Chapter 1: Where am I?

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I don't remember much about my life before I became human. I just remember being surrounded in darkness until I saw a shining light. It was so bright but it didn't blind me, in fact, I remember it making me feel warm inside.
I walked towards the light and as soon as my delicate hands touched it, I was surrounded by its rays.
And now I'm here, in Corona.
I blinked my eyes rapidly. "What just happened?" I wondered.
"Are you ok?" A worried voice asked.
I squinted my eyes as they adjusted to the brightness. But what I saw next I thought was an Angel. My sight was blurry but I saw saw him clearly.
"Let me help." He said. He reached his black gloved hand out and smiled. I didn't realize I was on the ground until I felt something powdery beneath my fingers.
What was this place?
I looked back up at the boy and tried to smile. I shakily lifted my hand up and raised the edges of my lips up as a bad attempt to smile, my h/l h/c hair falling onto my face as I did so.
The boy lifted me up, I was struggling because I had never walked a day in my life. I let out a struggled sound of sorts as I fell into the boys arms, I also never learned to talk either despite knowing English. Well- the English I hear in my head that is...
The boy held me steady, surprised at my clumsiness. I looked at him again, feeling my cheeks warm in embarrassment. The boy's cheeks warmed too, as if he felt my same emotion. "H-hi." I tried to speak, my voice coming out raspy and unnatural sounding. "Hello." The boy said. I grabbed his hand and tried to balance on my bare feat, having a physical body was going to take some getting used to. I smiled though, starting to feel overwhelmingly excited. Too overwhelmingly. I started to feel panicked. I didn't like these new feelings of panic and question. Where even was I? Where was my home? How did I get a physical body? What was happening-
"Wow, wow, wow!" The boy exclaimed. Putting a hand over his heart as he squeezed my hand. "Strange, that was weird." The boy mumbled, with panic in his voice. It was like he was feeling what I was feeling again!
I looked at him curiously, steadying my breath while doing so.
"Hey, try to act angry. Don't ask questions." The boy said suddenly.
I looked at him weirdly.
"Humans are so strange." I thought.
I tried to think of a time when I was angry, but all my life I was just a floating thing in a dark void. I didn't even know what that was all about either, but it was all I ever knew. 
I  furrowed my eyebrows, and held my breath. I felt like I was suffocating my lungs trying to feel this anger.
Instead I just felt annoyed.
"Weird," The boy said again, his tone shifting. It sounded more snappy this time, I looked over at him, almost offended at his sudden snap.
"Try acting sad." He said this time.
What was the point of this?
"I'm just trying to figure out where the heck I am." I thought.
I missed my small dark void, as weird as it sounded. I just wanted to go home, to my  comfort zone if you will.
"This is so strange." The boy said again, wiping his eyes which suddenly grew teary.
"W-what is?" I croaked, still getting used to my newfound vocal cords.
"Your emotions, every time you feel something, I feel it too! But that's weird isn't it? Follow me, I know who to talk to." The boy said, tugging my hand.
I tried to follow, but fell immediately after trying to.
"Are you sure you're ok?" The boy asked again. Lifting me back up with ease.
"I don't think so." I managed to get out this time without my voice shaking.
"Sweet alchemy, you must have taken a really bad fall." He replied, lifting me up and carrying me bridal style.
My cheeks started to redden, a new emotion settling in. I didn't like how this one made me feel especially. I felt almost sick but I didn't have a fever. Like there were butterflies flapping in my stomach. The boy must've felt it too, his cheeks were starting to grow red. "Sorry-" He said, about to put me down.
"No, it's fine." I said fast, tightening my grip behind his neck.
"Um, ok," The boy said, suddenly shy.
I really needed to learn how to control these emotions better.
"By the way, what's your name?" The boy asked.
The question boggled me. A name? I've never had a name before. I just thought of the first thing that came my mind.
"Uh- y/n!" I said, the words starting to flow naturally out of my throat.
"Varian." Varian replied, giving me a small smile.
I smiled back at him as he started walking along a path.
We entered a place that looked like a forest. There were tall trees with thick leaves covering the sun, only it's rays were shining through. Was this a forest?
I heard Varian chuckle at my awe.
