Chapter 15: Redecorate

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Thank you guys for over 300 reads! You have no idea how much this means to Mae Mae and I, we think it's mind blowing how many reads this fic has already gotten and it's all thanks to y'all.
Btw, I found this edit on YouTube the other day, cutest frickin thing I have ever seen in awhile LOL.
Thanks again! Enjoy!<3

The sound of birds chirping woke me up the next morning.
I turned to my side and saw Varian still asleep, this time, I was able to fully admire him.
His freckles, his buck teeth, he was finally free and he was finally mine.
I brushed the hair away from him face.
"Morning Varian." I whispered, yawning.
I turned over to my side, about to get up but was blocked.
"Oh, morning Eugene- EUGENE?!" I jumped, accidentally elbowing Varian in the face.
Varian bolted awake, scaring Ruddiger who fell off the bed.
"I'M AWAKE!" Varian exclaimed, rubbing his nose.
I pushed Eugene off the bed and pulled the curtains away, allowing light to finally shine in on the room.
"Eugene, what in the blazes are you doing here?!" I demanded.
"Well, I wanted to wake up before the entire castle did and help y'all clean up then return without anybody noticing I was gone. I placed the cleaning supplies down and went to wake you two up, but you both looked so cozy in that old bed of yours, and it was still early so I decided to sleep in too." Eugene said innocently.
I was about to clobber Eugene but Varian put a loving hand on my shoulder.
"We appreciate the help, don't we Y/n?" Varian warned.
I breathed in a deep sigh, remembering that the two of them could still feel my emotions.
"Yes, yes we do." I sarcastically smiled.
Eugene smiled in victory, got up from the floor I pushed him on, and started to head downstairs.
"Well c'mon, we got some cleaning to do!" Eugene exclaimed, grabbing a broom from the downstairs.
Eugene really thought of everything from vases to cooking supplies.
"You didn't have to bring all of this!" I smiled, looking at all of the things Varian and I could use to make this cabin more homey.
"Oh yes I did, and look what I found in Blondie's room last night!" Eugene snickered, pulling out the painting Rapunzel made of Varian and I dancing in our imaginary ball.
I covered my face as a blush flared across my cheeks. Varian walked closer to the painting and stifled a laugh.
"Rapunzel painted this? When?" Varian chuckled, taking the painting in his.
"The day after you and Eugene tried to prank me with that spicy chili." I teased back.
"Oh heh, that day." Varian blushed in embarrassment and bashfulness, remembering the events that followed after that incident.
"Cue the montage!" Eugene announced.

~One Amazing Montage Later~

"No speck of dust in sight, bed sheets hanging outside to be dried, and decorations are all up. Gentlemen, I'd say we did ourselves a great job." I smiled, looking around the cabin.
The painting Rapunzel painted was hung above the bookshelf in Varian and I's room, Eugene brought some throw pillows for the couch, a few vases to compliment Varian and I's bedside tables, and another vase in the middle of the small, round kitchen table.
There was even ingredients for Varian and I to make foods on our own, Eugene even bought a cookbook from the market before arriving.
"Now all we need to do is pick some flowers." Varian smiled.
"Oh yeah! I'm pretty sure there's a meadow somewhere." I raised a finger to my chin, in thought.
"I saw one on my way here, I'll show y'all, c'mon!" Eugene smiled, holding open the door for us. Which we also fixed, might I add.
I was the last one out, I placed one foot out the door before I stopped.
I could feel a pulse of emotion, but none coming from Eugene or Varian.
Wind blew in my face from the outside, I suddenly felt as if somebody was...watching me.
I stared at the floor of the porch that led into the cabin, trying to place that emotional pulse.
It felt not angry nor sad, it felt sneaky? Amused even. I couldn't quite place where it was coming from-
"Y/n, are you coming?" Varian asked, holding his hand out for me with a warm smile.
I shake my head, it was probably nothing.
I took his hand and returned his charming smile.
"Yes I am." I replied, closing the door with my other hand. I kept Varian's hand tightly around mine, I didn't want to let him go.
(As Y/n walks away, the wind blows a soft breeze through the grass. Somehow making the grass give out the sound of a music box. A familiar end of a tune in music box form could be heard if you listened hard enough. "Some bots are just distractions, some bots are just gold.")

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