Chapter 17: The Apology

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Thanks for over 600 reads everyone! That means so much to me, as always! Seeing people read Mae Mae and I's book and heck- even enjoying it LOL.

It had been a few days since Varian and I's trip into the multiverse.
We decided not to think too much on the physics or the how and why of our extravaganza, poor Varian had a mini crisis with his whole "everything has a scientific explanation." Yeah, he had a whole hour of solitude to process it all-
It's been about a week or so in total since Varian and I had left the castle too, I almost wondered if Frederic even cared that I not only broke out but fled with the most wanted "criminal" in all of Corona.
A little part of me wanted to cry over the fact that Eugene hasn't mentioned once about Frederic changing his mind during our conversations in his daily visits, the other was relieved in a way.
I got to spend all my time with Varian.
"Varian, could you pass me the salt? It's on the kitchen table." I yelled from the kitchen.
Since Varian's own expedition to retrieve his old lab equipment, he has since then spent most of his time outside.
Which I didn't mind, it was an excuse to keep the door open which allowed fresh air to fully embellish the place.
"Sure sweetheart!" Varian called back.
I couldn't help but always blush when he called me that name, it was endearing, it warmed my stone heart every time.
Varian passed me the salt and kissed my forehead.
"Thanks hon." I smiled, mixing the pasta in the pot.
With all this free time now, I developed a hobby of cooking. Today I was making Fettuccine Alfredo, looked simple enough.
"Don't walk back out that door! Lunch is ready!" I called to Varian before he got lost in his experiments.
For the past two days, Varian had been studying the black rocks. He was so determined to free his father, it ached my heart how stressed he always looked when one of his experiments went wrong.
I would try to help, but Mr. "I can do everything by myself!" would push me away before I could.
"Smells amazing, but I'll join you in just a sec-!"
"Nuh uh, you are gonna sit your butt down, and enjoy this meal instead." I pointed my wooden spoon at him in warning.
Varian raised his hands up in defeat, chuckling lightly at my eagerness to get him to relax.
I pour the pasta into two bowls, setting them down in front of Varian and I's seats.
I then pour two glasses of water, grabbing us both forks while I was at it.
"How are your experiments coming along?" I made conversation, taking a bite out of the food.
"They're going...ok I guess. What I'm trying to figure out now is what element in my solution caused the reaction with the rock in the first place, or what mix of elements? Then I have to figure out what could counter those elements, try and find a way to either melt the amber or something.'s all very complicated." Varian groaned, laying his head on the table.
I ran my hand through his hair in affection.
"I'm always here to help." I replied in a sing-song voice.
"No, no, it's fine, I got this! I can figure this out on my own." Varian assured, lifting his head back up and taking a big bite from his food.
"You don't have to though." I mumbled, playing with my food.
Before Varian could respond though a knock came at the door.
"Sorry, I would just walk in but that seemed rude." Eugene smiled, taking a step in.
"Hey Eugene, tell me you have some positive news? Maybe about a certain someone?" I held my fingers together in high expectations.
"No, sorry, but I do have a few visitors." Eugene smiled, showing Arianna and Rapunzel.
"Guys!" I beamed, disregarding what I said to Eugene before about not telling them.
I didn't realize how much I had missed them until now.
"Hey sis." Rapunzel sighed in happiness, taking me in both her arms and stroking my head.
"I'm surprised we were even worried, this place looks rather nice." Arianna spoke to Varian.
"Took us awhile, but we found a way to make it home." Varian replied, smiling.
"Where's Frederic, Cassandra? I asked, a little panicked.
"He's on a trip, Cassandra's with her dad right now. Dad hasn't budged with your rebellious stand, in fact, there's a few guards on the look for you right now... and Varian." Rapunzel put a hand to her forehead, ashamed.
"So nothing huh? No sign of him reconsidering?" I frowned.
Arianna shook her head. "Sorry love." She replied.
"It's okay though, I'm sure he'll change his mind eventually." Varian tried to comfort.
"Yeah, eventually." I shrugged my shoulders.
Then I started to perk up.
"Lemme show you two around the house! Eugene, Varian and I touched it up all by ourselves!" I started to smile, taking Arianna and Rapunzel's hands into mine.

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