back at me. "Not sure."

"The sky seems to move as well. But the cloud drift in the same direction all the time, yet the ocean waves never seem to know where they're going."

"Is that so?"

I nodded, watching the waves coming further into the shore until they touches my toes. "Do you think the ocean came after the sky?"

"Why do you say that?"

I looked up at the dark evening sky. "I once thought that... Erwin's eyes were like the sky. A vast, sure blue that everyone could turn to. And Armin's eyes were like the ocean. Unsure currents, ever-changing waves, but held knowledge." I picked up a seashell from the sand. "Perhaps the ocean seems unsure because it is younger. Maybe it's still playing."

Levi hummed. "Maybe you're right."

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