Chapter 23: Cassandra part 2

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Mini musical number this chapter!🎶

I bolt awake, my eyes frantically searching for Varian.
I tried to jerk my hands away from behind my back but they were tied tightly together.
I glance to my side and finally see Varian who was still knocked out.
"Varian!" I whisper.
But the small glimmer of hope inside me vanished once I saw Cassandra sharpening her sword, her body blended with the darkness of the night but I could see her electric blue eyes clearly. They were cold and piercing into mine.
"So, you're awake. Been awhile hasn't it?" Cassandra put her sword away, got up and walked into the moonlight.
I scowled at her.
"I can't believe you kidnapped us, we were your friends!" I glared at her. I never really became "friends" friends with her, but I still had a special place in my heart for her. She might as well have been family.
"Funny word, "friends", don't you think?" Cassandra sat down criss cross in front of me, she smiled, but it was empty and cold.
"All of this because you're jealous." I mumbled, glaring at the grass under me.
"I am not jealous. I'm simply finding my own destiny on my own terms. Without Rapunzel's shadow casting over mine." Cassandra snapped, getting up and balling her fists to her sides.
"You are!" My voice cracked by the loudness of my tone.
"And you and I both know Rapunzel never meant to make you feel that way. I know you know that," I continued on.
"You betrayed your friends, stole something that doesn't even belong to you, and have tried to kill us!" I yelled, thrashing around, trying to get my ropes loose.
"You mean like Varian? This villain story sounds quite familiar doesn't it? Only difference is that I'll succeed." Cassandra casts a dark glare, her smile viscous.
"No, the only difference is that he was a kid who lost his father and he changed. You are an adult who turned green and became jealous." I spat.
Cassandra's eye twitched as she made a "hmph" sound and walked towards Varian, rummaging through his stuff.
"W-what are you doing? Get away from him!" I thrash harder.
Cassandra laughed, ignoring me as she pulled out a vial full of purple liquid.
She opened Varian's mouth (which was already opened) wider and poured the liquid down his throat.
"You're gonna pay for this!" I strain, my wrists burning from my thrashing.
"Don't worry, I'll return the favor." Cassandra smirks, tying a bandana around my mouth as I yelled. My yells and screams started to become muffled and quiet. I glared as my eyes started to glow pink, I'd just make her fall asleep then. My powers work better when I use my hands, but this should do.
"Oh no, you're not gonna win that easily. Night night Y/n." Cassandra smirked again, smacking my face against the tree it rested on.
I blacked out, last thing I saw were stars from the impact.

I blinked slowly, every time I opened my eyes they'd just show blurry images.
I saw a burst of light blue and black and something growing rapidly off the ground.
I heard muffled sounds, probably coming from something or someone.
I felt somebody pick me up, their arms felt familiar and safe but I just blacked out again.

I woke up again with another jolt, this time though, my vision was clear.
I was surrounded in what looked like a fortress made of black rocks, my hands were still tied but now with black rock cuffs. Then I realized I wasn't free either, I was in a circular cage also made of black rocks.
"Y/n! You're awake!" I heard Varian call.
I gasped in relief when he slid to my cage, his hands reaching through the rugged holes to hold my cuffed ones.
"I wish it didn't have to come to that Y/n, but I had to take precautions, surely you can understand." Cassandra spoke.
She walks down a small staircase that led to a throne, my eyes widened at her sudden shift in power but they immediately darkened.
This explained the cuffs in the cage.
One thing I've come to notice as my powers grew was that I had better control when I used my hand to direct the energy towards the person I wanted to embed the feelings into.
I don't know how, but Cassandra must've picked up on that too.
My eyes glowed pink as I tried to make her fall asleep or something with only my sheer will and mind, but Cassandra looked at me with pity.
"I learned something else about my powers, they're half yours. Well- the stone is half of what created you. I used that knowledge to block your powers with the black rocks, using them as cuffs." Cassandra crossed her arms as she stalked nearer.
"What?!" I yelled, my yell echoing across the castle.
"Look, I know none of this is either one of your faults. Just don't do anything foolish when Rapunzel comes here to save you two." Cassandra warns, walking away.
Varian looks at me and squeezes my hands, letting them go as he followed Cassandra.
"Cassandra, I know you're angry. I get it! Believe me, I know what it's like, but you're making a mistake." Varian tried to reason with her.
