Chapter 18: 8 Months Later

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I'm fast forwarding this because this is already becoming a really long book but there's still more to cover, more fluff, more angst to unpack, you get the idea.

After Varian and I moved into the castle, me moving back and Varian moving in, things only started going downhill from there.
Rapunzel, Eugene and Cassandra, and this new guy named Lance went on a quest to find the infamous moonstone, my other half basically.
They wanted to uncover the secret of the rocks and Rapunzel's powers. They asked us to join them, especially considering this could help unlock the secret to my powers too.
But I didn't really care about that stuff.
I wanted to help free Quirin, to grow my relationship with Varian and rekindle my relationship with Frederic.
They left a few weeks after Varian and I returned. They followed the path the black rocks made for Rapunzel the day of Varian's attack from months ago.
But then Varian started to get obsessive.
He would only spend time in his room which he turned into a full blown laboratory.
The only time he would go outside of his room would be to experiment on the rocks.
He even stopped making my potions for my power.
I had to bring food to him, I had to make the conversation with him, I had to remind him to go to bed! Everything started to feel one-sided.
I wanted to understand, I did understand!
If I had lost Rapunzel, or Arianna and Frederic, Eugene, Cassandra and especially Varian...
I would have done anything to get them back too.
But this was starting to cross a bunch of lines.
Varian even stopped going to his therapy sessions! He was starting to look and act mentally unwell.
His face ghostly pale, deep and dark circles under his eyes, his eyes themselves were bloodshot, I had to do something!
Then we got into a fight...

"Hey Varian, I got you some tea, how are you doing?" I asked, letting myself into his room.
Varian only hummed in response, his face glued to the papers on his desk.
There were books sprawled all around his room, papers filled with notes scattered everywhere on his desk.
I could hear him mumbling to himself, he sounded almost insane. His lips moving rapidly but no sound was escaping them, my concern was only growing more intense.
"Varian?" I asked, walking closer to him, tea tray in hand.
"Ugh, these aren't adding up!" Varian groaned with frustration, either having not have heard me or just plain ignoring me.
"Varian." I said more sternly, trying to get his attention.
I heard Varian make a grunt which only fueled my growing anger.
"Varian!" I said flatly, slamming the tray of tea on top of his desk.
"Y/n! You could have spilled tea all over the research!" Varian snapped.
"Hey, you're the one who was ignoring me, I'm only trying to help!" I argued back.
"I don't need your help, now leave me alone!" Varian yelled.
"There you go again "Mr. Fix it"! Well guess what? This is obviously something you can't do alone!" I shouted, my fists planted firmly at my sides.
Varian abruptly got up from his seat, making me take a few steps back in caution.
"What? You don't believe in me now? Is that it? What I'm doing is pathetic and pointless?" Varian challenged.
"I'm not saying that at all! BUT LOOK WHAT IT'S DOING TO YOU! You're not eating right, you're not sleeping well, you never hang out with me anymore! Heck- you don't even call me sweetheart anymore! This is becoming obsessive!" I yelled in his face, enunciating the word "obsessive" to get the message across.
"I'm not being obsessive, I'm just trying to get my father back! Something you may not understand in the parental department, I mean you are just a stone." Varian sneered.
That stung, like a poison darted arrow shot straight through my heart.
"You're acting like a real villain, you know. You aren't my Varian, you're the Varian from the snow storm." I spat back, tears now falling down my face.
Varian's eye twitched, instead of talking back, he grabbed a bag and shoved everything he had into it.
"I don't need this right now, bye Y/n." Varian muttered, walking away.
"There you go again, walking away instead of accepting help from the people who care about you the most." I seethed.
Varian only stopped for a moment, his hand lingering on the wall.
"I'll tell you when I find them then." Varian said, leaving.
"YOU'RE BEING IRRATIONAL!" I shouted after him, stomping the floor in frustration.
My knees buckled and I fell to the floor, my hands rubbing at my face and my eyes to stop the ever flowing tears.
This was toxic...

