15 | Titan Shifters

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When given information, I'm told to go to either Levi or Erwin. Since Erwin was in a meeting, I went to Levi. I knocked on the door and Levi opened it, immediately furrowing his brow at the sight of me in full uniform. "What's the matter?"

"Wall Maria has reportedly been breached. Erwin told me to inform you."

He glanced at Annie, who was still encased in crystal, and shut the door so the other people in the room wouldn't hear. "When did you get this report?"

"Two hours ago. The 104th squad is on the case, but I haven't received any info after I told the messenger that I would be here."

He let out a long and annoyed sigh. "Bring me to the others."


"Are the cadets heading to the areas that the Titans are coming from?"

"I believe so."

Levi hugged my waist a bit tighter, likely doing it because of his habit of crossing his arms tightly in times of concern. I shook Cinder's reins again and he ran a bit faster. It takes about two hours to go from here to headquarters, but I was making my way to Hange.

I entered the city and stopped Cinder so I could get off. "She should be somewhere around here." I said with my grip on Cinder's reins.

"Tell me when you spot her."

My eyes scanned the area, a crowd full of fleeing citizens. "There." I pulled Cinder's reins and the crowd parted for us. "Hange."

She looked at us from the cart she was in with Eren, Armin, Mikasa, and... "Who's the cultist?" Levi questioned.

"Ah, this is Pastor Nick." Hange grinned innocently. "A good friend of mine. He knew about the Titans in the walls, but until now, he's kept silent."

I furrowed my brow but didn't say anything.

Levi gave me a look and I pulled Cinder towards the wagon so he could get in without injuring himself again. I got back on Cinder and allowed him to trot next to the cart.

"So he's keeping his mouth shut despite the situation?" Levi's tone and face clearly displayed his aggravation, but I couldn't blame him. Hundreds could've died the other day if it weren't for Levi's idea to evacuate the area beforehand.

Even then, an entire church of people were crushed.

"For some reason, he's remained adamant about keeping his mouth shut in regards to the secrets about the wall, even if it means he dies." Hange explained. "Apparently, members of his sect know a lot about the wall."

Eren jumped to his feet. "Huh?!"

"Eren, sit down!" Mikasa pulled him back to his seat. "You're still healing from the after affects of your transformation."

In the time I've been in the same legion as Eren, I've seen that he's a lot quicker to act. At least compared to before. He also has a bit of a temper, and his eyes are almost filled with some sort of lust. Bloodlust, mainly.

"I was going to ask other sect members, but he chose to come with us out of his own free will. The situation has changed, so it seems after he witnessed everything, he's been doubting if he should follow the rules." Hange glanced at Pastor Nick's still stoic face. Well, I say glance, but it was more of a glare. "So he wants to see the real state of affairs for himself."

I don't know what exactly he wants to see. Corpses? The actual killing? Bloodshed?

Whatever it was, I didn't have time for it. No one did. Levi was able to keep tabs on Pastor Nick but I don't know what the members of his sect have in mind.

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