Chapter 22: Cassandra part 1

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It had been barely a month since Varian and I reconciled.
We knew it'd take awhile to get back to how we used to be, so we started off small.
I would take him to his therapy sessions to make sure he went to them, he'd help me with my powers and give me my potions when I needed them, I made sure he went to bed at a decent time, he would be there for me whenever my powers got out of control, and most importantly, we communicated.
We started to hold hands, he started to call me sweetheart again, we even kissed every once in awhile.
We even started going on more adventures together.
There was a quest adventure Rapunzel set up to find this stone that ended up being cursed.
Varian, Red, Angry, Rapunzel and I got stuck in this ancient sea stone and the animals had to save us.
Life was starting to become good again, then Cassandra finally struck.
It wasn't too long ago, but there were these red rocks.
Varian explained how they made your worst fear come to life. I tried ignoring mine, but it became a full on hallucination when Rapunzel, Varian and I went to Damantius' chamber to stop the red rocks for good.

"We're almost there guys! Guys?" Rapunzel asked, looking at me. Varian turned around as well, but when I looked back at them, they immediately faded.
"Ummm, guys?" I softly spoke out, scared by the sudden black out around me.
Then I heard it, that same dreadful, evil laugh.
Tears were at the brink of falling down my face as my eyes lit up pink.
"Go away!" I yelled.
"You really though you could get rid of me that easily? You can always try, but you'll never truly get rid of me." Varian...Evil Varian showed his face.
"No- NO!" I shouted.
I couldn't hear the shouts of my Varian trying to save me, trying to snap me out of it.
I couldn't see the red starting to encase me until I froze like a statue. I remember plugging my ears and screaming as if that'd erase the laughter that kept echoing in my mind.
But then, I saw a blue light. It reminded me of the same light I saw when I first entered this world. I unplugged my ears and ran past Evil Varian who was still laughing. When I touched that light, I saw Varian once again. My Varian.
"Varian!" I took a breath, relieved that it was really him.
"Y/n!" Varian smiled, running towards me and encasing me in a tight hug.
"The rocks got to you, I felt so useless-."
"It's ok Var, I'm ok now." I smiled, patting his back.
"He's being modest, My guy practically saved the kingdom from more red rocks spreading." Rapunzel smiled, ruffling Varian's hair.
I glanced behind Varian and Rapunzel and saw the same Amber that encased Quirin encase all the red rocks.
"Oh- Varian, are you ok? That must've been hard to do-."
"I'm ok sweetheart, I'm just glad you're safe." Varian helped me up.
I looked up at him and kissed his cheek, stroking the part where I kissed him with my thumb affectionately.
"Proud of you, both of you." I smile at the two.

"Y/n can you pass me the marshmallows?" Varian asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Hm? Right, yes, right." I nearly jump up.
After that little fiasco, Varian, Ruddiger and I barricaded ourselves in Demantius' chamber to crack the secret of the scrolls.
Varian thought that since I could read the language, I could decipher them fast, but I could only read the scroll about me, it was really strange.
"Are you alright?" Varian asks, sensing my distress.
"I was just thinking, I'm fine now." I smile at him, handing him some marshmallows.
"Well, cocoa break!" Varian smiles, handing me some hot chocolate.
"Thank Var," I smile at him.
"Found out which metal is the best yet?" I chuckle a bit.
"No, not yet, but in just a few minutes we will have our best metal!" Varian says, singing "our best metal".
I laugh and place my hand on his, Varian turns his hand over and grasps mine.
We gaze at each other, slowly leaning in, our lips centimeters apart. Then a huge crash sounds.
"HOW'S DECIPHERING THOSE SCROLLS GOING?!" I hear Rapunzel shout as she races down the stairs.
I roll my eyes but Varian just chuckles.
"What part of "A few weeks of solitude" did you not understand my dear friend?" Varian laughed, patting my hand and standing up.
"Cassandra," Rapunzel panted. "She crashed Eugene's surprise birthday party-."
"Wait, your birthday is today?! I thought it wasn't for a few more months!" I exclaimed, looking between Rapunzel, Lance and Eugene.
"You aren't the only one who thought that." Eugene crossed his arms.
"I didn't tell you that? Anyways, Cassandra, she's coming here to steal the scrolls! Have you deciphered them?" Rapunzel breathed in deeply one more time, lifting her hands from her knees.
"Actually, we have. It was hard, but it helped having the company." Varian smiled, taking my hand in his.
"Um, hate to break the reunion, but might want to hide those scrolls, NOW!" Lance yelled the last part, pointing at Cassandra.
She looked...different. Her hair and eyes were electric blue, her outfit was black with a lighter black detailing the black rocks on her outfit. She didn't look like the same sarcastic, easy-going Cassandra. She wasn't that Cassandra any more. The only question was, would Rapunzel see that?
Varian and I race for the scrolls, I stuff a few down my corset while Varian shoved some down his pockets.
Cassandra immediately attacks Rapunzel and everybody else. What was her deal? I knew she was jealous, but this was next level. What happened?
Varian and I dove under the table, I told Ruddiger to go find Max and Pascal and stay with them until this blew over. Ruddiger races out as Varian mixes an acidic solution that'll erase the translation key Varian and I made on the wall.
Cassandra slices through the table, making Varian and I jump and run towards the translation key on the wall.
I whip around and see Rapunzel about to fall from a great height.
"Rapunzel!" I exclaim. I see her panicking and I quickly raise my hand out, putting confident thoughts in her mind and heart.
I see her exhale and spring into action.
I turn my gaze towards Cassandra who was now stalking towards us.
Varian puts a protective arm in front of me.
"If you want to read those scrolls," Varian raised his solution.
"You're gonna need our translation key." Varian smirks, pouring the solution on the wall.
The solution bubbles and sears the chalk off the wall. I smirk at Cassandra, good luck with deciphering them now.
Varian takes his protective arm from me, doing a little dance while laughing.
"And now that I've destroyed it, you'll never know what the scroll says! Because the only translation in earthly existence is locked away safe in here." Varian twirls his fingers around his and I's heads, wrapping an arm around me in victory.
Cassandra looks down in anger but smiles evilly a second later.
"Is that a fact?" She asks, putting her sword away.
"Yep! Yes it-," Varian stops, realizing what that meant.
He pulls me behind him and his victory smile was now replaced with fear.
"I should not have said that now, should I?" Varian says quietly.
The last thing I see is a fist thrusting towards my face, then nothing at all.

Hey y'all! I'm on vacation rn in case any of y'all were wondering about the lack of updates. I'm still on vk so the next update will be slow and it also explains why this chapter is a lot shorter than my regular chapters.
I'm also gonna finish this fic really soon, I have another project I want to start along with continuing my ChatNoir fic.
A Technoblade tribute. He was an amazing person, a person who always made me laugh and interested in what he had to say next. He died of Cancer, I hate cancer. He died an atheist, but I hope and pray that he is now in the arms of Jesus. If you don't believe in that then that's fine, but I do. I'll start it eventually, or maybe I'll just keep it to myself idk.
I hope you guys enjoyed.
Stay safe, and if you guys watch my boi Technoblade as well, I'm sorry for our loss. But it's gonna get better, I promise.

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