Chapter 25: The End? Part 2

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I could see Rapunzel's mind was somewhere else as she looked around the room we stumbled upon.
It was Cassandra's old room...of course it was.
I could hear Rapunzel try to soften her sniffles as she picked up every object around the room.
Every piece of clothing, every picture Rapunzel had painted for Cassandra, I saw how lightly Rapunzel grazed her fingers across the rim of Cassandra's bed.
"Rapunzel..." I opened my arms out for her.
She gladly took them and softly cried.
"I'm sorry, I know Cassandra deserves punishment once we finish this. But it's been so hard to see her like this. I just want my friend back." Rapunzel cried.
"I know exactly how you feel, and we will get her back. But actions must have consequences. As future Queen of Corona, you can't play favorites, it's not fair." I wiped the tears from her eyes.
"I know." Rapunzel tried to give a small smile.
"We should go, healing starts now, yeah?" I place both hands on her shoulders, smiling.
Rapunzel breathes in deeply and wipes the last tear from her eye.
"Yeah, let's go." Rapunzel walks ahead and opens the door for me.
I was a little nervous we'd bump into Zhan Tiri again, I know I shouldn't be, I should be brave and help my sister save our Kingdom, but they're a powerful force. A force that will stop at nothing to get what it wants.
Then I felt something wrong, or rather...what I didn't feel.
"Something's wrong." I whisper.
Rapunzel turns around and stares at me, she kneels down to my level.
"What is it?" Rapunzel whispers back.
"It's Varian, I can't feel him anymore," My eyebrows press together in concentration.
"I can't feel any of them anymore...just Eugene and his dad." My voice sounds shaky.
Rapunzel's head darts to a candle that just burnt out.
"Cassandra?" Rapunzel stands up, looking over to the hallway we were about to pass through.
"It's funny really, I look at you Rapunzel and I see someone who would understand what it's like to be taken for granted. Yet, here we are." Cassandra stalks closer, moving the black rocks out of her way.
"Who said I never did?! Cassandra, let me help you! We could have figured this out together long ago, yet, here we are." Rapunzel shot back, her voice pleading.
"Says the person who told Varian to encase me in Amber!" Cassandra takes a threatening step forward.
"You know that wasn't my plan! You also know that this isn't what you really want! This isn't really you!" Rapunzel walked closer.
"Isn't really me? Don't you get it? You don't get to decide which path I take any more, I DO!" Cassandra and Rapunzel circled dangerously close to one another.
I stood in the back ground, observing. As soon as Cassandra and Rapunzel got too close, I could see both the moon and sunstone cackle in a way, their stones lightly producing static and electricity.
I started to get concerned when as soon as the stones started to feel attracted to one another, my stone started to glow through my chest, which only happened when I sang incantations or used my powers.
I was not using my powers.
My wondering thoughts snapped back to reality when Rapunzel spoke again.
"So this is it then? This is your path? This is who you are now? Because I think Zhan Tiri has you wrapped around their little finger and clouding your mind with hate and anger." Rapunzel spun around, a few strands of her hair sparkling with a golden yellow.
"Stop putting words in my mouth!" Cassandra stepped towards, small black rocks flowing from her foot.
"I know what I want, and what I want is for you to feel what it's like to fall short despite your best efforts, to feel what it's like to know that no matter what you do, it's never enough. I want you and the rest of the world to know that I come second to no one." Cassandra pulled her sword out, small black rocks surrounding Cassandra.
My eyes glowed a faded pink as I reached into Cassandra's soul, it was hard to see past all of the anger and hate, but as soon as I got past that wall, I saw the smallest bit of conflict in her soul.
Rapunzel was right, Cassandra had conflict in her heart, just not as big as Rapunzel thought.
"And you," Cassandra pointed her sword at me.
"Need to stay out of it." Cassandra thrusted her sword forward, black rocks flying in my direction.
I raised my hands up, more black rocks shooting from the ground, except this time, to protect me.
"W-what?" Cassandra faltered for a second.
"Part moonstone, remember?" I smirked, whispering the last word.
Cassandra groaned in frustration as her angered gaze looked back on Rapunzel.
"Doesn't matter! This is between me and you." Cassandra pointed at Rapunzel.
"Cassandra! Let's just end this. I know that somewhere in the back of your mind, you know that you're playing right into Zhan Tiri's plan." Rapunzel crossed her arms.
"They've been taken care of! Now, give me the sunstone!" Cassandra pointed her sword at the sunstone, at Rapunzel's heart.
"I've tried being nice, I've tried to understand you Cass. But I'm warning you right now, I am prepared to do anything to protect this Kingdom. Even if it means stopping you." Rapunzel let her hair down, her eyes and hair glowing that same, beautiful golden yellow.
I could see Cassandra's smirk widen as they went at it with each other.
I wasn't exactly sure what to do, should I help Rapunzel? Stay back and wait for the fight to be over?
Then I started to feel pain, bad pain in my chest...where the heartstone is.
My guess was that by both the moon and sunstone being together, it was triggering my heartstone to react in the worst way possible.
My eyes started to squint from the pain, I tried taking deep breaths but that did little to almost nothing.
Then I saw Rapunzel and Cassandra burst through the wall on the side.
"Rapunzel!" I tried yelling out, but my voice came out soft and weak.
