Chapter 20: "You're Not Gay, Man"

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The next time I was in Davis's gravitational field – these days I didn't even pay attention to much else – was in the cafeteria, where Jem and I found him in an intense debate with Emma and Simon.

"So you would just fuck the girl even if she was crying?" Emma said, scrunching up her nose like she'd been sucking a lemon.

Simon shrugged. "Sure, if she's legal, and she doesn't say no."

"But say her boyfriend of five years broke her heart, you would just go ahead and fuck her through the grief and everything?"

"Yes, sex is the best medicine."

Davis was shaking his head, amused.

"Tell me you do not agree with your neanderthal friend here," Emma asked Davis, who winked at me when I sat on the table.

I looked down at my food, smirking.

"I wouldn't fuck the girl, no," he said.

"Because it's morally reprehensible," Emma added.

He shrugged. "Because I don't find tears sexy... and because I'm seeing someone already."

Holy. Shit.

I looked up at him, frozen and not breathing.

"What!" Emma said. "And you didn't tell me? What's wrong with you? Who is she?"

I stuck a carrot in my mouth. Jem wore an evil grin next to me.

Davis said, "It's a he, actually, and he's sitting at this table." Like it was nothing weird or shocking, like he was talking about the weather.

I choked. Why did he have to be so insane! Disbelieving, I glared at him while he just smirked and winked at me.

Emma's eyes went wide. "Oh. Wow."

Simon was frowning, looking at everyone's face. "What are you talking about, D-man? You're not a f-"

"Don't say that word," Davis warned, making me wince.

Simon frowned. "You're not gay, man."

He shrugged. "I don't know what I am, who cares? I mean, I thought I was straight before, then I figured maybe I'm bisexual; again, who cares? I don't care what label you wear, man, so why should it be any fucking different?" He said all this with a smile, but it was tense.

"Nah, man, you're screwing with us."

I sighed.

"Would you have a problem with it, Sim?" Davis asked. He watched his friend carefully, waiting for his answer.

Simon looked at everyone at the table and finally, he sighed. "Jesus, whatever, if you wanna suck dick, go suck dick, I was just surprised."

And then I think everyone took a collective breath.

"Wait, at this table?" Simon said, looking around at every one of us.

Jem laughed, and Emma joined her.

I felt my face going red, and I tried to hide behind my water.

Simon looked at me, frowning. "You." It was the way he said it, like he blamed me for everything bad that's ever happened.

Davis leaned on his forearms. "Yes, Jamie and I are together and you better be nice, Sim, or I'll never give you that last curly fry again, you hear?"

Emma snorted.

Simon rolled his eyes. "Whatever, man, I just... I don't wanna see you two make out, a'ight?"

Davis leaned back. "No promises, man, no promises."

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