Chapter ten

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Mandy shrugged and took a bite of her granola bar. She watched as the man and little girl walked into the lift with the rest of their friends. Something about the man troubled her.

He seemed familiar. Had she met him? No, she'd remember someone that good looking. She eyed the his bandanna when he turned his head and gasped when she seen a small symbol on it.


"SOMEONE TAKE THE FRONT DESK." She yelled then ran out of the back door to the garden. She looked around frantically, peering around bushes, in trees, basically everywhere she could think of.

"Kriff, the bridge!" Mandy mumbled, she ran past the garden, behind the house. She ran to the bridge that held up the town.

She cautiously walked across the duracrete supports to the next mountain. Once on sturdy ground, Mandy followed the dirt path to a large willow tree. She seen her sister sitting peacefully under it, leaning against the trunk and reading something.Mandy walked up to her slowly, panting from running.

Riley looked up upon hearing heavy breathing. "Did you run all the way here from the inn? Wait-who's at the front desk?" Riley asked as Mandy now stood in front of her.

"" she gasped out. Riley stood up and looked at her sister. "Woah, Mandy, calm down. Breath." Riley said, putting her hand on Mandy's shoulder.

Mandy took a minute to regulate her breathing and calm down. "Okay, now what were you saying?" Riley asked. "Y'know how you have all those pictures of little kids' drawings on you datapad?" Mandy asked.

"Um yeah. From when I was on Kamino." Riley said. Mandy nodded her head and grabbed Riley's hand. "You have got to see this." Was all she said as she began dragging Riley behind her.

"See what? What's so important? Mandy what the hell is going on?" Riley questioned. "Just come with me." Mandy told her.


"Hunter why didn't you let her find your mom!?" Omega asked as soon as the doors to the lift closed. Hunter sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Because, 'Mega-I-ugh"

"You're scared, aren't you." Omega said, eyeing Hunter. "That would make sense. Given Hunter's constant excuses and body language whenever Riley is mentioned, it would be logical to assume he's scared." Tech said matter-of-factly.

"Why would you be scared of mom? She loves us!" Wrecker said. Hunter ignored that question and went straight to the room once the lift doors opened.

"Hunter." Echo grabbed his shoulder and turned him around to face everyone. "What's. Wrong." Hunter sighed and looked his siblings sadly. "If she remembers..she's gonna remember Crosshair. She's going to ask where he is and....why we left him." He said sadly.

"Hunter I'm sure she'll understand if you tell her." Omega said. "Kid you don't get it. She had a special bond with Crosshair, she was the only person he actually openly hugged or showed affection to. Sure it might not have seemed that affectionate, but for him it was a lot." Hunter told her.

"He was the favorite." Wrecker said plainly. Hunter and Tech glared at him before turning their attention back to Omega. "She never clarified that. But mom would always make sure he was ok and having a good time when he didn't want to socialize with us." He told her.

"You're scared she's going to hate you." Omega said. She eyed him for a moment before speaking again. "You're scared that you're gonna lose your mom again."

"I'm not scared. C'mon, let's get inside." Hunter said, holding the door open for her. They all walked inside and settled down.

[time skip brought to you by a clone cuddle pile]

"Dank farrik Mandy! Where in karking hells are we going?" Riley demand once they reached to house. "You have to see them. If my hunch is right, you're gonna be really happy." Was all Mandy said before shoving Riley into the inn.

Mandy continued dragging her sister towards the lift, much to Riley's complaints. "Seriously, Mandy. What are you doing?" Riley asked for probably the 10th time.

Mandy ignored the question and pressed the floor number in the the lift. Riley stood impatiently beside her, tapping her foot and grumbling. Once the doors opened Mandy grabbed Riley's hand and ran down the hall.

"C'mon room 50. Where are ya." Mandy mumbled. Riley's interest piqued when she heard the room number. 'What is going on?' She thought. Once the pair reached the door Mandy let go of Riley's hand.

"Ok. I could be completely wrong about this but please talk to them." Mandy told her. She knocked on the door a few times before running away.

"Mandy what the hell?" Riley and yelled. She jumped when the room door suddenly opened. A tall, broad, scary looking man stood at the doorway. He had scars on the left side of his head and it looked like he was blind in his left eye.

The man stood there staring at her in shock. Two more men came up behind him. The tattooed one from earlier and a man with goggles. They all stared at Riley, not knowing how to react.

Tech was so shocked he dropped his datapad. Wrecker was speechless for once in his life. And Hunter was absolutely terrified.

Riley was scared, these men wouldn't stop staring at her. Even worse they seemed familiar. She couldn't help but feel like she knew who they were.

Wrecker snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Tech and Hunter. They looked at him with the same confused expression he wore. Wrecker looked back at Riley, still incredibly confused.



Word count: 952

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