"Y/n" Frederic asked, snapping me out of the constant replay of that moment in my mind.
"Sorry, yes?" I replied, looking up from my cold food.
Frederic gave Arianna a knowing look.
"You're crying again." Arianna pointed out sympathetically.
I put a finger to my cheek and what do you know? My finger tips were wet, I quickly wiped my face as if that would erase what my parents saw.
"I don't think he's coming back Y/n, it's been months." Frederic sympathized, reaching across the table and squeezing my hand.
"I-I know, I just wish we didn't end...the way we did." I grimaced at the thought.
Suddenly, a crash came from outside.
Yelling could be heard from the inside of the castle and the outside.
"We gotta go." Frederic announced, grabbing Arianna's hands as we all bolted from the dining hall.
"What's happening?" I asked.
"Castle is under attack, we'll seek refuge in the panic room, and let the guards handle it." Frederic explained, grabbing my hand as well while he led the way.
"But who could be attacking?!" I questioned, panic rising to my chest.
"Y/n I know you're stressed, but please, try to calm down." Arianna cringed, rubbing at her heart.
"Right, sorry." I said, taking a deep breath in.
Suddenly, laughter echoed through the hallway.
But not the happy, hearty laugh. It was dark, and evil...and familiar.
"I wish I could make this reunion more touching, but what's the point?" A voice asked, still hidden in the shadows.
"I really hope you're joking!" I shouted around the hall, my breaths coming out sharp and ragged from the panic.
"As hilarious as your expression is, nothing about this is funny." The voice sneered, revealing himself.
"Varian." I breathed.
I instinctively started to run over to him, only to stop after remembering what happened between us.
My knees buckled beneath me but I stood strong...
At least for the next 10 seconds.
I took a good look at him, his face, his hair, his clothes, his eyes. He was a villain all over again, history really did repeat itself.
"I- you- you're-." I tried to speak, but specks and stars started to cloud my vision, then nothing at all.

~sometime later~

I woke up in a cold sweat, hyperventilating as the memories of the previous events replayed over and over in my head.
I finally realized where I was too, I was in a prison cell, specifically, Varian's.
"So you're finally awake." A voice stated.
Suddenly, memories of being chained up in Varian's lab came back to me too.
I couldn't slow down my breathing, I couldn't calm down.
Was I having a panic attack? I remember not  liking those either.
I could feel Varian's breath hitch, he must've felt my panic too, but chose to hide it.
Suddenly, something else burned in my heart, anger.
"Are. You. KIDDING ME?!" I yelled, standing up and clutching the bars beneath my grip.
"No? Why would I ever kid about something like this?" Varian sarcastically asked, putting a hand to his heart, smirking.
"What happened to you? Why didn't you come back home? Back to me?!" I demanded, tears already threatening to fall down my face.
Varian faltered for a moment, but didn't back down.
"The Saporians are my home now, they're actually gonna help me save my father and make everyone forget." Varian walked towards me, putting his hands on the bars that kept me from strangling him.
"Saporians? Forget? What are you on about?!" I asked, confused. 
Varian just rolled his eyes at me.
"You won't even remember by the time I'm through with you. Once Rapunzel get's here, the plan will have already been put into action." Varian replied.
I reached out to cup his face, but he flinched away.
This was all too familiar.
"You know what? Fine. I've always been the one to chase you down anyways, I'm growing tired. I'm done, I give up." I spat at him, shoving myself away from the bars and laying on the bench in the cell.
Varian sharply inhaled, folding his arms and turning away, only to chuckle moments after.
"Don't worry, sweetheart, you'll forget all about this soon enough." Varian smirked, pointing out the hot air balloon from outside.
A sinking feel was felt around my entire body, I didn't like how he called me that anymore. It didn't sound right, it didn't feel right. It felt more like an insult than a nickname, and that's what hurt the most.
I glanced back behind me and immediately recognized the balloon.
What was a few seconds of hope turned into horror as I realized what was about to happen.
Rapunzel was about to walk right into a trap, and I couldn't do anything to convince Varian otherwise or to save my sister.
I was useless.

Boom! I would've made this chapter longer, but then that would lead me into giving Varian his second redemption along with all of this madness in one chapter which made me feel like I would have rushed this.
This book is slowly coming to an end!
We'll be going through a few season three episodes, along with a few filler chapters and of course the final villain!
Hope you enjoyed!
Please let me know if I made any mistakes!
Have a blessed day/morning/night!<3

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