Chapter 21 - 'My Brave Girl'

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Leonardo's POV:


"Leo, I don't know about this..." my sweet girl mutters her uncertainty as she wearily shuffles towards the pool's edge. Melody isn't  a confident swimmer to say the least - not that this is at all because of her abilities but rather the fault of her fucking embarrassments of parents as they neglected to teach her the skill.

I remember the first time we visited the beach all too vividly. She had been ecstatic; practically bursting with excitement as she bounded along the seashore. I remember how she beamed up at me, joyfully, carelessly, freely... and then I remember how her excitement disappeared and terror paralysed me.

On her request, I had journeyed up the beach with the intention of returning back with ice cream. In the early stages of our relationship, I had been all too eager to please the girl who stole my thoughts and masked my sadness. However, in doing so I had left her alone by the water's edge.
Stupid. I was recklessly stupid.

When I returned she was nowhere in sight. Even now I can feel the heaviness in my lungs at the fear of the unknown.
It was her adorable flowery printed flip-flops that I found neatly placed in the sand by the water which indicated her whereabouts. And then I looked out. I saw a hand, flailing in the air, pleading for help; clutching my oxygen.
She could not swim.
I didn't know she could not swim.

My body moved mechanically, mathematically, as I dove into the water and swam as fast as my limbs allowed towards the hand. Her hand. I could not tell if it was the salt of the seawater or my tears which clouded my vision but both seemed extraneous. When I finally reached her I hauled her upper-body out of the water so that her arms were wound around my neck. So that she could breathe. So that I could breathe.

I remember how she instinctively tried to scramble her way higher and higher up my torso, desperate to create distance between herself and the water. I remember the stinging sensation of her fingernails clawing at my back as she writhed in my arms. I remember the distraught cries that escaped her mouth in her hysteria and I remember my never-ending list of apologies that I whispered, guilty, in her ears. I didn't know she could not swim.

"Leo?" My angel prompts my reply, simultaneously saving me from the raw memories of the past. We have not been swimming since that incident and I would be lying if I said I too wasn't a little nervous about letting Melody in water again - not that I would ever show any inclination of my concern to my girl. Her anxiety needed no encouragement.

"Baby, it will be fine. I've got you this time, I promise." I state and smile a little as I watch her inch her pinky finger towards my own. Instantly, I join my pinky with hers; officiating the promise.

"O-okay... if you're sure", she mutters with nervousness lacing her tone as she releases my hand. My poor girl.

"Come here, sweetheart", I usher and reach my arms up to her as I remain standing in the pool. Noticing her uncertainty I pat the side of the pool, encouraging her to sit down and she does so with reluctance. One step at a time. I move to stand between her legs as my hands clasp her waist and she tightly wraps her arms around my neck. Anger burns within me as I feel her body quiver with fear and I imagine beating her parents faces in. Fucking bastards. "Ready?" I ask, as my fingers trace soothing shapes on her sides, having had given her time for her legs to adjust to the water temperature. Seconds pass and she finally gives a timid nod of consent.

Slowly, I lift her off the side and into the water to which she immediately clings onto me for dear life and buries her face into my neck. My heart clenches in pain as alarmed whimpers ring through the air. "L-Leo..." she mutters, insecurely.

"Shhh love, you're okay. I've got you; I promise I've got you." I mutter honest reassurances as I hold her tighter. Maybe this was a bad idea...

Minutes pass and I feel the hold she has on me slacken a little as she realises that there is no way in hell I'm letting her go until she's ready. I move us both further up the shallow end of the pool and when I am sure Melody will be able to stand in the water I stop moving. "You'll be able to stand here baby. How about you let go of me a little, hm? I promise I will still hold onto you." I encourage but make no move to pull her off of me - this needed to be up to her; she needed to be in control.

Melody nods, wordlessly, as she begins to untangle herself from me so that she can stand on her own two feet, but still tightly clasps onto my forearm. Her eyes shoot to my own and I almost wince at the obvious doubt lacing her features. Sending her a soft smile I nod at her in approval. Shakily, she released her hold on me completely and I watch her try to fight back the tears pricking her eyes. I can tell my poor girl would like nothing more than to jump back into my embrace, however, she seems to want to at least try conquer her fear. She can't be scared of the water forever.

"Look at my brave girl, you're doing so good baby," I compliment and smile a little as a soft blush falls upon her cheeks.

Anxiously, I wait for her next move as her mind appears to wander somewhere. I watch her as she seems to have an internal battle with herself, however, when she finally speaks, I cannot help but be taken back at her request. "Um...m-maybe... could you maybe teach me how to swim, please?"

I feel a huge grin takeover my face as I look down at her in admiration.
My brave girl.


Don't hate me....

Hello my lovely readers, I apologise I haven't uploaded in a while. I've been quite ill and swamped with school work but I am breaking up for Christmas soon so I promise to update fairly regularly.

I also apologise for this chapter being a little short but I can assure you the next one will be eventful to say the least.

I hope you are having a lovely day, happy December!

Lots of love. Xxx

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