Chapter Five - Touches and Tingles

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Tossing and turning, Melody felt around in the bed for Leonardo. Even in sleep, the girl could feel his missing presence and she stirred, irritably. Her eyes fluttered open in search of the man and her anxiety rose as he was nowhere to be seen. Frantically, her gaze darted around the room - her breaths became more rapid the longer she was without him and she could feel panic rising in her chest.

"L-eo!" the girl struggled to call out for him as she fought back the tears that began to cloud her vision. Having heard his Melody's distress, Leonardo threw open the bathroom door and ran to her aid. Fear consumed the man as he hurriedly picked up the girl, who immediately wrapped her legs around his waist, and searched for any danger. Deciding the room was clear, he turned back to her in confusion.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" He rushed, scanning her face for injuries.

"N-no, I'm fine. I just..." the girl struggled to continue as she felt increasingly more embarrassed by her childish behavior. Seeing her hesitation, Leonardo rubbed soothing strokes up and down her back and raised an eyebrow, encouraging her to continue. "I just couldn't find you and...I thought you might have left me after yesterday. I panicked, I'm sorry," she admitted, ashamedly.

"Baby, hey, look at me," the man instructed, grabbing her chin to direct her attention back to him. "I'm sorry for scaring you sweetheart, I thought you could use some rest so I didn't wake you. But, don't you, ever, think even for a second that I would leave you. Nothing you do could make me leave." He stated with a firm tone.

"Promise?" she mumbled, holding out her pinky. Understanding the familiar gesture, Leonardo quickly copied her actions and joined their pinkies.

"I promise," he confirmed as he gazed down at her, softly. He loved her innocent mind.

In truth, Melody had always been clingy to those who she had close relationships with, but it was recurrent that after any type of argument she became exceptionally needy. The girl was not a particularly confrontational or argumentative person, in fact, she detested any type of conflict as, resulting from her anxious personality, she was always left feeling guilty and insecure after the fall out.

As a child, Melody feared abandonment more than anything, and so, she constantly needed reassurance. In her relationship with Leonardo, this daily reassurance came from physical touch between the two, however, whenever the couple argued, afterwards, Melody would stay attached by the hip to the man until her anxiety had dissipated. Granted, Leonardo did not mind these periods, if anything he favoured them - if it were up to him the girl would remain, forever, at his side.

Leonardo sat down with Melody on his lap, straddling him. "Are you okay, now?" He inquired whilst rubbing his hands up and down her her naked thighs - after the events of last night the girl had not bothered with pyjamas. She nodded her head in confirmation as she buried her face into his chest.

The man hummed in reply. "Okay love, why don't you go have a shower and get dressed", he suggested, tracing shapes on her lower back. Melody groaned in protest as she nuzzled further into him and Leonardo chuckled as he felt her grip on him significantly tighten. "Come on baby, we're going out later this evening", he informed her, resting his chin on the top of her head.

"But this evening is aaaaages away," she grumbled dramatically, lengthening her words to stress her point. "Why can't we just go back to sleep for a while?"

"Little girl, I suggest you listen and do as you're told", Leonardo responded as he began to kneed her ass with one hand and pull her from his chest with the other so that she could see his serious expression.

"Okay, fine," she sighed in defeat until her eyes brightened with mischief. "Will you come shower with me though?"

The man chuckled at the pleading look she was giving him, knowing the implication behind her question. "Are you sure you aren't still sore from last night, baby?" he teased.

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