"The path of hate is a dangerous track. You take in step, and it's hard to turn back. It pulls you along, and though it feels wrong it feels right...," Varian started to sing. Varian continued to follow Cassandra as she walked away and through the array of rocks surrounding the room.
She didn't answer, she didn't turn back, Varian continued to sing.
"Don't you see? This path you're on leaves a permanent mark. It feels good at first, then it slowly turns dark. With each passing day, you're further astray from the light~," Varian speed walks ahead, grabbing Cassandra's hand as he whirled in front of her.
"Suddenly! You lose your way and lose the thread. Lose your cool, then lose your head," Varian continued to sing, his face mirroring every rock Cassandra was around. I could see her face soften and look sadder.
"Every loss is harder to excuse," Varian looked right at me.
My mouth slightly opened as I realized he was singing about his experience. He felt this way throughout his whole villainous experience?
"Then you'll see you'll lose your faith and lose your soul. Till' you lose complete control! And realize there's nothing left to lose! Nothing left to lose!" Varian belted out, his hands crossing as fists over his heart.
I smiled at his attempts, but frowned as I remembered trying those same tactics with him. It didn't take one song for him to realize what he was doing was wrong, but he wasn't Cassandra either. No, he was better, he was Varian.
As I watched Cassandra argue back, my eyes lit up pink.
There were other souls coming towards the fortress.
I closed my eyes and placed my hands flatly on the ground. Tried to anyways-.
I opened them again as my eyes shined brighter.
5 souls, each a different color.
I saw a yellow soul and immediately knew whose it was.
"Rapunzel." I whispered to myself, my eyes dimming back to their normal pink.
When I looked up again, Varian was getting encased in a cage like mine.
He was still pleading and trying to reason with Cassandra, she looked terrifying, unyielding.
She thrusted her hands out and Varian launched back until his cage merged with mine.
"So you two can be together." She said, darkly.
With another thrust of her hands, Varian and I were launched out on a black rock path. We were at least 300 feet into the air, around 100 feet away from the castle itself.
I put my arms over Varian and hugged him tightly.
"Are you ok?" I took in a breath.
"Yes, I'm fine." Varian said, slumping his shoulders.
"You tried your best, it takes more than a heart-felt song to change a person's heart that's turned dark. Believe me, I know." I laughed softly, bumping my shoulder with his.
Varian softly chucked as well.
"But you never gave up on me." Varian smiled warmly at me, making me blush.
"No I didn't, and we won't give up on her." I gave Varian a knowing look.
I've come to realize that even adults have deep rooted troubles of their own. Cassandra may be an adult, but she's still young, still learning. Although I believe she deserves punishment, she also deserves to be saved, everybody does. I realize that now.
Varian leans in the rest of the little distance between us and kisses my cheek.
"You always see the best in people, it's one of the many reason why I love you." Varian cups the side of my face he kissed.
"I love you too." I contort my bounded hands and cup a side of his face too.
Suddenly though, Varian's eyes roll to the back of his head.
He falls forwards and onto me.
"Varian?" I lightly hit the side of his face.
"Varian?!" I start to panic.
Why did he pass out? How did he pass out?
Before my ever flowing thoughts could continue though, Varian bolts awake.
"Use the sun to see the sun!" Varian exclaims.
"Varian!" I punch his shoulder.
"You passed out! You scared me!" I declare.
"I did? Sorry, but it wasn't for nothing! The incantation for the sun we couldn't figure out, remember?" Varian asks, taking out the two scrolls. One with the sun and moon, the other with mine.
"Yeah?" I say, slowly.
"Use the sun to see the sun! But what could that mean?!" Varian puts my scroll away, analyzing the sun and moon scroll instead.
"Um, mind filling me in?!" I say, confused.
"My dream, somebody was in it, I think they were trying to help me? I'm not so sure, all I know is that they gave us the final hint into unlocking the final incantation!" Varian said almost frantically.
"Ok, breathe, we'll figure this out." I pat his chest, holding the other half of the scroll with my hands a second after.
Varian puts on his goggles and moves his head closer to the scroll, then backs out and tilts his head.
"Ugh, use the sun to see the sun? What does that even mean?!" Varian groans, scrunching the scroll. His throws his goggles and scroll to the side in frustration, his hands covering his face.