Why was this happening?! It almost felt like the time I first used the second incantation...
I slowly walk over to the hole in the wall only to see the two throwing pots at each other.
What was even happening?
I heard them conversing but it came out as a ringing, fuzzy sound.
I smacked the side of my head as if that would do anything, and when my eyes felt strong enough to fully open, I saw Rapunzel encased in black rocks.
I weakly held my hand out, I could see cracks slowly making their ways through the black rock.
"Uh uh, you're going over there!" Cassandra held her hand out, smooth, flat black rocks moving me and holding me up against the wall.
I felt too weak to do anything, and my hands were held firmly against my sides.
I was useless. And I felt too weak to use my primary powers.
"C'mon, you and I have a date with destiny." Cassandra started to take Rapunzel away.
"Rapunzel!" I softly yelled for her.
"Y/n! It's going to be ok, I'll be back for you in a minute!" Rapunzel yelled behind her as they were taken away.
What do I do now?!
I sleepily blinked my eyes and shook my head back and forth to wake me up.
I didn't know what was happening to me. All I knew was that I had to get out of here and fast.
I groaned as I tried snaking my arms free from the black rocks.
When I got one arm free, I grazed it across the black rocks.
Where ever my hand grazed over, cracks shining blue followed until eventually, the black rocks cracked.
I fell to the ground and started to take deep breaths.
My more concrete theory on why I was feeling weak was that by the two stones being so close together, it ignited their halves that made up me, which resulted in the increase of power, which is too much for my physical body.
Suddenly, I actually felt an increase in power.
What was happening up there?
I crawled over to the broken window and saw the moon completely over the sun, I felt blue electricity pulse through me as black rocks surrounded me.
The sunstone was useless under the moon now.
I had to get up there and help Rapunzel.
Breathing rapidly, I slowly get up, wobbling as I made my way towards the entrance where Cassandra took Rapunzel in the first place.
They were all the way on the top floor again.
I groaned as I made a staircase of black rocks appear before me, my energy slowly returning with each step I took.
"Help Rapunzel, Find Varian, Save the world. Help Rapunzel, Find Varian, Save the world." I repeated to myself as I trudged up the stairs.
As I took the final step upstairs, I felt pulses, multiple pulses.
My eyes glowed pink as I reached out towards those pulses.
"Varian." I breathed.
He was okay!
That alone, gave me the energy I needed to make my way towards Cassandra and Rapunzel.
Rapunzel was stuck between a bunch of rocks and Cassandra was looking down on her, spatting things about power and destiny.
How could I help? Oh right.
I saw Cassandra lift her hand up and take Rapunzel's sunstone.
If Cassandra took it in her grasp, I'd be weak again, and who knows what would happen to Rapunzel!
I had to help out fast.
I lifted the rocks that Cassandra had over Rapunzel, but Rapunzel just flopped to the ground, weak.
Then I noticed Zhan Tiri sneaking up on Cassandra.
"Cassandra!" I yelled out, surprising myself.
But I was too late, Zhan Tiri jumped on Cassandra, clawing at the moonstone.
The sunstone fell from Cassandra's clutches, I ran towards the sunstone but I fell to the ground.
Half of me was dying.
"Y/n!" Rapunzel weakly tried to reach out for me.
I started to cough as I clawed at the ground, trying to reach one of my lifelines.
I looked over and Zhan Tiri had the moonstone. They were gonna go for the sunstone next!
I clawed at the ground faster, only to look up and see Zhan Tiri looking down on me pitifully.
"Too late child." They smiled down on me evilly.
"Finally, they're mine!" Zhan Tiri cheered, taking the sunstone.
Blue and yellow electricity pulsed through me as my energy varied from weak to strong.
My lifelines were back, but they were in the wrong hands.
"I'd like to thank all of you for helping me receive what rightfully belong to me." Zhan Tiri bowed down to all of us individually.
I looked around and saw Rapunzel shakily trying to get up, and Cassandra on her knees looking down.
"As for you my pretty, you now belong to me as well. The final piece to my beautiful puzzle." Zhan Tiri smiled down on me.
The two stones ride up Zhan Tiri's arms and into her eyes, one glowing yellow and the other blue.
"W-what do you mean?!" I coughed once again.
"You are mine!" Zhan Tiri's eyes glowed brighter.
They lifted me up into the air, I started to choke as my coughs worsened.
"Y/n!" I heard Rapunzel yell.
I could feel thumps coming from my chest, she was taking the heartstone from me.
If she succeeds, then...well... I'll be...dead.
I could feel the life draining from me, my powers fading away from my hands, my eyes glowed pink as my hair lifted up.
I could hear the faded yells of Rapunzel, I wanted to reach out and do something but I was useless, I couldn't do anything.
Internally though, I decided to reach out one last time.
I could feel my self floating almost, flying over every soul I could feel until I found Varian's.
He felt warm and cozy, I could picture his toothy smile in my mind and his electric blue eyes smiling at me.
At least I got to see him one final time, and not as a villain no, but as a redeemed, bright individual whom I love dearly.
The pain in my chest was growing worse and worse, I started to scream from the pain until eventually, I saw darkness.
And no electric blue light was going to bring me back this time.

Thanks for reading!
Sorry this wasn't more Varian filled! Next chapter will be, I promise!!!
Final chapter will be posted soon!
Have a blessed day/morning/night<3

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