Chapter 13: "Tell Me You're Joking"

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Disclaimer: There's gonna be some steamy scenes here, just so you know. This is a mature story, so you saw it coming. If you're scared, just read with one eye closed. Lol.

Was I really going to have sex with a straight guy?

Yes, yes I was.

Back in my room, I faced Davis, who just stood there, next to the door, like it was his exit strategy.

"We don't have to do anything."

Davis took a step forward. "I swear, Jamie, if you say another word, I'm going to fucking lose it."

"Sorry," I muttered. We slowly closed the distance between us and he looked at me in that sort of piercing way, as though he knew me better than anyone, and for a moment, it felt like he really did.

This time we kissed slowly, there was no rush. He explored my mouth, I let my hands roam free over his body, although I was careful of going south. Our tongues danced, like they knew the steps, and I swear, it felt like dejavu.

Like I'd always been doing this. Like kissing Davis was the most natural thing in the world.

Then he released my mouth and kissed my neck, all the way up to my ear, then sucked at the lobe, making me moan.

"There's the sound I like," he husked.

Shit, his voice sounded like gravel. I was probably no better.

I gripped his hips and dragged him backwards, and when I sat down on the bed, then lay back, he followed me down, down, propping one of his legs between mine and his hand next to my head. He was leaning on his elbow as he explored my neck, my sensitive flesh, my cheek, my jaw, my mouth.

It felt like I was drowning in him... I easily could do that.

"Jamie," he grunted. "Can I–"

"Anything you want," I hurried to tell him.

I could feel him smiling. "Anything I want, huh?" he teased.

"Shut up, it's a figure of speech."

His body shook with laughter, a gentle vibration that both soothed and exhilarated me. I never could remember making out with someone and laughing at the same time. Was it normal?

Because it felt fantastic.

"I want to see you," he said, looking into my eyes for permission.

I chuckled. "Davis, let's just assume anything you want falls under my blanket permission."

"The only blanket I want is for after I'm done with you," he grunted as he bit down my neck, my clavicle, and his hands lifted up my shirt and carelessly shoved it off of me, then threw it on the floor.

Ugh. I hated things on the floor.

He slowed down. "Why did you tense up?"

"It's on the floor."

He groaned. "Tell me you're joking."

"Sorry," I muttered. "Ignore me, just keep going."

He sighed, touched his forehead to my bare chest, then got off the bed. He plucked the shirt off the floor and threw it back on the bed. "Happy now?"

"I'm ecstatic." I chuckled. "Come here, I want to see you, too." Shit, my voice sounded like I was a porn star. All breathy and... ugh, kind of like a girl's.

He took his shirt off in one quick motion, letting me see his amazing chest. His muscles, his smooth skin, and that happy trail, and the deep V... leading to his hard dick that was fighting against the confines of his sweats. Holy shit, was he even real? I gaped at him.

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