I was about to console him when I noticed something.
The sun was reflecting through the goggles and shining on the back of the scroll, there were words where the sun shined through the goggles.
"Varian, look!" I shake his shoulder.
"Whaaaaaat?" He groans, moving his fingers a bit so his eye could see.
Then he lights up, crawling towards the contraption.
"Sunlight! So that's what it means! Demanitus is a genius!" Varian beams at me.
"Y/n? Varian!?" I hear a familiar voice shout.
"Eugene!" Varian and I gasp at the same time, smiling widely at the other as we said so.
"We're coming to get y'all!" Rapunzel says just loud enough for us to hear, not wanting to cause attention.
"Not right now! We've figured out the final incantation!" I wave them away.
"But my goggles are too scratched up, we need something else! A prism, glass, or something reflective enough!" Varian calls back too.
We stare at them as Eugene and Rapunzel converse.
Rapunzel takes out a gold ring, I can tell because it's reflecting off the sun and right into my eyes. Rapunzel smiles sheepishly, it was a wedding ring.
I wrap my arms around Varian and shake him intensely.
"A wedding ring! It's a wedding ring Var!" I exclaim, laughing.
Eugene starts cautiously making his way over, a goofy grin now playing on his face.
He tosses the ring towards us and Varian catches it, fumbling with his fingers a bit.
"Congratulations loverboy." I smile through the black rocked cage.
"How'd you know?" Eugene laughs, sitting down away from us and leaning his head on the rocks.
"Not only was it obvious, I can feel powerful emotions ya ding dong!" I laugh.
Suddenly, Varian gasps.
I turn around and the scroll is on fire. IT'S ON FIRE.
"WOWA!" I crawl to Varian's rescue. I try to blow the fire away or wave at it. Too bad I didn't have water powers or something.
Varian's eyes glide through the page as it disappears into ashes.
He breathes both a sigh of relief and frustration.
"I got it, I just hope I remembered all of it." Varian sighs, showing a scrap piece of paper written with sloppy words on it.
"I'm sure you did." I put my hands on his.
As if things couldn't get more stressful, we started to move back into the fortress, the black rocks carrying us.
"Eugene?" Varian asks as we crawl closer to him.
Eugene stands up and glances at us, his face determined.
"It's gonna be ok guys," Eugene reaches his hands through the cage.
Varian and I grab hands, shuffling more to my side so I could grab Eugene's hand as well. Varian reached his arm out and grasp Eugene's hand tight.
"I promise." Eugene says.
We re-enter the fortress and I stare at Rapunzel.
She looks winded, exhausted almost. She was stuck on the side of the wall, spikes of black rocks keeping her in place.
"Welcome back lovebirds, Eugene, let me help you out." Cassandra gives a wicked smirk. With a thrust of her hands, black rocks emerge at an alarming rate through the ground.
The rocks surround Eugene and encase him chest to ankles.
Eugene's hands drop from ours.
"Eugene!" I exclaim.
"You may not want to fight me now, but will you fight me for him?" Cassandra's eyes widen manically, her hand clutching Eugene's jaw.
Rapunzel gasps.
"Let him go! Let them all go please Cass!" Rapunzel tries to free herself but to no avail.
Cassandra stares at a random piece of the wall for a second, her eyes darkening with delight.
"I almost forgot, I never gave you my present Eugene did I?" Cassandra smiles, her hair slightly rising as her hand turned into a fist.
The black rocks tighten around Eugene.
"Don't listen to her sunshine! Don't do anything she says!" Eugene strains.
"Rapunzel! We have the final incantation!" Varian reaches towards Rapunzel, raising the paper towards her. Pascal takes it from us and holds it out for Rapunzel to read.
"What incantation?" Cassandra whips her head around.
Rapunzel reads the incantation, her hair bursting into a bright yellow as it rose high up. Rapunzel frees herself from the black rocks with ease now, she was literally floating off the ground.
"Let them go." Rapunzel points to us and Eugene, her eyes glowing yellow.
Cassandra growls and starts throwing black rocks in the shape of spikes towards Rapunzel.
"I said, let them go!" Rapunzel's voice grows louder.
Her hands sparkle as she shoots out yellow streaks of light that cut through the rocks Cassandra through at her.
