Chapter Two - "Surprise, Sweet Girl"

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Melody felt as if she could dance for a millennia and then some more as she let the echoing music of the club consume her. The young hours of the night were growing old, yet the girl still contained much built up energy that was yearning to be set free. Melody knew that tomorrow she would return to her love and become entrapped by the walls of the house once again. She knew that the night was merely a dream that she would eventually awaken from and she was determined not to waste a single moment of it.

The strobe lights masked many of the girl's movements as droplets of sweat slowly glided down her skin. Her body proceeded to act on its own accord as the rebellious girl moved closely against one of the countless strangers she had bumped into that night. Truthfully, within her drunken state, Melody was picturing dancing against her Leo. She imagined it was him that was touching her. After all, she would only ever truly desire his touch.

As if Melody had manifested it, she was abruptly awoken from her alcohol induced trance by an all too familiar voice spitting three poisonous words into her ears. Three words that terrified Melody to her core. Three words that made her body go rigid. The realisation of whom those three words were vocalized by slammed into the girl like a bulldozer.

"Surprise, sweet girl."


It was purely coincidental that earlier that night, Leonardo had waltzed into that same club for business purposes only as he planned to consult with his associate. Leonardo was a very busy man, which was inevitable in his line of work, however, he had purposely organised the meeting for that particular date in an effort to distract himself from his Melody's missing presence.

He took some comfort from the idea of his girl lying asleep, safe and sound, in her friend's bed. He had hoped she was not still up watching old cringy movies and filling up on crappy food. It was too late in the night for his sweet girl.

When Leonardo had first seen Melody in the club he had fallen into a state of shock. He could not comprehend that his obedient girl had blatantly lied to his face on several occasions in order to put herself in, what he saw as, a very dangerous situation indeed. He had wondered how he had been fooled by the one person he thought he knew like the back of his hand. The one person he thought he could read like an open book. His heart had stung at her betrayal - at the broken trust. He was hurt.

However, the hurt he had felt rapidly morphed into a dangerous anger as his daze had been broken by another man moving to dance with his Melody. His jaw ticked as he had taken notice of the skimpy black dress that he normally loved on her however, as he saw the lustful stares the girl received, he had found himself hating the piece of clothing more than he had ever hated anything.

The man had been furious.
How dare she disobey him?
He had thrown his drink onto a wall of the club in frustration and had been too blinded by anger to hear the noise it made as it shattered. His eyes had turned darker as he had watched the girl dance contently from the sidelines. Dismissing his business associate, he stormed towards the painfully oblivious girl.

In that moment, the man was certain of one thing only: once he got his hands on her, he would ensure that his Melody would never pull this stunt again.


Frozen in time, the girl's breath hitched in her throat as her heart sunk to her feet. Silently, she prayed to the heavens that the current moment was but a drunken misconfiguration. But as she peered down and took notice of the familiar tattooed arms that encased her figure she knew this was not the case. The fear she held was suffocating and she felt all the alcohol instantaneously leave her body.
She was petrified.

"You going to turn yourself around, love? Or do I have to do it for you?" Leonardo's tone was deadly as he subtly threatened the girl. Melody felt his hot vaporising breath on her skin as the hairs on the back of her neck pricked upwards. Too absorbed in her constant flow of panicked thoughts, the girl remained oblivious to the seconds that ticked by, seconds that were emptied by her lack of response.

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