11 | New Recruits

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"Y/N, could you quickly make tea? I'll come in to check on you, and you can ask me any questions when I do."

"Yes sir."

I walked out of the room, hearing Eren ask Petra, "Is Y/N Captain Levi's favourite?"

"No, no. She's actually a higher rank than him, actually. She's here because she's examining the building for any safety hazards that needs to be addressed. And, of course, the horses."

I got to the kitchen, which was dusty beyond description, and placed down the teapot that I always used for tea after wiping off the surface. I heard someone walk in, and while the footsteps were heavier than normal, I thought it was Levi.

"Levi, what—"

But then I froze, seeing Gunther standing there. I had spoken out of turn. I stepped back a bit, forgetting about the burning stove behind me.

Levi, Erwin, Hange, superiors, somebody please walk in.

"Wait, Captain—"

I felt this burning sensation in the heel of my palm and I jolted, pressing my back against the wall and looking at my hand. The surface of my skin was burnt off and there was a significant pink mark on my palm.

"What happened?" Levi and the rest of his squad came in. He walked up to me and lifted my hand by the wrist. "...I'll bring her to the well. Keep cleaning."

He pulled me out of the building and filled a bucket full of water from the well. "Put your hand in." I winced a bit, feeling the sudden coolness on my hand over my burn. "Tell me what happened."

"...I thought Gunther was you and I got startled, so—"

"You know that no one here would raise a hand against you just because you spoke without permission." He wrapped my hand with a bandage that he had brought. "Especially since you're our superior."

I rubbed my shoulder. I know they won't. They're not the same as the people who trained me to kill, or the people who trained me as a slave.

But words, decisions, just everything... It all feels like a curse to me that I don't want to bare. Because I've always been told I was wrong.

"You can head back to headquarters. We can deal with things here. And get proper treatment for that burn." Levi stood up and went back inside.

I lifted my other hand and whistled. Cinder came and stopped in front of me. "Let's go back." I said as I got on.


"Y/N, you're— What happened to your hand?!" Hange ran up to me, dropping everything she was doing and leaving Moblit to keep four books from dropping to the ground. "I thought you were just cleaning!!"

I stared at my bandaged hand silently. It still hurt, but not as bad as it did in the moment.

"I'll bring some medical supplies." Moblit said. He placed the stack of books on a nearby table and walked off.

It was embarrassing. I've fought Titans, personal guards, body guards, and so much more, yet I got burnt by something as measly as a stove.

The door opened again but it wasn't only Moblit.

"Erwin!" Hange and I stood up and saluted.

He looked down at my hand. "What happened?"

I brought my hand to my chest and covered it with my other hand. "I burned myself while helping Levi."

"I don't think that injury would help on the upcoming expedition. Maybe you should sit this one out."

My heart dropped. It was Eren's first expedition and it's been a while since we've been outside of the walls, and I was going to miss it because of a pathetic accident?

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