Chapter 3: Experiments

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A bright light woke me up, it was nothing like the light I saw before I entered my physical body. This light was more annoying and it hurt my eyes.
I slowly blink as I sit up in my bed.
At first I didn't know where I was, but then I looked over to my side only to see Rapunzel still sound asleep. Everything came crashing back down into my brain. Now I remembered the past 24 hours.
Getting up and walking towards the balcony, I opened the doors only to be met with the brightest light I'd ever saw, the sun.
I squinted my eyes as I walked onto the small pavement.
I placed my hands on the rails that kept me from falling and took a deep breath.
This all felt so surreal. From being formed into a human being, to not knowing who I was or where I came from, to now knowing I was made from the magic of a freaking stone.
It was almost laughable, but things couldn't get weirder...
Could they?

~Walking to breakfast~

After changing into the same dress I wore yesterday (only changing the first corset with a floral tank top corset),
I made my way downstairs to meet Rapunzel and the rest for breakfast. I was a little intimidated by the king though. He seemed expressionless as Rapunzel explained my situation. Rapunzel told the truth about what I was and the powers I had (which is probably why the king agreed to let me stay in the first place), the queen was a bit more enthusiastic. She gave me a quick hug and said I could stay as long as I wanted.
This was my first breakfast, in fact, now that I think about it, yesterday's sandwich was the first meal I'd probably ever had.
Eventually I found the dining room.
Why nobody gave me directions or why I didn't bother to even ask was beyond me.
But I was pleasantly surprised to see Varian seated at the table, happily eating the breakfast placed in front of him.
"Hi Y/n!" Varian said, his mouth full of food.
"Hi, what are you doing here?" I asked, sitting down.
"I realized I never told you exactly where I lived, so I thought I'd pick you up myself." Varian replied.
A few seconds later, a raccoon crashed onto the table, running away from an angry pascal.
"Ruddiger!" Varian exclaimed, grabbing the raccoon by the tail and dragging him onto his lap.
"A raccoon?" I asked, protecting my food. Rapunzel sleepily walks in but quickly perks up as she saw the fiasco unfolding. She quickly runs forwards and grabs pascal as well.
"He's my pet, a very naughty one might I add." Varian said, eyeing his pet.
"Don't be too hard on him Varian, pascal was at fault too I'm sure." Rapunzel said, placing pascal back down.
As everyone started to chit chat, I stared down at my food.
There was an assortment on my plate. A light brown circular thing with brown goo of sorts was placed on my plate, with fruit stacked on the sides.
"Those are pancakes honey, you should try them." The queen said.
"Um- ok, thank you queen." I replied.
"Call me Arianna and you can call the king Frederic." Arianna replied.
Frederic glanced at Arianna for a second, before returning to his own plate.
I grabbed my fork and held it awkwardly in my hands, cutting a bite out and taking a nibble, only to shove the whole thing in my mouth.
"Wow, this is delicious!" I replied.
"She's never even tried a pancake!? Now that's just sad." Eugene tsked, taking the final bite from his plate.
After finishing breakfast, I put on some brown boots that Rapunzel gave me (because she never wears shoes apparently) and Varian and I took a carriage to Old Corona.
After walking through the village, we stopped in front of the house that looked like it was broken and rebuilt multiple times.
"What happened here?" I asked, glancing at all the broken bricks and shingles.
"Uh- those may have been me. Some of the experiments I preform sometimes...maybe...don't go according to plan..." Varian trailed off.
"I see." I replied, sensing he didn't want to talk further.
"Varian, I'm going to be tending to the garden. Just holler if you need- who is this?" A deep voice called, walking out the door with gardening supplies.
"This is Y/n, she's the girl I was telling you about last night, remember?" Varian replied, walking up to his dad.
"Ah yes, I'm Quirin. Pleasure to meet you." Quirin said, setting his stuff down and shaking my hand.
"Pleasure to meet you too." I smiled, letting go.
"We'll be up in an hour or so. See you at lunch!" Varian called, grabbing my hand and heading inside.
"Be careful!" Quirin hollered as we walked downstairs and into the basement.
"Is this gonna be safe?" I asked as we walked through the door and into his lab.
There were test tubes, bottles filled with various liquids and textures, books surrounding the desks and the floor scattered with machinery parts here and there.
"Oh yes! I designed everything myself. If my calculations are correct, nothing here is harmful!" Varian assured, walking towards his desk. He threw the nearby books on the ground and pulled out a checklist.
"I've formulated a plan that will allow me to figure out a way for you to not let your emotions effect others." Varian explained, grabbing vials off of his desk and unveiling a machine.
"What are you gonna do to me exactly?" I asked, walking and looking at the machine.
"It's rather simple." Varian said, quickly pricking my arm with a needle and putting a few drops of blood into a separate vial.
The pain was sharp and sudden, causing me to yelp in shock.
"Ouch, what was that for?" I exclaimed, panic rising into my chest.
Varian put a hand over his heart and tried to calm down the quickening of his breath.
"By taking a blood sample, I'll be able to make a potion that will make your power less effective over people. Just step onto the machine for me, it'll run some tests and I'll work on the potion." Varian said, strapping me in.
"Ok, I trust you I guess." I said, a little unsure.
The machine cranked up as soon as Varian stepped away.
I was thrown upside down, a strand of hair was taken from my head, a light was shined into my eye, it was madness.
While Varian to the side of me was humming happily to himself as he mixed multiple mixtures together.

~30 minutes later~

The machine released me from its clutches and I landed on the ground, exhausted.
"No harm, huh?" I grumbled, sitting up slowly.
Varian sat down in front of me, placing five vials of liquid in front of me.
"Each of these vials has one ingredient that separates it from the rest. One of these is bound to work." Varian explained, placing one vial into my hand.
"Here goes nothing I guess." I said as I downed the first vial as the machine made click clacking noises behind me.
I felt normal, but I also felt very warm at the same time. I felt my forehead and I started to sweat, I didn't feel normal anymore.
"I don't think this one is it." I panted, wiping some of the sweat off of my forehead.
"Definitely not." Varian said, shaking his apron back and forth to give him air.
He gave me the second one which I swallowed more slowly.
Everything turned wiggly and multicolored as soon as the last drop was settled.
"This is loopy." I said as I looked around.
"This is nauseating." Varian said, closing his eyes and handing me the third vial.
I swallowed this one and the trippy display immediately disappeared. I felt normal, I saw normally, I think I looked normal.
Varian slowly opened his eyes and looked at me.
He quickly pinched me to which I smacked his arm away out of instinct.
"Rude!" I shouted, rubbing my arm.
Varian blinked once, his face looking like he was in thought. Then he smiled.
"I think this one is the keeper!" Varian said, getting up then helping me up.
"Really?" I asked, holding the vial in my hand.
"I didn't feel annoyed or angry, we'll have to test it again sometime later. For now, I think this one is the winner!" Varian said, writing on his clipboard.
"I can copy this formula and give you weekly supplies of them, you'll have to take the vial once every two weeks for the elements to keep working inside of you." Varian said.
"Thanks Varian!" I said, pleased that I could still feel powerful emotions without having to worry about effecting others with them.
Varian walked over the the machine, taking the results and glancing them over.
"Yep, fully stone. Your entire dna is made from it. Your powers will only grow from here. We may need to invest in some more powerful stuff the older you get." Varian said, rolling the data into a scroll.
"I see." I replied.
"I'll make another dose and give it to you next week, but for now, lunch?" Varian asked.
"I'd love some." I replied.

Thanks for reading!
Please let me know if I make any mistakes!
Have a blessed day/morning/night!<3

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