Chapter 12 - Mr Piss-your-pants Scary

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Leonardo's POV:

It's been one day - 24 long hours since my  antagonizing girl ended our phone call and threw me into a maddened state of despair. I had immediately contacted Kai in hopes of him locating her whereabouts and I had been infuriated to find he was the reason she wasn't currently safe and sound in my home. Just wait until I get my hands on him. Friend or not he should to not mess with what's mine and thanks to his foolishness and weak heart my Melody was nowhere to be found. He should never have taken his eyes off of her. Stupid boy.

My concern for her safety was beckoning me to cut my trip short and return home to find her. This would undoubtedly rain havoc on my business but I was certain that if she was not found within the next hour, I would do just that. I was beggining to find her impulsive tendencies to be rather tiresome - when would she learn to not disobey me? To trust that the decisions I make are made in order to keep her safe? She is my lifeline and I despise how she constantly puts herself in harms way. I can only hope that she is currently okay and breathing. If I were to imagine it any other way I would surely go insane. I need to be sane, I need to be able to find her.

My heart plummeted the second she had mentioned watching the news. Despite my monotonous attempts to keep my girl and my work completely separated she repeatedly makes this difficult to achieve. Her loving instincts are one of the countless traits of hers which I am so fond of, but they also prohibit me from being completely open with her. If she were to know what I have done, what I continue to do, she would unquestionably try to leave me. She cannot leave me. Her removed presence from my life would be a more painful suffering than I would wish upon my worst enemy. Selfishly, I could not allow this to happen. I need her to live; to breathe. She is my everything and I cannot lose her.

Frustratedly, I throw the empty bottle of gin against the kitchen wall and ignore the shattered pieces of glass which scatter across the room. In the absence of my girl, I had been drinking in a feeble attempt to try and fill the void she created. It did not work. I remain hollow and sigh as I picture my sweet Melody reprimanding me for reacting so immaturely. God, I miss her.

The noise of my phone vibrating against the kitchen counter caught my immediate attention and I answered with a second thought. "Was she there? Have you found her?"

"No boss. I apologize, I haven't found her yet," Kai's defeated voiced reports through the phone and I struggle to contain my anger at his answer.

"Well where the fuck is she then?!" I growl, demanding an explanation as my free hand moves to tug at my hair in despair.

"I'm not sure boss. I went to her Mother's house like you said and with much persuasion she finally admitted that Melody had recently been there but that she had left hours ago. The woman has no idea where she went," Kai finished with sadness lingering in his tone. I do not doubt that he feels guilty for letting her simply disappear and that he is worrying about her whereabouts.
Good; he should feel guilty.

I was furious to find that Melody had visited that embarrassment of a human. I had told her on numerous occasions that she was not to associate with her anymore. That woman had caused my girl enough trauma as it is and I blame her for ever ounce of wrongful insecurity that is cemented into my Melody. She is perfect, and that bitch made her think otherwise. Once I find my baby, she is going to have a lot of explaining to do.

"Kai I fucking swear-" I begin before a rushed knocking on the front door interrupts me. I choose to ignore it, deeming it less important than my current conversation but the noise was quickly followed by a persistent banging. I roll my eyes in aggravation, "I'll call you back," I decide and reluctantly end the phone call with much annoyance. Whoever is behind that door is going to get a fucking piece of my mind.

I storm towards the door and do not hesitate to throw it open. I go to yell and reprimand the perpetrator for interrupting me when my breath hitches in my throat. Relief floods over me and my mouth momentarily hangs open. I'm at loss for words. "H-hi Leo," my Melody's soft voice greets me. She's here.
She's okay.

My relief is short lived as I notice the pained tears that gather in her eyes and what looks like to be the beginning of a bruise forming on her cheek. My jaw clenches and my nails cut into my palms. She is hurt. Someone hurt her. I had no time to project my anger as she flung her arms around my waist and buried her face into my chest as exasperated sobs racked through her. I'm fucking furious.

"Shhh baby, you're okay. I've got you now", I cooed reassurances into her ear as I lift her shaking form off the floor so her legs instinctively wrap around my waist. My heart breaks a little at seeing her in such a distraught state but I cannot deny the comfort I feel at having her safe in my arms once again. Wordlessly, I move to the couch in the living room and sit down with her on top of me. I moved one hand soothingly up and down her back whilst the other strokes and toys with her messy hair. "Breathe, sweetheart. You're okay. Nothings going to hurt you, I promise."
I whisper encouragements and rock us slightly, side to side, hoping to provide her of some comfort.

We stay like this for several minutes before she slowly retracts her head from the crook of my neck in an effort to look at my face. "Thank you," she mumbles in, what I assume to be, appreciation for calming her down. A sad smile tugs at my lips at her purity. She should know that I would do anything for her.

"Melody baby, what happened?" I question but instantly curse myself as I watch her eyes cloud over with tears once again. "I'm sorry, you don't have to explain right now if you don't want to," I rush and press a gentle kiss to her forehead, beckoning her not to cry.
I hate it when she cries.

I watch her intently as her fingers began to anxiously fiddle with the waistband of my sweats. Why was she nervous? She muttered something that was too quiet for me to apprehend and I struggle to refrain from reprimanding her. "What was that love?" I ask her to repeat as my thumbs rub small circles on the sides of her hips.

"I saw my mum yesterday", she admits guiltily and my eyes soften at her honesty.
She is too good for this world.

"I know, baby. Is she the reason you've gotten all upset?" I reply and silently pray to the Gods that her answer isn't what I think it will be.

"S-she hit me."           

I'll kill her.

Soft tears roll down her face and I ignore the rage clawing at my chest as I pull her impossibly close to me. "I am so fucking sorry Melody. You do not deserve that." My words are honest as my eyes significantly darken as I imagine the occurrence.

Yep. She's fucking dead.


Two updates in two days. I think that's pretty fucking good if you ask me. Thank you so much for 11k! I love you all <3

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