Chapter 21: "Am I Late for the Floorshow?"

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The moment Davis came through the door, he got this wild look in his eye and crushed his body into mine, bending me backwards like in those dances where your partner just dips you back. And he kissed me so fiercely that I had to blink a few times and adjust myself once he let go of me.

Jem giggled.

"Jacklyn," he greeted.

"Dandruff," I said.

"Hey now, you're not playing fair, sweetheart."

I shrugged. "Tough luck. Maybe you should find yourself another boyfriend."

"Maybe I should. Someone who appreciates my slick moves and calls me master in bed."

"Or maybe you guys should shut up now so I don't throw up," Jem said and passed between us, muttering about boundaries.

We walked to Heat as it was close enough to campus. It was packed on Friday. Davis and I walked hand in hand, which was nice, but also weird to do when going out at night. The whole point of bars and clubs was to hook up. Now that I'd already done that, it was unclear why we were going, except the whole helping Jem get Emma in her bed thing.

Though Davis didn't know about that yet.

We chose a booth in the corner and sat down, Davis immediately pulling me in his lap. I wriggled, making him crazy.

"Stop moving, sweetheart, or I'll have to spank that cute ass in front of everyone," he husked in my ear, making me shiver.

"You wouldn't dare," I said.

"Don't tempt me." He positioned one of his hands on my ass and the other on my hip. I was basically in heaven.

It was hard to think.

"So you said Emma was coming, right?" Jem asked Davis.

He frowned. "Yeah, but she's always late."

I'd told him to invite Emma with us and not to say anything else, not that he knew what this was, basically an ambush, but hopefully Jem knew what to do because when it came to matters of the heart, I was hopeless. I still wasn't sure I could keep Davis long-term.

Did I want him long-term?

I looked at his face, those handsome lines, that knowing smirk, and yep, my heart was racing just like that. I definitely wanted him around, but how long would it take him to get bored of me?

He frowned. "You okay, Jamie?"

His breath touched my neck, making me shudder. "Mhmm."

He squeezed my ass and kissed my neck. If he didn't stop, I was going to do something crazy, like straddle him and rut myself against his hard body.

Oh god yes.

I was saved by Emma's arrival. "Am I late for the floorshow?"

I disentangled myself from Davis, giving us both some breathing room. "Nah, we waited for you for the really hardcore gay stuff."

She giggled. "Can't wait. Hi Jem," she said and kissed Jem's cheek. It was sweet, and if Jem didn't wear so much makeup, she might have blushed at the innocent contact. Man, they would make a cute couple.

Sighing happily, I looked back at Davis.

He looked perplexed. "What are you up to, Joseph?"

"Shut up, Damon, and let's go dance."

He shook his head. "Nah, not much of a dancer, you know?"

"Fine, whatever, I'll go dance on my own."

He grumbled but let me go. I asked the girls and they jumped at the chance to have fun at the small dance floor that was slowly filling up with people. Nobody was drunk yet and the lights weren't club-like yet, but the music was fun and I felt this restlessness in my body. I wanted to move.

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