Chapter 25 - The Calm Before the Storm

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Melody's POV:


"He's such dick!" Nyla belts as her thumb rapidly hits her phone screen in a texting motion. Wowza she's loud.

"Who is?" I inquire nonchalantly whilst wiping my bikini top after clumsily spilling lemonade down myself, caught off guard by her sudden outburst.

"Dylan. He's being impossible," she dismisses before carelessly throwing her phone onto the grass behind her, her legs still dangling in the pool.

"I thought you guys were 'just friends'", I mock her own words knowingly and giggle to myself as she shoots me a glare. Deny it all they want, but I've always know something was going on between them, "friends" my ass.

"We are, and for good reason too! This ass-wipe seems to think that whilst he can go and fuck every girl he passes, I go out for one drink with a guy and I'm the fucking problem. This entitled, controlling man-whore!" She belted whilst scowling into the water of the pool.

"I think you two just need to be honest with each other about how you feel. There's obviously something there - why not stop wasting time and go for it?" I advise as I close my eyes and sigh contently at the feeling of the warm sun rays on my face and the sound of the birds chirping in the trees.

"Yeah, I'll be honest with him when hell freezes over. Once he learns to keep his dick in his pants and grows a pair then maybe I'll listen." she stubbornly dismisses and I can't help but chuckle at her words. "How are you and Leonardo doing anyway?" She asks casually, visibly growing bored of the conversation about her and Dylan. They're so funny together.

"We're doing...okay, at the moment," I keep my answer vague and brief, not wanting to dive into anything deep as we relax in the garden.

"That doesn't sound good. What's he done now?" She presses and I sigh, tiredly, before hauling myself into a sitting position and moving to look at her knowing full well she isn't the type of person to drop this.

"Honestly nothing it's just... well after the um, the incident, he's been extremely protective to say the least." I mumble in uncertainty, feeling a little paranoid Leo will walk through the back door at any second and hear my words. I don't want to upset him.

"To be fair, it's understandable that you getting shot would shake him. You are literally his entire world Mel, and worst of all it happened when you were with him. I'm not saying he's not absolutely fucking ridiculous and way too fucking possessive - he absolutely is - but I've known Leonardo for a long time and I know how much you mean to him and seeing you getting hurt like that would have seriously fucked with his head." She replies, wisely, and I find myself instantly nodding in agreement. She's right. I scared him. He's already told me that himself.

"I know, I know you're right. It just feels like he's put me on lock down ever since it happened. I really do want to make him feel better by listening to him but it feels like I'm suffocating." I open up to her, vulnerably, as my hand moved up to toy with my necklace as it starts feeling increasingly restrictive.

"Have you talked to him about it?" She asks softly.

"No," I sigh exasperatedly, "he's told me how he feels about the situation and it reached the point to where I found myself agreeing with what he said," I shake my head, crying as I recall the conversation we had a couple of weeks ago.

"Mel, you can't let him push you around like this. As much as I care for him, it's clear that he's got no boundaries with you. You need boundaries sweets, or he's only going to continue to get his way", her words shake me a little and I find my nails digging into the palms of my hands. I can't even disagree with her and that's what worries me.

His Melody Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon