18 | Drive

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"There it is."

Levi pulled at Trish's reins. "Those brats better have finished cleaning."

Eren was with them. At the time, I was sure that they were done, but when we went inside, the standards were... to say the least, lower than Levi's.

I walked in and saw little specks of dust drifting to the floor from beneath the table. I would've hoped that Levi didn't notice it if it weren't for the fact that I've known him for about ten years.

His eyes scanned the room. I'm sure he noticed similar things that I did. But he simply motioned for me to sit down with Hange and the others.

Levi sat down, his hand sliding across the bottom of the table. His silence as he stared at his dirt covered hand said it all. "There should have been plenty of time." He turned to me. "Y/N, later, teach these rookies how to clean." Then back at the cadets.

"We'll return to the topic of your half-assed cleaning later. We're going to review the situation at hand and set some directions."

One of the people seated next to me slid a tea cup in front of me.

"She's not drinking that." Levi said bluntly before returning to the topic at hand. "A lot has happened during this short time, but our objective has not changed. In other words, we'd do well to plug the hole in Wall Maria. If that were to happen, then most other things wouldn't matter."

Sasha leaned away from Jean as Levi listed all the things that wouldn't particularly matter once the wall is plugged, although I admit that a fur-covered titan throwing rocks at the scouts wouldn't be preferable, wall plugged or unplugged.

"Oi, Armin. You were saying if things went well, the wall could be plugged up quickly. Tell us about that again."

"Yes, the plan was to use the abilities of Eren's titan form to plug up the hole in the wall. The wall appeared somehow to be made out of the hardened bodies of titans, so if the mass of the bodies necessary to plug the hole could be produced right at the scene..."

It felt like talking to Hange. Big ideas that sound insane but when you're actually carrying them out, you realize they're genius.

"If that's possible, then there would be no need to continuously transport in large amounts of material by wagon like in previous plans." Armin continued. "If it's just by horse, the road from the Trost District to Shiganshina District could be traverse in a single night. If these ideals could come into fruition, then the time needed for a plan to take back Wall Maria would be less than a day."

Frankly, knowing the luck of the Scout Regiment, it likely won't go in the way Armin is describing. However, it is a bright idea.

"Y/N, how well-trained are the horses you gave to the cadets?" Levi questioned.

"A-Grade at the worst."

"Good. Eren, do you understand your importance in this plan?"

Eren nodded. "Yes, understood."

I glanced at Hange at the same time as Levi. "So then it falls to you to choose a suitable place for experimentation." He said.

"Yes... of course, so long as I live, that is my responsibility."

My brows knit together. It was an unexpectedly serious response coming from Hange, one who is so passionate in the subject of titans.

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