Chapter Nine - Forever Marks

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"Leo, where are we going?" Melody grumbled a complaint pulling on his arm in protest as he effortlessly maneuvered them both through the busy street. Failing miserably to match his long strides she whined at his fast pace. She was growing bored of wondering aimlessly through the city and had made continuous demands to know where he was taking her but the man denied her of an answer each time.

"We're almost there", Leonardo chuckled at the girl's antics. His firm grip on her hand never wavered as she trailed close behind him but he would still occasionally glance back to reassure himself that she was there.

"I don't know why you're laughing - this isn't funny. I promise you Leo, if we continue my feet will fall off." She warned the man and her eyes shot daggers at the back of his head as he appeared to continue to find her amusing. She was growing frustrated that he was not understanding the gravity of her situation.

"You can stop complaining now baby, we're here." Leonardo teased and positioned her in front of their destination as he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.

Melody squealed in surprise. "You're getting another tattoo!" She gathered as she stared at the familiar tattoo parlor. She beamed up at him excitement and happily pecked his lips. Since the pair had known each other Leonardo had made several additions to the artwork that already coated his body and Melody had accompanied him on each visit. Truth be told, she was not very fond of needles but she loved admiring the beauty of the tattoos and thoroughly enjoyed watching them being created each time. Moreover, she felt inclined to support her man and stand by his side as, despite Leonardo refusing to admit it, she didn't doubt the process was painful.

"I'm glad you're excited sweetheart." Leonardo shook his head slightly at her obvious enthusiasm but rolled his eyes as she left his hold and eagerly skipped inside. Having had immediately followed her, he was not the slightest bit surprised to find his girl animatedly chatting with the owner of the tattoo parlor who she had met on numerous occasions. Calmly, he walked over to his girl and his arms retook their customary position protectively around her body. "Hey, Joe."

"Well it's about damn time you came back here, kid. What's it been? A month?" Joe, the owner, greeted and Leonardo sighed at the belittling nickname.

"Something like that..." he agreed, begrudgingly.

"Guess what Joe! Leo's getting another tattoo!" Melody chimed in, her excitement not dimming as she smiled up at the older man.

Joe chuckled at the girl's expression and his eyes softened with care. "I figured as much," he teased. To a stranger, Joe's appearance was a little off putting with the ink that neglected no skin, his prickly beard, uncountable piercings and rather large figure, but Melody had immediately seen through this upon meeting him as as she had noted his kind aura and warm smile. Joe was the only person Leonardo would trust marking his skin and so he had known him for many years. The elder man had initially been surprised to find the girl that had so easily stolen his friend's heart to be so pure and fragile but, like any other, he soon became rather fond of her visits. "What are you thinking of getting?"

Much to the girl's confusion, Leonardo glanced down at her skeptically and leant over her head to whisper something to Joe which she could not decipher. Suddenly a ginormous grin spread over Joe's face as he nodded and moved to prepare his equipment.

"What did you tell him?" Melody inquired in confusion as she tugged on the fabric of Leonardo's jumper in anticipation.

"You'll find out soon," he playfully winked and bent down to kiss her forehead before he moved to where Joe was situated. Melody became slightly flustered as she watched her man remove his hoodie to reveal his muscular chest. Her heart rate increased slightly and she drifted over to him with her arms crossed in irritation. "I can't believe you aren't telling me what you're getting done", she huffed.

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