Chapter 11: "Okay, Good Talk"

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I told Connor I wanted to say hello to some friends and he came with me to the booth. Jem was already sitting there, talking to Emma. The former didn't seem too impressed, but she patiently listened to whatever diatribe Emma was on, while Davis sat on her other side, drinking his beer. His friend Simon was at his other side.

I sat down, not too close to anyone. Connor sat next to me. Jem smiled and winked when I looked at her.

"Here's your beer," Davis said, sliding it across the table.

I caught it, but barely. "You do realize I'm not very good at catch, don't you?"

"I didn't toss it, I slid it, Jerry."

"And I told you I didn't like beer, Desmond."

"Don't worry, it will grow on you," he said, smirking. His usual confident happy self was back and I relaxed a little because I hated the awkwardness. Whatever had happened in the bathroom, maybe it was because he was drunk? Sometimes straight guys got curious, right?

Shit, that would suck, if he wanted to 'experiment' with me.

And what would I say? No thanks, I like you too much?

"Here, you can have some of mine," Connor said, too close to my ear, offering me some of his blue cocktail.

I shuffled uncomfortably. I didn't dare look at Davis, even though it wasn't like he and I were a thing, so why the hell did this whole thing feel like cheating? I felt like I was between a rock and a hard place. Damn it.

"Ooooh, I love this song," Emma said. "Come on, D, let's dance!" She tugged on Davis' hand, but he didn't budge. His eyes on me, he told Emma he didn't feel like dancing. She rolled her eyes and took Jem instead.

Now there we were, me and Connor on one side of the table, and Davis and Simon on the other. Simon was yapping about football and girls, I think, and he appeared to be sloshed. Davis was only half-listening. I couldn't look away from him. The intensity of his stare was keeping me under his spell. Jesus, Connor could clearly see and still, I couldn't stop this if I wanted to.

I didn't want to.

"Come dance with me," Connor said, sliding his hand up my thigh.

My eyes widened.

"D-man, come on, I'm bored, we going to crawl or what?" Simon said so loudly that the whole place heard.

Connor stood up and looked at me expectantly. "Come on, Jamie."

Time to make a decision. Finally, I said, "Davis?"

He smirked. "Yes, Jamie?"

"What do you want to do?" I asked shyly. I could just let him decide what came next. It made me feel a bit like a coward, but Davis clearly got off on calling the shots and I was willing to give that to him. At least for the moment.

He leaned forward. "I'm ready to go. You coming?"

Even though I knew this was a colossally bad idea, I could not say no to him. Not after getting a taste for it in the bathroom.

"Yeah," I said, and then muttered "See you Monday" to Connor, who seemed pissed off, but I couldn't care less. Yes, it would be awkward later, but all I could think about now was...



Walking down the street was awkward. We'd left the club together and soon enough, the chilly air had managed to sober me up, and judging by Davis' silence, I imagined it did the same for him. So.

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