Chapter 15 - Fights, Flights and Fanny Flutters

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Leonardo's POV:

I clench my jaw in discontentment as I watch my Melody subconsciously pull at the skin of her fingers and repeatedly chew on her bottom lip - two of the anxious habits of hers that I have grown to despise. I hate seeing her anxious. I was aware, prior to entering the airport, that this journey was not going to be easy for my sweet girl. I recall her sharing with me her many negative experiences with planes and airports and I ponder about how on earth she managed the trip alone when she came to Italy a few days ago. Poor thing must have been scared shitless. I purposely called in my private jet hoping that the absence of strangers on the plane would lessen her nerves.
I have yet to be proven correct.

"Sweetheart, you going to stop your pacing? You're making me dizzy." I finally object as Melody begins to walk up and down the main body of the plane at a faster rate. Much to my irritation, we had been waiting for take-off for the last hour - quick service my ass.

"Oh, I'm sorry Leo, I didn't mean to I'm just feeling a little stressed. I'll stop right now I swear!" She promises and abruptly holts her movements.

My eyes soften significantly as she fails to recognise my playful tone. Carelessly, I shove aside my laptop and stand from my seat before making my way towards her, noting how her she slightly jigs her leg up and down in thought; another anxious habit. Upon reaching her, I carefully cup her cheeks and shift her attention towards me, relaxing a little when her gaze meets my own. "Shhh Mel. I'm only joking, you're fine", I mutter softly and attempt to send her a reassuring smile.
I hate how on edge she is - she should that I won't let anything happen to her.

Melody chuckles lightly to herself and leans into my touch - I smile a little at that last movement. "Right, sorry. Um, by the way, do you think I could possibly change into something more comfortable. I think I'd feel better if I were out of these jeans... although if that's a problem-" she rambles and as much as I like her asking my permission for things, my heart stings at her uncertainty and lack of confidence. Her innocent nature makes her vulnerable.

"Of course you can, love", I reassure her and quickly kiss her forehead before reaching for one of my suitcases in the overhanging cabinets of the plane. I swiftly unzip it before grabbing one of my hoodies that I know she favours and a random pair of my sweatpants before offering the clothing to her. "The bathroom is the first door on your left. Take as much time as you need, as it appears we won't be leaving any time soon," I complain and raise my voice slightly at the end of my sentence; directing my words towards the pilot at the front of the plane. Thankfully, Melody seems amused by my statement and mutters a quick thanks before attempting to peck my cheek but ultimately failing, as a result of her short size, and planting a kiss on my jaw instead. Her cheeks waver red at her mistake and she quickly scurries to the bathroom.
Fucking adorable.

Shaking my head in amusement, I retake my seat before, reluctantly, hauling my laptop in front of me and continuing my work. Much to my surprise, just over a minute passes before Melody bursts out of the bathroom and stumbles back towards me. I analyse the overly large jumper of mine that finished just below her knees and my grey sweatpants which she appears to have rolled over one hundred times in order to prevent them from falling down. A satisfied smirk tugs at my lips as I watch her with approval.
I love her in my clothes.

She seems to be in a world of her own as she clambers into the seat opposite from me and begins to stare intently out of the window. She's too cute. Smiling softly to myself, I go to turn back to my work when the plane jolts forwards causing my Melody to yelp in surprise. Gradually, the plane increases with speed as it moves along the runaway preparing for flight. Fucking finally.

My attention immediately snaps towards Melody in an effort to digest her reaction but my heart flares with concern as she voices her panic. "No, no, no, no, no. Oh god, oh god, I've changed my mind, I want to get off. Let me off! I can't do this!" She practically screams in distress and I become instantly alert as she stands from her seat and moves towards the exit. On instinct, I grab her wrist and haul her into my lap so that she is straddling me.

His Melody Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant