Chapter 5: "I Could've Brained You"

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The next day I did not see Davis at the kiosk and considered it progress. Maybe in time he would take the hint and leave my poor gay heart alone. I wasn't exactly sure when and to whom I would come out, but there was plenty of time and I didn't feel close to anyone yet.

Except... well... nope.

I would not think of him as my friend, no way. That was a recipe for disaster. It wasn't Davis' fault about the whole Patrick thing, so I felt kind of bad, but then again, he was... Davis. He would find tons of friends. He already probably had and didn't need another one.

After lunch, we had an intense seminar, and when that finished, Connor asked me if I wanted to go to the library with him, but I opted to go outside. I needed some fresh air. I had my fancy expensive Canon around my neck and kept spinning it around to catch everything. The light was perfect for close-up shots.

There were couples smooching, friends chatting on blankets, people hurrying from point A to point B, meandering people... and there was a group of guys playing football. Soccer. Whatever.

I couldn't help it. I zeroed in on them, their naked, glistening torsos, the speed at which they moved, their strong veiny arms, the muscles bunching and contracting.


Something thudded next to me, causing me to flinch and almost drop my camera. "What the?"

A vision of youthful masculinity jogged toward me. My mouth was filling with saliva. I felt like my whole body went still and then very, very hot.

"What are you doing here?"

I stared at Davis' face, smiling at me as though he'd managed to read my mind.


"I'm studying."

"Uh-huh, sure," he said, taking the ball and throwing it to his friends. But instead of going back to them, he sat on the grass and stretched out like a cat, then leaned back on his elbows, crossing his ankles. From this close, I could see every curve of his body, the glistening sweaty pecs and tight delicious abs. Ugh, stop it, brain.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"It's called taking a break, Janey. Try it sometime."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm busy."

"Yes, I can see your fancy camera there."

I gripped my Canon. "I was just looking around. You know, for the project."

"And you couldn't do it somewhere else? I could've brained you."

"Brained me? That's not a word."

"I'm pretty sure it's a word."

I shook my head. Every conversation with this guy was strange. "Well, you should go back to your friends there. You don't want to miss quality time with your ball." Uh, did that sound strange?

Davis smirked. "I spend plenty of quality time with my balls. I just didn't think you'd be so concerned about that."

Oh, dear god. "Go away."

Davis laughed. A few people turned to see what was so funny. It was just me turning red under his annoying scrutiny. "Tired of me already?"

"Tired of this conversation," I muttered.

He shrugged. "Okay, don't blow an artery. I'll leave you alone with your camera. Make sure you take extra care of the shiny buttons there." He went, still laughing, and I was still red. I wasn't sure how it was possible for a straight guy to make so many innuendos with another guy.

Wait, he was straight... right?

Shit, I didn't even know.

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(There will be a lot more going on next time, including a new LGBTQ female character. Woop woop!)

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