"You look like you've never seen a forest before." Varian laughed a bit.
"In all honesty, I haven't. I don't even know where I came from." I tried to laugh like Varian did, but it only came out as a squawking sound. Embarrassing.
"Really? Maybe we can ask my friend about it too!" Varian smiled.
"Who?" I asked.
"The Princess! I mean- Rapunzel. I met her about a week ago, but she already considers me her friend!" Varian bubbled.
I couldn't help but smile at how happy he looked. The name Rapunzel though, it sounded so familiar...but where?
"We're almost there by the way, normally it would take me a few hours to get there on foot. But I was looking for supplies near the castle today. Guess it's our lucky day!" Varian explained. I could feel his arms start to shake, it must've been very tiring for him to carry me for so long.
I patted his chest which made him stop. I hopped off of his arms and grabbed his hand.
"I'm gonna try to walk." I said, squeezing his hand in case this backfired.
I started to take it with small steps at a time. Varian walked with me, his hand in front of my chest in case I fell.
Slowly but surely, I started consistently walking, even if it was at a painstakingly slow pace. Varian didn't mind though, and he didn't let go of my hand either.
The forest started to clear up as a bridge showed in the clearing. It was white stoned, with moss growing from the sides. Under the bridge was a big blue moving thing, was it water? I wasn't sure how I suddenly knew these things, but something told me that if I didn't I'd look really stupid.
"That's water right?" I asked, slowly walking towards the edge of the bridge and looking downwards.
"Yes it is, are you sure you don't remember anything?" Varian asked, slowly leading me away from the edge.
I felt embarrassed again, only mentally slapping myself to control my emotions, knowing Varian would feel exactly how I felt.
At last, we finally crossed the bridge which led into a very pretty village. There were kids and Adults walking everywhere, I started to feel very intimidated being surrounded by so many people at once.
Instinctively, I grasped onto Varian's arm with my free hand, my other hand still clutched in his. By my emotion spiking into fear, the people around me started walking faster, their eyes darting everywhere.
Varian looked around paranoid, shaking his head back and forth to get rid of the unwanted emotion.
"Sorry, I don't know how to control it." I whispered as we made our way through the sea of people.
"It's ok, this isn't my first time dealing with mag- I mean a paranormal anomaly that can totally be explained with the power of science!" Varian said quickly.
Even though I was confused, I nodded anyways.
The village houses and the various shops and carts started becoming more sparsely placed as we made it closer to the castle. It was humongous, if I didn't feel very intimidated before, I did now.
"Wow." I gasped, still hanging onto Varian like he was my life line.
Varian laughed at my awe once again.
"This is all new to you isn't it?" He asked as we walked up the mini bridge and towards the castle entrance.
"Yep." I replied simply, still taking in the beautiful scenery.
We walked up the steps and were greeted by two guards.
"What's your business here?" One of them asked.
"Uh-" I tried to talk.
"We're here to request an audience with the Prin- I mean Rapunzel." Varian said. I could feel his gloved hand squeezing into mine, why was he nervous?
"The Princess is always busy, if you could come back later, maybe we'll have a better answer for you." The guard replied.
"But this is urgent-"
"On your way now children." The guard said.
"Russel! That's no way to treat my friend! How may I help you Varian?" A sweet voice asked.
Everyone turned their heads towards a young woman with crazy long, golden hair. She had two people walking behind her, bickering. One had what looked to be overly groomed, silky brown hair and the other had short black hair, she was wearing what looked like a maid's outfit.
But what do I know?
"Rapunzel! I found this girl, Y/n, in the forest. She has these weird powers, I thought you could explain." Varian asked, walking towards them with me following close behind.
"Weird Powers-?" Rapunzel asked, looking at me. As soon as she did, her eyes brightened with a yellow glow and mine with a pink glow.
As soon as it happened, it disappeared, our eyes returning to their original colors.
"Wow, that weird powers." Rapunzel answered.

Hi! Thanks for reading the first chapter of my first fanfiction!
Please let me know if I made any mistakes! I hope you enjoyed!
Have a blessed day/morning/night!

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