With all of this power surging throughout Rapunzel and Cassandra's fight, I felt something in me too.
Maybe I didn't need to wait for Cassandra to free us or Rapunzel to save us.
The moonstone is apart of me, I AM the heartstone which was made from half of the moonstone and half the sunstone. Maybe their powers surge through me like the heartstone IS me.
I breathe in deeply, focusing on my cuffs first.
I remember the moon incantation, and every single one Varian and I practiced so hard to memorize.
"Crescent high above," I whisper.
The black rocks that were my cuffs began to softly glow a bright blue.
"Evolving as you go," I continued to speak.
"Sweetheart?" Varian asks curiously.
"Raise what lies beneath, and let the darkness grow." I finish, my eyes glimmering light blue as the cuffs shatter.
Varian gasps.
"Of course! The sunstone and moonstone created you, they're apart of you! Of course you'd have their powers as well!" Varian laughs with glee, his laugh turning into a yelp as a crash sounds behind us.
I stare at my hands, this amount of power...
I had to use it well.
"This means I can help, Rapunzel isn't using her powers to her true potential. She doesn't wanna hurt Cassandra, I can see it." I point at Rapunzel. Varian follows my gaze and sees it too.
Rapunzel's hands were held closer to her body, she was on the defensive. Her face was a deep frown and her eyes were shifting from her regular green eyes back to the glowing yellow eyes.
I touch the black rocks around our cage and with one grunt I break them into bits.
"Amazing." Varian whispers.
I blush at his statement.
"Stay by Eugene ok? I'm gonna help Rapunzel. Fight fire with fire you could say." I smile at him, running to Rapunzel's aid.
"Y/n! Get away from here, you're gonna get hurt!" Rapunzel sends a small streak of light my way.
I dodge it with a black rock coming to my aid, Rapunzel gasps as she slices through a black rock from Cassandra.
"I'll explain later, right now you need to use your powers to your full potential! Stop holding back, she isn't your Cassandra anymore! At least not right now!" I yell up at her.
Rapunzel closes her eyes tightly, her hands thrusting out full force as she opened them again.
I'm thrown back, I couldn't help any more than I've already have. These powers were new, I need to learn control...again. Forget fighting fire with fire, now I just needed to help Eugene.
I look behind me and the black rocks encasing Eugene were broken off by the brute force of Cassandra and Rapunzel fighting full force.
Eugene was holding onto a black rock, Varian holding his hand.
"Eugene..." Varian strained, his grip loosening.
"Hang in there kid." Eugene trained also.
I crawl my way over to them, dodging the black rock debris as they flew over my head.
Varian's hand lost it's grip, he flew over the side.
"Varian!" Eugene and I yelled at the same time.
The yellow and blue lights behind us disappeared, letting me know the fighting stopped.
"Go help Rapunzel! I'm gonna save Varian!" I yelled as I ran passed Eugene.
I leap off tower.
I thrust my hands forward then behind me in a swimming-like motion.
I grab Varian's hand.
"Hold on!" I warn.
I close my eyes and hold my other hand out as it cackled light blue electricity.
A black rock emerged from the ground, forming a slide from the looks of it.
Varian grabs my waist and holds me bridal style as we fall into the slide.
We scream as we get launched again and land in- Lance's arms?
Varian and I are still screaming even as Lance shushes us soothingly.
I crack open an eye and shake Varian.
"It's Lance!" I tell him.
Varian opens his eyes and nearly tears up.
"Lance!" Varian sighs with relief.
"Told you guys I'd find them!" Lance nods at Angry and red while hugging us both.
He lets us down and Varian tackles me in another hug.
"I am so glad that's over." Varian sighs into my neck.
"You and me both." I breathe out a shaky breath.
Everything around me started to sprinkle with black dots.
"I think I'm about to pass out Var." I say drunkly, my knees buckling from under me.
"Y/n?" Varian picks my up bridal style again.
"I...hate having...powers..." I groan, my eyes shutting.
Last thing I heard before I passed out was Lance calling my name, Red and Angry asking what was wrong, and the sound of Varian kissing my forehead before nothing at all.

This was a REALLY long chapter, I apologize but I also don't because we learn some new things this chapter! Like Y/n's multiple powersssss!
Hope you enjoyed!
Please let me know if I made any mistakes!
Have a blessed day/morning/night!<3

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